
  • I dunno about all of you , but I have to say we are a pretty good looking group of single people.. :glasses:
  • WheyStrong
    WheyStrong Posts: 71 Member
    No idea lol
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    school + work = single for me

  • Single lady here!!

    Having a glass of wine tomorrow night with one of my single lady best friends for v-day!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    There's a singles group with about 900 people in it... feel free to join!
  • poochen
    poochen Posts: 4 Member
    hey it is not selfish to focus on yourself ! don't apologise for it. You are better off without that boyfriend for sure.
    Get yourself fit and healthy for you because you want to and you will feel great. Sure you will then find someone who deserves you
  • Single and keeping busy with work and school. Not really looking but not opposed to a being in a relationship either. After all they say it comes along when you are not looking for it and least expecting it!
  • yep im single!
  • JustFloorIt
    JustFloorIt Posts: 19 Member
    Single here. Itd be nice to talk to some ladies on this site, because most of you all seem really down to earth:) Add me as a friend, and lets chat
  • school + work = single for me

    I know that me too..
  • sarafused
    sarafused Posts: 2 Member
    Sorry to be a little cheeky sticking my nose in as Im married.

    But here in Finland Valentines day is Friends day. Its just a day to let your friends know you care about them which I think is much nicer.

    So Happy Friends Day!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Happily single. I'm not totally opposed to having an SO again someday, but am very much enjoying the freedom I have right now. I have great kids, plenty of family and lots of friends. There is love in my life.

    Valentine's Day is a day to make treats for my kids and a few special friends in the area. And then really, it's just another beautiful day.

    It probably does help that I am busy enough that there is no time to dwell on it, but for now I can't imagine it being any other way. Friends, though, are always welcome. Nice to meet you all!
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    single like a dolla ;)
  • Single here... I recently beat cancer and my girlfriend decided the fight was too hard for her.
  • school + work = single for me

    Story of my life as well!!!
    me too...and add 3 kids into the equation too... lol
  • Single here... I recently beat cancer and my girlfriend decided the fight was too hard for her.
    well done! :-)
  • vanilakitten
    vanilakitten Posts: 66 Member
    Single. And lovin it! Although extra mushy couple all over the place annoy me. haha

    Working on myself (health, career, masters) and in time the right person will come :)
  • Single and love it, especially since the last couple of girls I had started dating became proper bunny boiler nutjobs, so must have a habit of attracting the crazies!!! :D

    Still great to be on the lookout, you never know what might happen! :)
  • Single here... I recently beat cancer and my girlfriend decided the fight was too hard for her.

    Stuck with my late fiance till he passed away from diabetes, some just aren't selfless enough.

    Single, but I enjoy it most days. I wouldn't mind meeting a great guy, I just hate sorting through the losers to find one. Working overtime most weeks doesn't make the search easy either. :tongue:
  • Single here... I recently beat cancer and my girlfriend decided the fight was too hard for her.

    Congrats on beating cancer. =) & Sorry to hear about your gf leaving you. that sucks. =(