What next after reaching goal weight?

Hello! I'm 5 lbs from my goal weight. At that point, my BMI would be in the middle of the normal range. I'm male. My current exercise regimen is 2 days a week of doing pure cardio (elliptical) and 2 days a week doing strength training.

My next goal is to get rid of the remaining belly fat that I have and start building muscle. In a few years, I would like to be totally ripped and even have a six pack. :smile:

How do I go about doing that as far as setting up My Fitness Pal? Should I set it up so that I'm just maintaining my weight? Or wil I actually need to set it up for weight gain (i.e. calorie excess) so my body will actually allow me to build muscle?

My second question is will I actually lose my belly fat if I'm not setting up My Fitness Pal for a calorie deficit?

Finally, do you have any recommendations about diet and exercise? Should I significantly reduce my cardio and increase my strength training exercises?


  • PeeTeePee
    PeeTeePee Posts: 235 Member

    I'm in a similar position (7lbs to go), although not so fussed about a six-pack (I'm almost 60 years old!). Would be interested in tips for maintaining and toning though.
  • millarabello
    Hi! Congratulations! Well, I would say that if you still have belly fat then you need to burn more in cardio. However you can go start increasing your weights, decreasing your repetitions in order to grow some muscle mass. The classical diet in this case, is to gear up on proteins! Good luck!