HRM and Calories Burned

I just bought a Polar F7 the other day and used it for the first time yesterday. I read the directions, made sure to wet the chest strap, double checked all my information was correct. I did circuits (alternating treadmill and weights) for 1 hr and 20 mins and my HRM said I burned 855 calories. I feel like this is very high, but it was the first time I did this work out so maybe my body was just "shocked" into burning more calories because it wasn't my normal cardio workout? I'm 5'6, 166, and 26 years old. Any idea if there was something I did wrong, or do you think this could be correct?


  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I think that could be correct. I generally do cardio for 40 minutes and then do some strength training for 20 minutes and I burn anywhere from 550-600 calories doing that according to my HRM (which is lower than the arc trainer says I have burned).
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I just bought a Polar F7 the other day and used it for the first time yesterday. I read the directions, made sure to wet the chest strap, double checked all my information was correct. I did circuits (alternating treadmill and weights) for 1 hr and 20 mins and my HRM said I burned 855 calories. I feel like this is very high, but it was the first time I did this work out so maybe my body was just "shocked" into burning more calories because it wasn't my normal cardio workout? I'm 5'6, 166, and 26 years old. Any idea if there was something I did wrong, or do you think this could be correct?

    80 minutes of exercise such as you undertook for that amount of calories sounds correct to me.

    Providing you input your weight, sex, height etc in all correctly, I would enjoy that burn lol.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    Sounds right to me.
  • ezramedic
    I would say correct.
    I'm 27, 5"7 and 174lb and I burn between 800 and 900 cals in an hour at the gym, doing cardio.
  • 2012x
    2012x Posts: 149 Member
    sounds good & correct.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I agree that it's likely pretty close to reality. What was your average and max heart rates?
  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    What was your highest and average heart rate for that workout? My heart rate goes pretty high when I run, so I personally would probably burn that much if I was running constantly.

    I got my polar FT7 yesterday and wore it on my cycle ride home, which is 30 mins, and I burned 300 calories. I think that is probably right for me, as my heart rate goes high when doing cardio. This is a little bit higher than what MFP was estimating for me. Just to be sure, I've starting take off 50 calories from what I log per 30-45 min workout. So instead of logging 300, I logged 250. Just to be on the safe side.
  • ljbennett1
    ljbennett1 Posts: 10 Member
    Great! Thank you so much everyone! I will for sure enjoy knowing I burned that many calories!
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I have a polar FT7, so would say it sounds about right.

    I would use it a few more times to see if you get similar readings
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    I just bought a Polar F7 the other day and used it for the first time yesterday. I read the directions, made sure to wet the chest strap, double checked all my information was correct. I did circuits (alternating treadmill and weights) for 1 hr and 20 mins and my HRM said I burned 855 calories. I feel like this is very high, but it was the first time I did this work out so maybe my body was just "shocked" into burning more calories because it wasn't my normal cardio workout? I'm 5'6, 166, and 26 years old. Any idea if there was something I did wrong, or do you think this could be correct?
    that tells me your not working out hard enough or there is a lot of standing around between sets, if you are working out at your high zone you should be burning 1200 calories or more in that time frame. yes if your average heart rate was about 125, 855 calories sounds about right.
  • ljbennett1
    ljbennett1 Posts: 10 Member
    I think my max heart rate was around 190 (yikes, I know) and low was around 120 or so (during warm up and cool down)? Average was around 165 I believe. I would need to double check those numbers once I get home.
  • karenlesley47
    karenlesley47 Posts: 36 Member
    I just bought a Polar F7 the other day and used it for the first time yesterday. I read the directions, made sure to wet the chest strap, double checked all my information was correct. I did circuits (alternating treadmill and weights) for 1 hr and 20 mins and my HRM said I burned 855 calories. I feel like this is very high, but it was the first time I did this work out so maybe my body was just "shocked" into burning more calories because it wasn't my normal cardio workout? I'm 5'6, 166, and 26 years old. Any idea if there was something I did wrong, or do you think this could be correct?

    Same version as mine & calories sound about right, if you go into the data files it will also tell you how much of that was spent actually fat burning :flowerforyou: ]

  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    It sounds pretty accurate to me. That works out to a little less than 11 cals per minute, which most people can burn just jumping rope...great burn :flowerforyou:
  • ljbennett1
    ljbennett1 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks all! I appreciate the feedback :smile:
  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    I think my max heart rate was around 190 (yikes, I know) and low was around 120 or so (during warm up and cool down)? Average was around 165 I believe. I would need to double check those numbers once I get home.

    I just put your details in this calculator:

    Which came up with 876 for 80 minutes based on an averge of 165, your age and weight. So that all sounds right. I can get up to 190 (and even up to 195) when running. I've got a friend who works realyl hard and is very fit but struggled to get above 150, so count yourself lucky!
  • kasicrawford
    Mine also goes to 190 doing cardio! I had to up my HR in the settings to 195. It was set at 185 and I was going over that so it told me I burned more than I was. That is just my understanding of how it works...???
  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    I have a Polar FT7 also and that calorie burn sounds about right for your size.

    When exercising I usually adjust my HRM reading by subtracting the calories I would have burned in that time frame if I had sat on the couch and done nothing. Usually it's about 80 cal/hour ....that way I get calories burned purely due to exercise. But the fact that you already log on the lower and "safe" side is probably enough of an adjustment :)
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I would say correct.
    I'm 27, 5"7 and 174lb and I burn between 800 and 900 cals in an hour at the gym, doing cardio.

    is that with a HRM? seems high for 60 minutes unless it was really super intense
  • butlersoft
    butlersoft Posts: 219 Member
    It depends on your workrate but yes - as everybody else has said - it sounds about right....

    My resting heart rate is around 70 ... and when I hit the treadmill at 10-11kph my heartrate will hit around 145. Short bursts of 13-14kph (sprint for somebody of my size at 255Ib) takes me to around 155.

    I have a Polar F60 and usually work out in the gym until I've done a good 1,000 calorie burn (which takes anything from just over an hour to an hour and a half). The more cardio I do, the quicker I'll burn the calories (alternating treadmill / cross trainer and wave) ... whereas weights / strengthening typically won't raise the heart rate to the same levels / for the same periods of time and will thus take me longer....

    The most common way to record you "max heartrate" is substract your age from 220.

    At 40 years of age, I'd therefore calculate 220-40 = 180bpm

    When I'm working at 144 on the treadill - I'm "zoning" at 80% (144/180)*100 and this is typically my average zone on a workout when I take sprints and weights into account.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I just bought a Polar F7 the other day and used it for the first time yesterday. I read the directions, made sure to wet the chest strap, double checked all my information was correct. I did circuits (alternating treadmill and weights) for 1 hr and 20 mins and my HRM said I burned 855 calories. I feel like this is very high, but it was the first time I did this work out so maybe my body was just "shocked" into burning more calories because it wasn't my normal cardio workout? I'm 5'6, 166, and 26 years old. Any idea if there was something I did wrong, or do you think this could be correct?
    that tells me your not working out hard enough or there is a lot of standing around between sets, if you are working out at your high zone you should be burning 1200 calories or more in that time frame. yes if your average heart rate was about 125, 855 calories sounds about right.

    I have to disagree with your assessment that she's can't be working out that hard or is standing around. In 40 minutes of cardio, I burn approximately 400-450 calories. During that time, my heart rate is running anywhere between 155 and 185 depending on the intensity, so it probably averages 170 or so. She is burning almost 900 calories which is on average for what I am burning. The only big differences between her and me is that I am 45 years old and weigh 159.