I am soooo confused!!! to eat or not to eat???

can ya'll please look at my food diary and see what I should be doing....number #1, i cut out all dr pepper except one in the am and one at night....BIG change for me....I am just confused on whether or not I should eat the calories I have left or leave them be....I have gotten mixed answers on this and I am just really curious what the majority of you think..I dont even know what calories consumed, versus excercise calories given back, and left over calories all means....help please?? LOL


  • alexbelly
    alexbelly Posts: 277 Member
    Listen to your body and eat if your hungry or don't if you're not. Just keep in mind that to push beyond your limits during workouts you need the energy you get from a balance of carbs and protein.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Wel there's only one day and that's difficult to judge. I'm going to assume that's a typical day and comment accordingly.

    You are under eating. Not by a lot but your body needs to net 1200 calories a day. If you're exercising them eat them back to at least that number. By under eating you are slowing your metabolism.

    The obvious place to get those calories is breakfast. You've done a great job cutting back but one Dr Pepper for breakfast is not enough. If you struggle to have breakfast have one piece of toast. You can build on that and it seems like nothing.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    If losing, you want to make sure you are getting enough protein and fat. A good guideline I recommend Is 1g protein and .35g fat for every lb of body weight. Keep in mind MFP protein settings are low. Once you have met these goals you could stop eating or eat the rest of your calories with anything you want.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    You're undereating. It will only slow down your progress. Under 1200 is okay now and then, but don't make a habit out of it without doctors supervision.

    Remember your body is very good at trying to survive. The more you make it think you're starving to death, the more it will adjust it's metabolic balancing systems to hang on to that precious energy you've got locked up in fatty tissue.

    If MFP has you set as low as 1200 calories, I'd say definitely eat most of your exercise cals back.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,247 Member
    Eat. Those who say, "Listen to your body." forget that most of us are overweight because the hungry/full signals from our bodies are messed up. That means at least for probably 6 month to a year you need to use your higher functions, that is your brain, to make the decisions concerning eating. You have a calorie goal to meet given here for when you don't exercise at all. When you exercise that goal will go up so that your calorie deficit remains a moderate deficit rather than a huge one since a huge deficit would be counter productive both for fat loss and for maintaining once you get to your goal. Use your brain and eat those calories in healthy vitamin and mineral rich foods, your body needs them.
  • NicoleElen
    NicoleElen Posts: 86 Member
    Wel there's only one day and that's difficult to judge. I'm going to assume that's a typical day and comment accordingly.

    You are under eating. Not by a lot but your body needs to net 1200 calories a day. If you're exercising them eat them back to at least that number. By under eating you are slowing your metabolism.

    The obvious place to get those calories is breakfast. You've done a great job cutting back but one Dr Pepper for breakfast is not enough. If you struggle to have breakfast have one piece of toast. You can build on that and it seems like nothing.

    ^^^^^ This. Coming from a former DP addict, I understand, but if you are going to have a DP (which is FINE by the way), you should not only have that for breakfast. Try to eat some fruit or toast as well. Undereating will only hurt you in the long run. I learned that the hard way.
  • AvsFreak
    AvsFreak Posts: 152 Member
    I never count exercise into my daily totals. I set a calorie goal and try to hit my macros every day. Any calories burned from exercise is just a bonus.

    Protein and fat will help you feel full longer than carbohydrates, so I would suggest nuts, cottage cheese, greek yogurt or something of the sort as a snack rather than a Dr Pepper. Make sure you are getting enough protein. As others have said, 1gram per pound of lean body mass.

    PS. What's wrong with diet Dr Pepper? You can drink those all day and not feel guilty at all...
  • tammylisious
    you sound like me.lol
    i was wondering the same thing. but if you feel hungry eat more.... i started to eat more fruit.. and pounds are falling off.
  • steve007red
    You need to eat those calories you got left within reason ! if you fall short by 50 or so that don't matter but to sustain it long term you need to eat them : ) hope this helps ! GOOD LUCK :smile:
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Listen to your body and eat if your hungry or don't if you're not. Just keep in mind that to push beyond your limits during workouts you need the energy you get from a balance of carbs and protein.
    I agree...if you're hungry, you can eat some of them but if not, I'd leave them.
  • bethanylaugh
    Worst case scenario, you shouldn't be eating less than 1200 calories a day without a doctor's supervision... especially if you're exercising! you'll get more out of your work outs anyways if you have the food energy.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    ^^^^^ This. Coming from a former DP addict, I understand, but if you are going to have a DP (which is FINE by the way)...

    Hah, I was skim reading the thread and I missed that you gyus were talking about Dr Pepper. I had to do a double take at that. Yep, mind in the gutter... :noway: :happy:
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    Wel there's only one day and that's difficult to judge. I'm going to assume that's a typical day and comment accordingly.

    You are under eating. Not by a lot but your body needs to net 1200 calories a day. If you're exercising them eat them back to at least that number. By under eating you are slowing your metabolism.

    The obvious place to get those calories is breakfast. You've done a great job cutting back but one Dr Pepper for breakfast is not enough. If you struggle to have breakfast have one piece of toast. You can build on that and it seems like nothing.

    ok question about the 1200 cals bit. If you are set to 1200 cals and eat under mfp tells you, you've eaten too little.... but when you have exercised and still don't hit a 1200 net it doesn't say anything about eating too little? why is that????
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    PS. What's wrong with diet Dr Pepper? You can drink those all day and not feel guilty at all...

    I used to do that. Not a good idea.

    They replace the sugar in regular drinks with sodium and the artificial sweeteners can make you crave carbs.

    Also I'm fairly sure the aspartame was giving me headaches and muscle tremors.
  • sjrtoliver

    PS. What's wrong with diet Dr Pepper? You can drink those all day and not feel guilty at all...

    I gave up my dr pepper too and would rather not drink dr pepper than diet dr pepper.. it just tastes like aspartame... just saying :) It's hard to give up your daily dose of caffeine, I lost 7 pounds just by switching from dr pepper to water.. and i haven't had one in 2 months! anyway, i would say make up the calories in healthy foods like fruits/veggies or yogurt... I have the same problem right now with having days that are way under and days that are way over.. just takes some time to find a balance, i've only been at it for a month... good luck!
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    I would also suggest getting a food scale so you can weigh your portions before cooking, especially the meat. "One chop" isn't very precise, and the calories could be way off.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Congrats on giving up the Dr. Pepper! That's huge!

    I'm one of those that says eat if you're hungry. If you're not sure you're hungry, drink a glass of water first. Learn to listen to those subtle cues that you've ignored all these years! (Me too, I'm trying very hard to not clean my plate and to eat when I'm hungry and not at specified meal times!) And after the water, you're still not sure, look to your motivations. Are you trying to soothe an emotion or hid from one? Are you really hungry, or is it that you think you should be? It's not easy, but the better you get at this, the healthier you will be!
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Your body will let you know if you need the extra fuel - as long as you strive to intake the minimum of 1200 (I can hear the controversy on that, lol)
  • Mike3374
    My experience with weight watchers taught me that I need to eat 5-6 small meals a day. Before, I would skip breakfast and eat a big lunch and dinner. I learned that smaller balanced meals through out the day really help keep your enternal furnace lit. For breakfast I like a lite english muffin with a low fat cream cheese spread and a hardboilded egg. You can take half the yoke out. This gets me off to a good start for the day. I try to have 2-3 small snacks through out the day which include fiber, fruit, or nuts. For lunch and dinner I try to keep it at or around 400 calories each. If your really hungry at night and need a snack the 100 calorie snacks, like popcorn work good. You can find a huge variety of 100 calorie snacks at the store. I find by sticking to this plan I hardly ever feel hungry. It's also really important to watch your sugar. Too much sugar can stall your weight loss goals.