What are the lifestyle changes you made?

So I started my weight loss program about 3 weeks ago.
My new lifestyle includes:
- Drinking 10 glasses of water each day
- Drinking at least one green or oolong tea each day
- Doing at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week
- Eating between 1300 and 1500 calories each day
- Making myself a lunch for work instead of buying one
- Getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night
- Try to be more happy and less angry, let go of the little things

I haven't lost any weight yet, but I feel a whole lot better with myself.

What are the lifestyle changes you made? Are they helping? How is your mood now? Are there some changes you wish to make?

Please share!

Inspire me!


  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    So I started my weight loss program about 3 weeks ago.
    My new lifestyle includes:
    - Drinking 10 glasses of water each day
    - Drinking at least one green or oolong tea each day
    - Doing at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week
    - Eating between 1300 and 1500 calories each day
    - Making myself a lunch for work instead of buying one
    - Getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night
    - Try to be more happy and less angry, let go of the little things

    I haven't lost any weight yet, but I feel a whole lot better with myself.

    What are the lifestyle changes you made? Are they helping? How is your mood now? Are there some changes you wish to make?

    Please share!

    Inspire me!

    your list + more fiber
  • wrecked_willow
    So I started my weight loss program about 3 weeks ago.
    My new lifestyle includes:
    - Drinking 10 glasses of water each day
    - Drinking at least one green or oolong tea each day
    - Doing at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week
    - Eating between 1300 and 1500 calories each day
    - Making myself a lunch for work instead of buying one
    - Getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night
    - Try to be more happy and less angry, let go of the little things

    I haven't lost any weight yet, but I feel a whole lot better with myself.

    What are the lifestyle changes you made? Are they helping? How is your mood now? Are there some changes you wish to make?

    Please share!

    Inspire me!

    your list + more fiber

    What are the effects of more fiber?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I started doing Zumba 5-6 times per week, and some light calesthenics on my work breaks. I'm now adding some free step with a weighted vest and dumbell work as well.

    The only diet change I made was to limit to 1/2 bottle of wine per night on (most) weekdays. And I seem to have unintentionally developed an addiction to cocoa roast almonds.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Fiber = Regularity, lower bad cholesterol...

    More regular exercise is the biggest change I have made.
    Second biggest change - limit the fast food to 1 or 2 times a month.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I've always been a BIG water drinker, so that wasn't really a change but, here are my major changes:

    -making sure I eat a small meal/snack every 2-3 hours so I'm hungry in between
    -balancing my protein/sugar/carbs so that I'm not overloading on one versus the other
    -committing to exercise 5-6 days a week
    - cutting back on alcohol

    that last one makes me sound like a lush or something, but instead of having a few drinks Friday and Saturday night, plus drinking when we go out or watch sports or something, I stick to a glass of red wine, and if I'm going out I alternate my cocktails (usually vodka and soda) with water. Drinking is SUCH a big part of social outings (especially when you're in your 20s) it's hard to just not drink at all when we have dinner with friends, or go watch a basketball game or something.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Since I started a couple years ago, I've made quite few changes:

    Regular exercise - 30-60 minutes at least 4 times per week, try to do 6 or 7 days if there's time

    Plan - pack my breakfast and lunch and snacks and try to plan meals for the week so the temptation to get fast food and take-out is diminished. I'll still have take-out once a week (and even fast food once in a great while) but my choices and/or portion sizes have greatly improved. Most days I'm able to track my food at the beginning of the day and may only add/change a few things depending on how the day goes.

    Ingredients and portions of home cooked meals have also improved. I try to reduce the amount of carbs (pasta/rice) and red meats (especially fatty cuts) and increase the amount of veggies. Regardless of what I make, I take a smaller portion than I used to and don't eat until I'm stuffed like I used to.

    Alcohol - personal choice but I don't care to drink my calories (it's a waste IMHO since they're not filling) so I limit my intake to special occassions

    Cravings - find the best way to satiate them. If I'm really wanting some chocolate, I'll have some but will only have a little bit or find something comparable like a yummy Fiber Plus snack bar or Balance protein bar. I've found if I don't go ahead and eat what I want, I'll end up munching on whatever I can get my hands on and still won't be satisfied and I end up going over my calories either way in the end.

    And of course consistently tracking food and exercise - can't know what's impacting your results if you don't keep some sort of journal.
    Best of luck!

    ETA: almost forgot one of the most impotant changing - eat breakfast! I used to skip this meal thinking it would save calories but in reality I'd end up being more hungry than I should be after lunch and I'd snack all afternoon. Now I eat breakfst, a pre-workout snack mid-morning, lunch, an afternoon snack and then dinner.

    Also, more lean protein, more healthy fats - both help keep you full longer so you're not tempted to snack on bad stuff to keep your hunger at bay and/or energy level up.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    So I started my weight loss program about 3 weeks ago.
    My new lifestyle includes:
    - Drinking 10 glasses of water each day
    - Drinking at least one green or oolong tea each day
    - Doing at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week
    - Eating between 1300 and 1500 calories each day
    - Making myself a lunch for work instead of buying one
    - Getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night
    - Try to be more happy and less angry, let go of the little things

    I haven't lost any weight yet, but I feel a whole lot better with myself.

    What are the lifestyle changes you made? Are they helping? How is your mood now? Are there some changes you wish to make?

    Please share!

    Inspire me!

    your list + more fiber

    What are the effects of more fiber?

    Keeps you full longer and helps to regulate your digestive system :)
  • jcearth
    jcearth Posts: 46 Member
    Then: Out of breath walking up a flight of stairs.

    Now: Going to run a marathon this spring.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I basically make sure I balance out my calorie average for the week, every week. If it means on Friday, or Saturday, I have to exercise a thousand calories off, or go easy on eating, I do it. Most of the time I actually have calories left to splurge. I eat what I want to, but I didn't until I had the majority of my weight off - I was very strict with myself.

    Other rules:

    Exercise five times a week no matter what, even if I have to travel for work.
    Drink 50 ounces of water daily and make up 50 more ounces in other beverages.
    Eat a high protein diet with moderate carbs.
    Record every single calorie that crosses my lips, because it paints the REAL picture at the end of the week.
  • shawnp80134
    Without a doubt... recording my meals!! that alone made me change so many other aspects.
  • worldgirl28
    (1) Counting my calories, sodium, fiber, protein, and fat via MFP
    (2) Exercising daily for at least 20 minutes
    (3) Taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator
    (4) Walking around my office at least once every 30 minutes
    (5) Taking a multivitamin and Hair, Skin & Nails supplements (they really work for me!)
    (6) Making and bringing my own lunch and breakfast to work

    Making and bringing my own breakfast and lunch has made the biggest difference! I used to be a big fan of drive-thru breakfasts and take away lunches but having my own food has helped so much!
  • wrecked_willow
    Oh and I forgot, some of you have mentionned it, I try to eat a lot of lean protein and less carbs :)
    And keep track of food and exercise on MFP, of course ;)
  • DonnaAltott
    I think those are great improvements. The only thing i have started as of 1/1/12 is:

    1. Gave up 8 diet cokes a day
    2.Started working out with a trainer for 4 days a week for an hour and 3 days doing an hour of cardio
    3. Gave up Fried foods (popeyes was my favorite)
    4. Trying to give up carbs but thats a tough one when i love french bread
    5. Eating greek yogurt ( my trainer said that they are the best for you, and have at least 2 a day withing 30 minutes of waking up)
    6. Starting to take Vitamin D and Vitamin B

    I feel pretty good, after all i use to fall asleep after wheel of fortune and now i can make it to after the news at 10
  • OceansForever
    OceansForever Posts: 221 Member
    - I changed from Vegetarian to Vegan (no added oils or sugar) and very balanced
    - Stopped drinking coffee and switched to green tea
    - no more wine for me at nights (which wasn't as hard as I had expected once I had to log the calories - haha)
    - walk every day about 40 min (have to build up slowly to running again)
    - eating about 1200 calories plus whatever I have "earned" from exercise but usually stay just a little below :)
    - planning meals ahead
    - pre-pack snacks, so I don't over eat
    - eat very regularly; about every 2 - 3 hours
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Pretty much all things you said, Less processed food-Most important change--

    WEIGHTS!!! Lifting weights has changed my body and It is part of my lifestyle! I used to lift here and there, So that was my biggest change-regular weights/strength/tone/sculpt.:-)
  • alsamar
    alsamar Posts: 3 Member
    -drink only water or unsweetened green tea (no soda or juice)
    -no processed foods (only fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean meats like chicken and fish, rarely red meat)
    -prepare all foods in their most natural form, with only olive oil and no salt
    -no white starches at all, get most of carbs from vegetables themselves
    -substitute lettuce for bread to hold sandwiches together
  • wrecked_willow
    I think those are great improvements. The only thing i have started as of 1/1/12 is:

    1. Gave up 8 diet cokes a day
    2.Started working out with a trainer for 4 days a week for an hour and 3 days doing an hour of cardio
    3. Gave up Fried foods (popeyes was my favorite)
    4. Trying to give up carbs but thats a tough one when i love french bread
    5. Eating greek yogurt ( my trainer said that they are the best for you, and have at least 2 a day withing 30 minutes of waking up)
    6. Starting to take Vitamin D and Vitamin B

    I feel pretty good, after all i use to fall asleep after wheel of fortune and now i can make it to after the news at 10

    Wow! Congrats for giving up those 8 cokes :) Popeyes is SO good! I live in Quebec and we don't have it here, but i have it once a year when I drive back for New Jersey and stop near NYC! Greek yogurt is so good, and yes it's really good for you because most of them are 0% fat and have A LOT of protein. Good job!
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    -Counting calories
    -Working out with a personal trainer 3 times a week
    -Adding more cardio
    -Eating much fewer processed carbs and more lean protein like turkey and chicken
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    The biggest is learning portion size and control. That was a huge wake up call. Second biggest is drinking lots and lots of water - I am convinced now it is a MUST for effective weight loss. Oh! Also, waking up before work to get to the gym is a major one.

    Now if only I could get my sleeping habits on track, I'd be golden! Right now, I'm lucky if I get 6 hours. :grumble:
  • darylinny
    - Either bringing breakfast or lunch (or both) to work at least 3 times a week
    - Staying within my daily calorie alottment
    - Eating correct portion sizes
    - Added a ton of water
    - Increased daily cardio to hit the 60 minute recommendation on MFP
    - Snack portion control!!!! - stopped mindlessly eating in front of the TV
    - Added more weights to my training sessions
    - Increased the frequency of my personal training sessions
    - Reduced the amount of meat I eat (fish and chicken for at least one meal)
    - Increased my protein intake
    - Started making my own recovery shakes for calorie control
    - Mapping out my food and snacks for the day
    - Actively build a support system at work, the gym and at home
    - Release stress at the gym (pounding on something makes me feel better) instead of holding on to it

    I'm sure I'm missing some other stuff....