Qustion about working out and having a cold

I cant wait to get back to the gym. I got sick two weeks in a row and been trying to stay in bed to recover. Do you think working out while I'm sick is a bad idea? I mean, of course, not at the gym (i don't want to get other people sick), but going and walking for an hour? Or do you think I should be resting until I am better and then just hit the gym back up?


  • cwalters1540
    cwalters1540 Posts: 39 Member
    I think that as long as you don't have a fever then a walk might do you some good. I know that when I completely stop any form of exercise for more than a week then I just can't get motivated to start again. Even if a short walk is a lot less intensive then what you've been doing it'll help get you back in the swing of things. Just don't push yourself since you're still not 100%.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I have had a head cold this past week, only took one day off from the gym because I needed a rest day anyway.

    Unless I am puking, dead or injured, I exercise ! If I don't, I will start going back to the way I was.
  • SmudgerSmithRhino
    I've always being told that if you are sick from the neck up then it is OK to exercise. But if you are sick from the neck down then it is best to avoid exercise.
  • morthon
    morthon Posts: 9
    I have an awful cold and workout about 6 days a week. I did a workout yesterday but woke up feeling really bunged up this morning and couldnt face a workout ... I feel sluggish and guilty not working out but just dont have the energy - dont know if its mental or physical or both but reading up on whats the right thing to do and found this article

    "according to a CNN medical expert, people with colds should begin working out at 50 percent intensity. If symptoms improve in the first five to ten minutes, you can gradually increase the length and effort up to about 80 percent of your normal workouts. On the other hand, if your symptoms do not improve, you should only engage in mild-to-moderate exercise such as brisk walking. And remember, overdoing it with heavy and intense exercise may actually reduce your immune system function and prevent you from getting better!

    So I will consider today my "usual rest" day and will get back on the wagon hopefully tomorrow, just at a lower intensity :) good luck x