wondering what it takes to loose weight????....jeees....i consumed 1848 calories yesterday, the site says my goal should be 2290 and i think i actually gained....i can maintain my weight eating the bad stuff i used to SMH!!!


  • first off you shouldnt weigh yourself every day, you can gain and lose weight daily. I stick to under 1800 calories and lose about 2lbs a week, it all depends on your height and weight. Also eating 1848 calories of high fatty foods is not the same as eating 1848 healthy calories. IT takes time, pick one day a week to weigh yourself or even every 2 weeks.
  • A lot of hard work and perseverance is the only answer.
    If you want to lose weight you need to cut your calories and increase your exercise. The main thing to remember is it takes time, there is no quick fix for losing weight, its a long haul decision and a lifestyle choice. Its taken me a year to lose 40lbs but its gone and hopefully gone for good if I continue to watch what i eat. iI would say 1600 - 1800 for a man losing weight is about the right goal to aim for. Although aim for high protein and less fat and carbs.
  • good advice, thanks guys.
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    For me it takes exercising AT LEAST 4 days a week, watching my fat intake, and I usually have to eat way more protein than what MFP recommends, while trying to stay under on carbs and fat.
  • I started the Couch to 5k and it took 4 weeks of diet and excersize for me to see any results. But when I did, it was enough to modivate me to do more.
  • i do try to stay under the nutrient limits as well, not just calories. sodium seems to be the thing that piles up quickly for me.
  • It's all about finding what works for you ... but when it clicks, it will motivate you to do that much more! Personally, I was working out too much and not eating enough. When I started eating more, the weight started coming off ... damn, who knew!? :laugh: :laugh:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I eat all the calories they give me but only eat 1/4 of my exercise calories. I also do cardio everyday for at least 60 minutes. I agree with not weighting yourself every day I only do it once a week. It's a journey don't get to frustrated keep your head up, you maybe losing inches not weight I also measure a new area every month. Didn't lose any weight last week but lost 2 inches from my waist.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    i do try to stay under the nutrient limits as well, not just calories. sodium seems to be the thing that piles up quickly for me.

    Same here ...find places were you can cut the sodium and try to drink more than 8 glasses of water if you are always over on sodium
  • I used to be frustrated, and had given up hope of ever being at my goal weight or even close. I started going to OA meetings.
    Overeaters Anonymous is awesome. I am losing weight very easily, and my food plan is so satisfying. I eat more calories that this site says I should, but keep losing weight because I am eating healthy foods. I bought a digital scale, and have a sponsor help me figure out amounts of each type of food I need to eat to have a well rounded food intake. I need to get more active, but still lose weight only walking my dogs for a half hour a day. Walking my dogs is not a high speed activity. They like to stop and smell the roses! Ha Ha! OA Meetings can be found on the internet. By the way, these meetings are for anorexics and bulimics as well.
    Anybody who wants to stop eating compulsively, which is most of us. We eat all the time, for every reason in the book.
    I had to lose weight to keep my knee from having to be replaced. This is a much better option.