
Anyone tried this with success/horror stories?


  • snlperdue93
    snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
    I have not tried it, but a guy that works with my husband started doing it 3 months ago to get ready to go into the Army. He lost 45 pounds in 3 months and looks great.
  • Driving_Miss_Daisy
    I am doing P90. X was to hard and I didn't even pass the beginer fitness test. From everyone I know that has done it, it worked out great.
  • I have....2 rounds of the X. I started my 1st round last summer. I lost a total of 30 lbs and saw my body change. I was stronger. I was leaner. I lost the weight doing the workouts alone. I never watched what i ate. So i can only imagine what it would be like if i actually cared to log food and focus for the whole 90 days. Anyway, i let myself go, gained the weight back which is what brought me to join MFP and start logging in my meals and workouts. Anyhow, i started back on p90x january 24th of 2012. I am starting my 1st recovery week tonight. I have stuck with logging in my food and workouts and i feel great. In fact, better than i expected. I have a long way to go but as they say in the workout dvd, " rome was not built in a day, neither was your body." I love the workouts. The strength and cardio routines are tough....but they aren't supposed to be easy otherwise everyone would do them. You'll need a pull up bar/chin up bar, dumbells and/or resistance bands. Anyhow, i highly recommend the workouts. I know what it did for me last summer. Now that i am paying close attention to my nutrition i know i will see even better results. Good luck if you give this a shot. I'll be glad to motivate along the way.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    many many post on this. I suggest a SEARCH on "P90X" , for lots of additional feedback.

    Its a popular program. :) Its also a hard one, but thats what gives the dramatic results. Thats what I personally want. If I am going to "work out" I want it to count, and produce visible results. Lifes to short to waste my valuable time for mediocre results..

    I personally like it, have done it complete 7 times (Classic and doubles), and am almost finished with P90X2. My husband also does it. It is a challenge everyday, which I need. I get bored fast otherwise, and stop do the workout then.

    Best results for me come when:

    - I measure inches, not just scale weight, often I lose inches, and tighten, but scale may not change. I want to look good dressed AND naked - thats where inch loss matters, much more then pound change.

    Measure from MANY body areas, every 30 days. Losing pounds may make you smaller, but losing inches, tightening and improving muscle makes you leaner and look better, and non flabby. You actually will rebuild your body, not just have a smaller version of the same thing.

    - I must have enough protein, to high fat loss slows, strength gains lag. 1 gram per lb of lean bodyweight is good.

    -lift heavy, low reps, men and women. I am for 6-8 reps generally, depending on move, never more then 12

    - eat enough calories, to low, and fat loss slows, strength gains slow, I do not do P90 food plan, just aim for the correct calorie level for me, with enough protein, eating foods me and my family like (I also have one freeday a week) THis is not a 1200 cal a day workout program. You will not see the improvement you can really get, if calories are to low.

    Have lost about 60 lbs overall, down to my goals size -even though scale weight is heavier then last time I was at this size (when I was 20 ish, I am 47 now)- I am much tighter, leaner, no jiggles. I can rock a bikini, and look pretty darn good. :)

    I personally like free weights better then bands. Better improvement overall for me. Buy a few at a time, as needed. Start with one or two pair and add on, or get a set of small plates, with two dumbell bars - this lets you build pairs of about 20lbs each of less (about $40)

    I love the pull up assist band from Beachbody, helped me really improve my pull ups overall - much better then using a chair assist. Finally up to three complete nice form full length pull-ups (yay a personal goal for me) But chair will work if thats all you have (with bar)

    Pull ups are good, don't skip them. Use an in door pull up bar if needed - about $40 at walmart. Won't damage door frame.

    Pushups are good, don't skip them. :)

    Keep doing it everyday - no matter how bad you are - you will get better. Do the best YOU can do, modify when you need to. After 90 days - you will see improvement, if you truly give your best, and watch calories, and macros.

    Its a commitment of 60 to 75 min a day. Longer if you do the full yoga DVD , or 90 min(I personally do not do yoga)
    And it is 90 days. long. Not everyone likes Tonys training style or humor. So he may or may not work well for you. I personally like him. (when I don't hate him for pushing me)

    Not everyone can, or is willing to a lot that type of time to a workout plan. So it depends on your goals, your needs, your desire, your lifestyle.