Does anyone have a fitbit connected to their MFP?

I just started using the fitbit and I really like it, but I'm set at 1200 calories and I'm not sure about utilizing the extra calories that I get from my fitbit information...

Any other fitbit users out there?


  • Yeah, I don't entirely trust the numbers either (mainly because I wake up in the morning, login to MFP, and already have a 300 calorie adjustment just from my sleep/walk to the computer?! I'm a super active sleeper?). Anecdotally, I typically think it's safe to eat about half of them back and still maintain weight loss. If I end up eating all of them back one day, I don't feel bad, because I know I was active throughout the day and probably needed them.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I just got mine today and I was wondering about the calories. Will the fitbit give you extra calories for your workouts? I have it set to lose 2lbs a week and it have me set to less than 900 calories I would pass out by my second day if I only ate 2000 calories a day.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    I have mine synched also. I think the calorie burn that is on fitbit when you wake up is based on your BMR. I have worn my fitbit when running with my Garmin and they are pretty close. I didn't feel the 1200 calories that MFP recommended for me was enough based on my activity level, so I did a search on "how many calories do I need" and changed my goal to 1300. Now when my fitbit and MFP synch....calories remaining are usually within 50 of each other.
  • I am curious about Fitbit. How do you sync the fitbit to your MFP account? Do you where the fitbit anywhere on your body?
  • girl_afraid82
    girl_afraid82 Posts: 178 Member
    I spent a while fiddling with the settings as I felt it was being way too generous with the calories!
    I originally had it set to lose 1lb a week (which SAID 1175 calories... I figured I'd just go over a bit) but in reality it turned that 1175 into hundreds more! I have a fairly sedentry lifestyle, it was just adding loads whenever I walked to the train station and back!

    I ended up altering the fitbit goal to be harder, so my calories dropped down a bit. Now I only seem to get an adjustment of 100 or so calories on a normal day, which I find okay.

    Also it's worth mentioning that fitbit calculates your calories by taking your BMR into account too. So you will often find in the morning you have burnt calories without even moving... that's just it's way of showing that you're alive :)
    The fitbit adjustment on MFP can alter throughout the day too, so be aware. If you're really active at one point it may give you a tonne of calories to eat... but it'll slowly take them away if you sit on your butt all evening. Learnt that one the hard way after I'd ate them all!
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I spent a while fiddling with the settings as I felt it was being way too generous with the calories!
    I originally had it set to lose 1lb a week (which SAID 1175 calories... I figured I'd just go over a bit) but in reality it turned that 1175 into hundreds more! I have a fairly sedentry lifestyle, it was just adding loads whenever I walked to the train station and back!

    I ended up altering the fitbit goal to be harder, so my calories dropped down a bit. Now I only seem to get an adjustment of 100 or so calories on a normal day, which I find okay.

    Also it's worth mentioning that fitbit calculates your calories by taking your BMR into account too. So you will often find in the morning you have burnt calories without even moving... that's just it's way of showing that you're alive :)
    The fitbit adjustment on MFP can alter throughout the day too, so be aware. If you're really active at one point it may give you a tonne of calories to eat... but it'll slowly take them away if you sit on your butt all evening. Learnt that one the hard way after I'd ate them all!
    Thanks for the info. That is what I was wondering.
  • kebuda
    kebuda Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks everyone for the good insight! I've adjusted my fitbit to add less calories and I'll stick to the 1200-1300 range.
  • I cant seem to get my fitbit to sync with myfitness i missing something?