Question about my diet

I have many people tell me that my weight loss plateau is probably due to my diet. I need to see if I am at the right calorie diet. I also need to see what things I should be eating and how I track my nutritional needs properly since I am new to all this.. I know that the MFP does it for me but with me being new to this I need to figure what foods I need to eat before I eat them and log them. I also am having a hard time meeting my caloric needs as it is, so if I take away foods and replace them with veggies then how will I be able to eat enough to meet my caloric needs. I'm struggling with this so much. Please help!


  • Skiergal2
    Skiergal2 Posts: 8 Member
    I try to eat some almonds or yogurt as a snack between meals. That helps me to get to my calorie count I need. Fruit is a plus too. High fibre bread is very filling too. My husband and I really like dark chocolate so if we have any calories left we like to have a small square as a treat.
  • randompatch
    randompatch Posts: 14 Member
    I hear that plateau's are most often the result of your metabolism stabilizing or getting used to your current diet. I listen to Fat-2-Fit radio and they would suggest going over your recommended caloric intake for a week and then going back to your reduced calorie plan. It seems weird to suggest, but that's what they would say.

    As far as meeting your current caloric goal, I eat a handful of nuts or some avocado when I need to add calories. You don't have to eat a lot to get a substantial amount of calories AND good-for-you fat, which most people cut out of their daily intake. In my opinion, cutting out any major food classification is a bad idea (fat-protein-carbs-etc). It's all about the moderation for me.

    good luck!
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    my weight loss plateau

    How much have you lost and how long have you been at your current weight?
    I need to see if I am at the right calorie diet.

    Without knowing your weight, height, activity level and even BF%, it's impossible for anyone to tell you your calorie needs.
    how I track my nutritional needs properly

    What do you mean by this?
    I take away foods and replace them with veggies then how will I be able to eat enough to meet my caloric needs

    Don't take them away? Just eat less of them!

    I looked at your diary too. It's inconsistent. You either are under 1200 net calories or don't log anything/don't finish logging. You HAVE to be consistent and accurate in your logging and meeting your goals for any real changes to take place!
  • sjwhite7
    sjwhite7 Posts: 86 Member
    I too eat the 100 calorie almonds as snacks. I haven't logged in a couple days because I'm just so confused and frustrated. I'm kind of wondering if my 1200 calorie diet is actually too low for my activity level. I work out 3-6 times a week. When I was on the 1600 calorie diet and exercising like this I lost 20lbs. Once I got to the weight I am now the MFP changed my calories to 1200. Is this the right amount of calories I need?
  • sjwhite7
    sjwhite7 Posts: 86 Member
    I am 31. I am 5'5 176lbs. I started at 206 then dropped to 196 which was my starting weight in Dec. when I starting wroking out and using MFP. Since then I have lost 20lbs. and have been at 176 for about 4 weeks.
  • Skiergal2
    Skiergal2 Posts: 8 Member
    I thought we were encouraged to put in our exercise and that increases our calorie count for the day. It sounds like you are not doing this. Do not give up, you have worked hard to get to where you are now. Hope you get some good suggestions to help you.
  • sjwhite7
    sjwhite7 Posts: 86 Member
    Yes I do calculate my exercise. I eat my calories back but it doen't seem to be working.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss! If you were losing before at 1600 calories, I would go back up. No need to fix what isn't broken! It's possible that you aren't eating enough now and your body is holding on to everything you give it. 1600 is definitely still a deficit (even at a sedentary activity level) just maybe not as much as before when you were 206 pounds. If you are really sedentary, maybe go a little lower, around 1450 or 1500. You can also try changing up your exercise routine. Include some strength training 2-3 days a week too. Good luck!
  • sjwhite7
    sjwhite7 Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks! Why did my caloric intake go down when I changed my weight on MFP if it shouldn't have? I just confused all over! I think Im so hung up on all this that I get overwhelmed and confused and frustrated. Im by no means giving up at all. I've come too far. But I am just wanting to do this the right way and a way that is really going to help me accomplish my goals. Where should I go for the info I need? What books or websites will help me? I need something very detailed and beneficial for me. Something for both fat loss and exercise. Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I too run into this at times. I did some reading up on the subject in the New Rules of Lifting for Women and finally the whole diet thing seemed to click. I'm going for 40 pro, 30 carb and 30 fat. So for the past two days I've really been working on getting the right foods into my system and I did find that snacks help a ton. Greek yogurt, nuts, protein shakes, etc.

    Do some homework and do some planning and take a good look at it and you'll come up with a plan I'm sure. Good luck. feel free to look at my diary.
  • AdrienneinTO
    AdrienneinTO Posts: 111 Member
    I am 31. I am 5'5 176lbs. I started at 206 then dropped to 196 which was my starting weight in Dec. when I starting wroking out and using MFP. Since then I have lost 20lbs. and have been at 176 for about 4 weeks.

    I'm 38, 5'5", started MFP at 164 lb, and am now 133 lb. I steadily lost slightly less than 1 lb per week, no plateaus. I've done this by exercising regularly and eating healthy food. I rarely ate less than 1500-1600 calories a day, mostly home-prepared food. Feel free to add me if you'd like suggestions.

    Successful long-term weight loss is a balancing act between:
    - not eating too many calories
    - eating enough calories to avoid slowing down your metabolism
    - exercising effectively so that you burn calories while building muscle and boosting your metabolism
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Thanks! Why did my caloric intake go down when I changed my weight on MFP if it shouldn't have? I just confused all over! I think Im so hung up on all this that I get overwhelmed and confused and frustrated. Im by no means giving up at all. I've come too far. But I am just wanting to do this the right way and a way that is really going to help me accomplish my goals. Where should I go for the info I need? What books or websites will help me? I need something very detailed and beneficial for me. Something for both fat loss and exercise. Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

    A calorie deficit is created by taking a person's TDEE and subtracting a certain amount. The less you weigh, the less your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) is. So a 200 pound person has a greater TDEE than a 175 pound person. To lose 1lb a week you need a 500 calorie deficit from you TDEE (1000 calorie deficit for 2lbs/wk). For example, someone who is 200lbs might have a TDEE of 2800--to lose 2lbs a week, they need to eat 1800 calories a day. They lose 25 pounds. Now their TDEE is 2450. To continue to lose 2lbs a week they now need to eat only 1450 calories a day. I think maybe MFP may have recalculated it for you...???

    ETA: TDEE can vary widely based on a person's activity level and body composition. The above is just an example.