New to MFP: I need to get back in the zone!

Hi Everyone!

I'm new to this group thought that surrounding myself with people going through the same battle would be helpful.

In a nutshell, I have always been a solid girl. I finally decided that it was time to get healthier and lose the extra pounds. In 2009, I started an amazing journey and lost 60lbs. I was finally below 200lbs...but not for long. I got to 192 and then started taking short-cuts, exercizing less frequently and basically fell off the wagon. Fast forward to 2012 and BAM!!! I am pretty much back where I started.

I need to get back into the zone, but am having trouble. Any ideas?



  • ctsmith
    ctsmith Posts: 79 Member
    Hi there I have been 'back in the zone' just since yesterday really and its a big thanks to this website and all my new 'friends'. I am loving the motivation and support I have done more in the last two days than in the last two weeks!! Please add me if you want I hope I'd be able to help encourage you!!!
  • DSofoklis
    Well, I'm not sure if I'm going to be helpful or not, but I will tell you this, your story is the same as mine!!!! After my second daughter was born I decided to loose weight and lost 40 lbs (still couldn't get under the 200 mark) That was in 2008 fast fwd, I gained 50 back. I think what did it for me was I'm tired of being fat!!! To struggle to get off the eat just get winded all too just stinks!!! To me, dieting is just noooo fun, but my kids are, and I want to be around for them!!!
    I wish you all the luck on your journey, as there are many people taking it with you, just know that you are not alone!! Just be honest with yourself and you can do it!!!!