Going Vegan for Lent

So I decided that I'm going to fast this year but do it much more than ever before. My mom goes vegan for the entire time and I want to do it too! Yet I am wondering how it will affect my body, will it help me shred fat, will it hurt me while I do insanity workouts, is it even possible to give up all that good food? Any ideas?


  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    It's definitely possible, I've got a vegan friend and a vegetarian one as well. It's not that it will help or hurt your weight lose, as long as you track calories. And you're going to have to find things to substitute your protein intake.
  • Ok thanks! I'm gonna do my research on all this stuff! Thanks for the support!
  • Hey there. I am vegan and doing insanity- it won't hurt you. Make sure to watch what you eat and that you're getting enough protein. I have to do a protein shake pretty often.. if you decide to do protein shakes make sure you don't get whey, stick with pea protein or rice protein... Whey has milk.

    Good luck!
  • does it help your energy levels or results or anything?
  • MelKut
    MelKut Posts: 167 Member
    I have strict rules in my religion during Lent, I HAVE to go vegan, and Monday-Friday I'm vegan W/O any oil/margarine. I am forced to eat more nuts, avocado, and this year I'm going to try coconut milk to get more fat in my diet in those days