Whats the most you ever weighed?



  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 142 Member
    143 this December I'm only 5' 1.5" so it's "overweight" for my smaller frame.

    I am down about 6lbs now... Working hard daily to drop.

    Finished 30DS and lost a collective 11" as a whole :)
    Doing the shred again back to back.. Maybe I'll drop 11 more inches?? LOL
  • I am also 5' and it is really hard to keep every pound from showing. I just hit 160 which is what made me look for something that would help me log my food and exercise. I have always been a gym rat but in the last 8 years I have had bad shoulders (irritated rotator cuffs from lifting weights) and haven't been able to be as fit as I want. I just turned 62 and I am trying to turn my life around by being fit again. So happy I found '"my fitness pal" and I think the community is going to be helpful since I retired 3 years ago and am missing my support system which were the teachers I worked with.

    My all time high was 164.5 right before I went on Phen-fen. I really loved Phen-fen and lost weight and felt great. Now I will have to do it all over again with common sense, calorie tracking, fitness and new friends.
  • 264.5
  • June 2011, 196 at 5'1. 21 years old.
  • binariiangel
    binariiangel Posts: 146 Member
    At my heaviest I was 286. I've still got a long way to go at 230, BUT even though my doctor is refusing to refill my Adipex, I'm not going to give up. Hopefully I'll still be able to keep my hunger in check, and continue to lose. I know it'll take even more hard work, but I'm not going back to that unhealthy life style, and I don't plan on stopping till I get where I wanna be.
  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    About 215. I got down to around 180 with diet and exercise a little over a year ago. I slacked off and got back up to around 200-205, but I'm currently working to get back down again. :)
  • I've been above 220, but have spent the last couple of years at 190. And I'd like to continue the progress I once started...
  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    190 or somewhere around there
  • July 2006, I weighed 304 lbs. when I started my fitness journey. I lost over 154 lbs in a year and half and kept it off to-date. I have gained about 35 lbs of muscle weight, but have started another journey to replace the large muscle mass with lean muscle. This to me will be harder than the fat loss and am having trouble getting motivated to change large muscle mass with lean.
  • You can do it!!!! A little at a time!!!!
  • 9 years ago >>>>>>>>>>200 pounds I was 25 years old and my blood pressure was out the roof............I knew it was time to get healthy!!!
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    Around 255 to 260 last summer! Lost a few pounds and then got serious and joined MFP late last September. I'm 171 today and am so much more healthy and happy with myself than I have ever been. Crazy how something as easy to understand as counting calories actually works :)
  • emilybeatrice1
    emilybeatrice1 Posts: 163 Member
    256 three years ago. I am now 175. i would love to be 150 by july
  • 208.....not that long ago.
  • carlos1989
    carlos1989 Posts: 74 Member
    254 lbs in 2010 and NEVER GOIN BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :smile: :drinker:
  • 293 while at the end of my pregnancy. 280 at the begining of this year. =(
  • JasonGinMI
    JasonGinMI Posts: 40 Member
    around 245 maybe more but i was afraid to weigh myself (5ft 11in) tall.
  • 205...with such shame!! But I did it to myself and I am now proud with my success!! I don't ever want to see that number again...never going back, always pushing forward..36lbs and counting:bigsmile:
  • arnoswife
    arnoswife Posts: 228 Member
    246 as of 06/06/11, lost 21 pounds, then started MFP, now at a loss of 90lbs total. Still have 33 lbs to go!
  • 281 after my daughter was born.... I now weigh 179, and counting down....