Exercise makes me tired!



  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I have actually fallen asleep during a morning workout, at least is was at home, during a high intensity workout video sat down to rest for a min during cool down, closed my eyes and woke up about 20 min later on the floor also done this during cool down in yoga.

    I don't do morning workouts anymore unless I get at least 8 hours of sleep. The right amount of sleep is the key for me.

    Wow, really? That is intense!
  • loseweightjames
    I wake up at 6 every morning, get the kids ready for school and at 8.30 - 8.45 I make my way down to the gym. I usually do either a spin class or weights and 20 minutes cardio. I will also be up to day 6 of my 30 day shred. The thing is as soon as i get home and have a shower, all i want to do is sleep! The rest of my day is carried out in a sluggish kind of way. I eat a good breakfast, porridge, milk and raisins one hour before working out and I always have a protein drink after my workout. Isn't exercise suppose to give me energy? I am in bed by 11 at the very latest so I get enough sleep at night?

    I'd eat after working out, I think it's the food that's making you sleepy not the workout....

    Oh you're only on day 6? Well that's why, first few days you'll be tired, but after you've done it for awhile you'll be able to run 3 miles at 9am and feel completely energized the rest of the day.
  • 30yearssincebikini
    I'm dead tired after work so working out at night is impossible. I get up at five thirty and am at the gym at six every morning. I am all energetic and gung ho until after I eat lunch, around 12. Then, I want to just drop. But I can't, because I am working! So when I get home, I am super tired and usually in bed by nine. But this works for me, I enjoy morning workouts. I just have to push myself through the after lunch tiredness.
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    I always hear "work out in the morning and you'll have so much energy all day." But for me, that is TOTALLY false. I typically work out after work around 6pm or so, and am able to get in a great burn and then go home, eat dinner, shower, and go to bed. I sleep like a rock.

    This morning, because I've got stuff going on after work, I went to the gym at 5am. I have been SO TIRED all freaking day. Plus, I didn't have as much energy for a good workout as I do in the evenings.

    I just think it's different for everyone. Some people are too amped up after a work out to sleep--not me. The key is just doing what works best for you!
    I'm the same way. I do my workouts after supper, once the kids are in bed, then when I'm done I have a bath or shower and go to bed!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    I can't see your food diary, but make sure that you're eating enough. People I've talked to that feel this way often feel 100 times better when they increase their calorie intake.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    You're not alone. Exercise makes me tired too. I usually just suck it up and do it anyway, because it's worth it.

    There are tons of people who want to say how awesome it makes them feel. It doesn't make me feel anything other than exhausted, but it does let me get away with more food choices, and I seem to find focus in my day that I wouldn't have otherwise.

    I think I also get sleepy during the day because my job is boring. I get 8 hours of sleep every night, and I eat well, so it's not any of those things.

    I'm also being treated for hypothyroidism, so maybe if you are really tired, you should get checked for that.
  • Laylasmommy8710
    i had the same problem and come to find out i wasnt getting enough protein. now i have grilled chicken on either a bed of couscous or brown rice twice a day. i love chicken so it doesnt bother me to eat it so often. also egg whites and yogurt are good sources of protein. couscous is good on protein too. so have your porridge and raisins and then eat egg whites or if youre not worried about the cholesterol eat the whole egg or you can get egg whites in a carton kinda like milk. getting more sleep may help too. ive been taking green tea pills and super b complex in the mornings so that may be something for you to look into. good luck!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    I wake up at 6 every morning, get the kids ready for school and at 8.30 - 8.45 I make my way down to the gym. I usually do either a spin class or weights and 20 minutes cardio. I will also be up to day 6 of my 30 day shred. The thing is as soon as i get home and have a shower, all i want to do is sleep! The rest of my day is carried out in a sluggish kind of way. I eat a good breakfast, porridge, milk and raisins one hour before working out and I always have a protein drink after my workout. Isn't exercise suppose to give me energy? I am in bed by 11 at the very latest so I get enough sleep at night?

    You aren't getting enough sleep! Here is my day:

    4:45 - awaken
    5:45 - breakfast
    6:30 - in the gym
    7:30 - recovery drink
    - continue my day
    8:00 - 9:00 - sleep

    If you'll notice I get at least 8 if not 9 hours of sleep a night. This is because I am slamming my body in the mornings. Sometimes your body needs more sleep to repair than you planned for. This is why we take days off. Our bodies can only take so much.
    this plus there is no way that I could get through a step class with oatmeal and raisins. protein shake or pb and eggs! and make sure you are eating enough during the day and watch the rest of your carbs at lunch also cuz that will make you sleepy also.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Are you sure your nutritional needs are being met? 10 bucks says you're undereating.

    double or nothing says she's not eating exercise calories.
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    I can tooooooooooootally relate. I hear the people who get up at 5am, 4am 6am and workout and i'm like, GTFO. Okay, I am a sleep-*kitten* and if there is one thing I value most in life, it's my sleep. I may love someone someday, and they me - but if they deprive me of my sleep (yes I am referring to what you think I may be) I will not be a happy camper.

    I find after workout - sure I feel great (an early one) but then 'Wall-Hit-Hard" and I need to SLEEP. But I never nap, like - ever. Maybe 4% of my entire life post-pre-school have I napped. Maybe my energy goes backwards, like 'ENERGY, ENERGY, SLEEP' not 'SLEEP, ENERGY, ENERGY'.

    My energy and motivation hits its peek say, noon-4/5pmish. Anything earlier...eh.. anything later and i'm just.. tired.

    Last week on Leg day, I was just...guh, dead. I did my squats, ext, etc etc - showered then I went for a nap at 5pm. For like an hour and a half. I do Back-Days on Sunday's and that is usually (aside from leg-day) the most intense and exhausting of exercises. I use to work Sunday's quarter after noon, so i'd be up say 8ish, eat, digest, workout and that would leave me xxx amount of time to shower then off to work - thing is, I started dreading the fatigue and I ended up going unavailable on Sunday's. So far I have been sleeping in like normal people SHOULD be able to do and feel great. I use to try the 6am running outdoors but i'd be so fracking tired I just.. couldn't think, couldn't give it my all.

    So yes, I think exercise can make you tired OR pre-exhaust you in a way that sleep deprivation had beforehand. They say some people aren't morning people and I can 100% attribute to that as fact. I. Am. Not. A. Morning. Person.
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    Its different for everyone. My cousin lives for those 5:30am workouts. Me...not so much! lol I do my exercise before lunch and then again after dinner. I always sleep soo well after a hard workout at night. Maybe up your protein too!
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I have the same problem - morning exercise means I don't do anything else all day because I am completely spent. I have been told that my issue is related to inefficient conversion of calories to energy - related to insulin issues stemming from my PCOS. Solution for me is just to exercise at night.

    I am hoping that this will improve as I continue to get healthier.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Morning exercise works really well for me, but we're all different so you're going to have to experiment to see what is best for you.
    It sounds to me as though you aren't getting enough sleep - try going to bed at 9.30 for a few weeks and see if this makes a difference.
    And, are you eating enough? If you're exercising hard and not taking in enough energy (calories) that could be the cause of your lack of energy.