Not new here, but looking for more supportive friends

This site is so great, isn't it. I'm always on the lookout for more friends, who want to join in on this journey to feeling healthy and looking great. I'm a 35 year old Canadian Mom to one amazing boy :) Add me if you like.


  • healthylife_tx
    Hi there. I'm not the best at coming here all the time for interaction b/c I'm in school full time & have a family too, but I do try to get on here at least once every other day for things other than logging food & exercise. I'll add you as a friend. :-)
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 538 Member
    Oh...sorry. I thought it said new Frinds...nevermind. :tongue:
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm a 27 year old Canadian (mom-to-be) who can always use a supportive MFP buddy :)
  • shari66
    Hi, I had some good success with mfp about ayear and a half ago...but have noticed that things are getting a little out of control lately. So, I'm back, getting control before it gets too far! Would love to find some new friends! Good luck to all with your goals! Shari