


  • greenblood55252
    Im determined to lose on this program and have been quite successful although my posted numbers dont reflect my actual weight loss. When I first started I was drinking on average a quart of rum....with 7 Up...every 2 days......TONS of calories.....Ive cut that into less than half and use calorie free flavored water as my mix of choice now.....so 6 drinks is under 500 calories.....and if I dont have room for them....I ride my exercise bike or go for a walk to try my hardest to stay under my numbers......MFP isnt a diet plan....its a lifestyle change......and if you take the first step.....and keep walking....you will have success
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    Could be true...I know girls who can drink a whole bottle of patron in one night sadly.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Could be true...I know girls who can drink a whole bottle of patron in one night sadly.

    And I love girls like that :)
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    I'm sensing a troll...
  • lmelksham
    lmelksham Posts: 19 Member
    I have always been a drinker. I did ask about this before in a post under "Alcohol Lovers?" I am still enjoying my drinks but I have changed from Jim Beam and Coke cans to vodka, diet lemonade and lime. It is very refreshing and doesnt have all the calories. I am trying hard to not drink as much, but sometimes I go a little overboard on weekends so I try to make it up at the gym. I think that it will always be a part of my life, so want to learn to live with it, but cutting back is the key. Good luck
  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    15-20 beers a day? You must be peeing all DAY!! Then you must be buying a case of beer a day! Thats funny! Coz even fish cant drink so much water!

    If its a 15 odd beers a week, then you are adding 1 1/2 days worth of food in your diet additionally. You have to work to burn this.
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    I agree! That must be a typo, 15-20 beers a day?? The average person is only awake for 16 hours a day so that is about 1-2 beers an hour all day everyday??? And that is a TON of non value calories.... If you drank 20beers a week and the average beer is about 110 calories that is 2,200 calories which would mean you are drinking 314 calories a day just in beer... if you averaged the 20 beers through out the week. There are tons of articles on the web that state the reasons why drinking beer everday can keep you from losing weight...
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Sounds like you need AA not MFP
  • lindawayne11
    lindawayne11 Posts: 62 Member
    15 to 20 beers a day is a problem. I think it would be best at this point not to worry so much about losing weight, but to face your alchoholism. You've got a beautiful daughter (or so it seems from the picture), I think you should put her first and get help to control the alchohol dependency. She's going to need you around a long time, but with the way your drinking that's not going to happen.
  • bkc714
    bkc714 Posts: 3 Member
    i switched from beer to rum and diet pepsi .that worked for me
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    15 to 20 beers a day is a problem. I think it would be best at this point not to worry so much about losing weight, but to face your alchoholism. You've got a beautiful daughter (or so it seems from the picture), I think you should put her first and get help to control the alchohol dependency. She's going to need you around a long time, but with the way your drinking that's not going to happen.

  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Well, it'd sure be nice if the OP could sober up and respond to some of this.:drinker:
  • Mallorysmomma
    I cannot believe some of you! way to make a girl feel like ****...I dont need an intervention thank you. I asked a valid question and wanted a response...not judgement. I joined this site for motivation and support and all I get is ridicule...hmmm...thanks to all of you who stood up for me. Props to you. Although I dont know any of you, your amazing.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Your body will burn the alcohol off first and foremost.
    So if you eat while consuming drinks the body will partition the macronutrients from the food mostly to storage while ridding the body of the alcohol.

    If your primary goal is fat loss...dont drink!
  • techigirl78
    techigirl78 Posts: 128 Member
    When I started, I probably was drinking about 10-15 servings of soda a day. Way to many calories to drink. You will need to cut back to reach your goals. Also, make sure to log all the beer you drink. You will see how much it adds up. Then, you will need to decide do you want to fuel yourself with beer or good nutrition like fiber and protein. Good luck!
  • Mallorysmomma
    I'm sensing a troll...

    a troll? nah im pretty beautiful thank you
  • Mallorysmomma
    Honestly from some of the responses I got yours was the sweetest...thank you!

    this was meant for lizzy00125
  • mrshayes1584
    Oh boy.I'm so hesitant to write this but I'm going forward with it because I'd like to give you a few things to consider with out being hateful or judgemental. Here goes. If that truly is how much beer you drink a day it is definately inhibiting your weight loss, you're drinking a day's worth of calories per day. More importantly you are spending your days drinking an amount that would leave most people highly intoxicated, addicted and unable to function. Maybe you don't feel or seem drunk,maybe you've worked your way up to this amount and maybe you can function but if you ask any health or addiction professional they will tell you this is a big problem. You may think, I drink and that's no problem but at the very least consider cutting down/quitting as a commitment to your weight loss. My father drinks a bottle of liquor a day always has since I was young. He never appears to be drunk and functions normally. But I remember being embarassed of him when he came to my school smelling undeniably like alcohol,no matter what he did to hide it. I remember being envious of the money he spent on alcohol when the family was strapped for cash. I remember people talking badly about him and I not having any defense for him to combat them with. I remember friends of mine not being able to play at my house bc their parents didn't want them around a drunk. I remember financial troubles caused by his drinking and driving as well as lonely nights my mom and us kids spent wondering when he'd come home or if he would.My father does not behave like a bilgerant or drunk person, I honestly don't believe his drink really prevented him from being a great parent but the truth is that he is an alcoholic. I see you have a daughter and maybe considering the ways that your drinking may effect her will also help. I'm so sorry if I offend you in any way by writing this and I feel like such a concern troll right now but I just wanted to provide you with a little food for thought- judgement and condesending free. I hope my message conveys this. Good luck in your weight loss journey. Have a great day.