daz60 Posts: 22
edited November 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Up until July 2011 i was doing great, ever since then my exercise has been infrequent, i just have this huge 'can't be bothered' thing going on.
I just dont know what to do!
i have put on at least a stone and a half
i can still do the exercises i use to but i just do them so irregularly
Food-well thats just gone to pot, i started treating myself at first...1 treat became 2 then 3,4 and so i find myself wanting crap foods everyday....i can eat so much its unbelievable like NOTHING FILLS ME UP,,no food what so ever,,,the whole protein filling idea i think is bull!
Bottomless pit i have i think :S

I AM SICK OF FOOD, i have lost interest in cooking and eating the right stuff
as for breakfast foods, cant stand them ad rather have a meal.....OATMEAL,CEREAL,TOAST,,the usual suspects,so boring...MAKES ME SICK,,,,i wake up and just dont know what to do....i will have a coffee and then go do what i need to do without eating,,couple of hours later i just still cannot decide, i end up eating a bowl of pasta (huge 1) just to fill me for a couple of hours.
SICK OF IT ALL, i fell like if i cannot have the foods i want AND in the quantity that i want then there really is no point in living is there.

You may be reading this thinking, u done it before, exercised ate right... well yes but honestly thinking back, i wasnt truly happy eating the healthy stuff,, not to mention the expense of it... yea AT MY WITS END....prob an understatement


  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    Umm...I guess I don't really know what to tell you. Until you WANT to do it, nothing anyone else says will help I wouldn't think. I mean, we can offer suggestions, but can't make you do anything.
  • Molly_Pitcher
    Molly_Pitcher Posts: 84 Member
    I agree with cgrout, there is really not much to be done until you decide it's time. But if you hate the food so much, if that's the biggest problem then maybe buy a healthy cook boock? Or try out some new recipes. Check out, I've gotten some tasty stuff from there.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I can't really speak to "can't be bothered". The motivation to do stuff, at the end of the day, has to come from you. With routine it gets easier, but you have to stick with it through the hard part.

    As for the diet, try setting up a diet that incorporates free meals, maybe once or twice a week depending on how stringent you are with your diet otherwise. Plan for them and account for it with your total weekly calorie intake. It's something to look forward to, and at least for me helps with the cravings.

    You can eat what you want regularly but not in the quantities you might want.
    You can eat what you want in the quantities you want but not regularly.

    Pick one.
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    Take a good hard look at the emotional stuff going on in your life. Are you dealing with stressors? Negative people around you telling you that you can't do this? Are you medically ill or suffering from even a low level depression? These things can all sap motivation, drive you for foods that would influence how you feel, etc. A good physical or a weight management therapist might really help you sort this out.

    Someday I'll get my certification as a weight management therapist. Once I complete this journey.
  • TonyL68
    TonyL68 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm sorry this is your first post here and I hope things improve for you. But life is all about the choices we make and the consequences that arise from those choices.

    If you choose to wake up and eat a bowl of pasta with any sort of regularity, the consequence of that choice is that you will gain a stone.

    If you choose to make healthy eating and fitness choices, you will lose a stone.

    No one should judge you for making the choice between those two (and a myriad other) options.

    I am truly sorry that you're so frustrated, but ultimately the choice is yours.
  • Stinalynn121
    Stinalynn121 Posts: 42 Member
    i wasnt truly happy eating the healthy stuff,,

    Doesn't sound like you are truly happy not eating the healthy stuff need to make a hard decision, which way are you more happy no one can make you want to eat better and do better by yourself, that is something that has to come from within, but if you are sitting there typing this and sounding like you feel bad for eating wrong and not exercising regularly and not knowing what to do, it sounds to me like you know in your heart what you should do, but like all of us what we know we SHOULD do isn't always what we WANT to do. if you enjoy your treats just do it in moderation, get back to exercising regularly and reward yourself with a treat when you have done well.
  • daz60
    daz60 Posts: 22
    Thanks guys, i hear ya. i think routine is what is needed here.
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