Help - not loosing

I'm so frustrated..I eat well, getting (for me) lots of exercise(3 to 4 days of 40 minute cardio & light weight training) and watch my sodium - but I have only lost 3.6 pounds total since Jan 11th.

What am I doing wrong? Can anyone recommend any tweaks? My 25th HS reunion is in March and I was really hoping for slightly better results... I know that I"m older now and it doesn't happen to quickly - but don't you think I should have lost a bit more than that??

cw 212

Thank you for any suggestions


  • michelleinpa
    michelleinpa Posts: 68 Member
    Anyone?? No thoughts at all?
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    You've lost just under 4 pounds in a month so almost 1 pound a week.
    That's a healthy and sustainable weight loss. Just keep going with the exercising and eating well and you will see results.
    Don't be tempted to cut calories down to lose weight faster, your body may not like that at all.
    Persistence is the key!
  • jamamm
    jamamm Posts: 18 Member
    Have you tried adding more weights? I know that sounds strange, but I recently read an article that said that even though cardio burns more calories initially, training and building muscle actually has the effect of continuing to burn calories for longer, and therefore burns more in the long run. This article said that women trying to lose weight shouldn't worry about "bulking up" by using a lot of weight, since that won't happen unless you continue to do a lot of weights after all the fat has been used up. It said to up the amount of weight you are already using, and do weight training at least 2-3 times per week.

    Just something I'm going to start doing, since I've been concentrating on cardio with strength training, very little weights, and it's not working for me. I'm going to give weights a shot... Can't hurt, right?
  • jamamm
    jamamm Posts: 18 Member
    Oh, and I looked at your food diary - I think you are eating really well. Keep up the good work!