Joined MPF a month ago and loving it! Now hoping to add some

Hi Everyone-

I am a soon to be 28 year old stay at home mom of two (two and a half years and 4 months). Now that I am done having kids I have decided to start putting myself first for a change every once in a while :) starting with my health. I joined MPF about a month ago and have lost nine pounds already! I feel great and love having a new energy and zest for life. Now I just need some friends to help me stay motivated as it's not always an easy journey to conquer alone. I would love to meet some new people and keep my motivation going by hearing from some of those that have had success with the program. I would also like to start the Couch to 5K program if anyone would like to do it with me! I am currently in week 3 of ripped in 30 and am hoping to start 30DS when I am done at the end of the month. If anyone is interested in doing 30DS with me starting in March let me know :)


  • MammaSki2Boys
    Hello, I am also turning 28 this year with 2 boys (4 and 1). I'm on level 3 of 30 day shred and hoping to start ripped in 30 the last week of feb. I am also going to train for a half-marathon which i am running in may. i haven't ran since last november so i have to get back in the groove.

    feel free to add me!
  • mb913gf
    Welcome!!! you will love the couch to 5k plan I started in January and can tell you I hated running before i started it and love it. just remember to have fun or make it fun so you dont get bored or burn out!

    feel free to add me i will more than happy to support you!
  • Fit2B50
    You can add me. I'm always looking for support and encouragement too., who isn't? I'm gonna look into that couch to 5k. I would love to start running but I'm afraid I may have waited too late to start. Won't know till I try. Good luck.
  • hick0174
    hick0174 Posts: 8 Member
    That's great to hear! I also hate running but am hoping to accomplish a few goals this summer, one of them being running a 5K! So hopefully I will feel the same way about the C25K program. I plan on starting the first week of March so I'll keep updating my progress! Thanks for the response!
  • hick0174
    hick0174 Posts: 8 Member
    The program is only two months long and it's never too late to start anything! You can do it, I'm starting the first week in March. Let me know if you want to join me for support/motivation!
  • queenshebah
    Nine pounds is amazing! Great job :) I work with middle school kids as a Spanish teacher. I'm working on acknowledging my nerves and sadness -- at the moment I'm in the habit of turning to food. I would love to have a support network of other people I can support and who are willing to support me to! I just recently purchased the Insanity DVD's and want to work it into my schedule soon. Be well!
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I'm always up for new friends. I'm working on my people skills... :smokin:
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Welcome to the site! Feel free to add me. I have three little ones at home (4,3 and1), so I know how important the decision to make a change for yourself is! Good luck!
  • gee3675

    Well done on losing 9lbs. You're doing great.

    I am a 36 yr old Mum of 4. Youngest is 10 months. So like
    yourself, i have decided its time to put me first & get healthy.
    I have been on here since the 2nd Jan & have lost 20lbs.
    I have also lost 14 inches off my measurements.

    If you would like some support ,then please feel free to add me.

    Good luck on your journey. Keep up the fantastic work.
  • Nalgh94
    Nalgh94 Posts: 181 Member
    I'll send you an invite! Im turning 22 soon and trying to get back to my healthy weight the good way after trying waay too many crash diets!
  • hick0174
    hick0174 Posts: 8 Member
    p.s. I also LOVE Pinterest and try to post the healthy recipes I have tried along with my reviews. Follow me is interested... Would love to follow back if anyone pins any of theirs healthy recipes ideas!!! Search 'Annukka 'Larson' Neumann"

    Thanks again for all of the support!