Help :((((



  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    Cravings are our body's way of punishing us for upturning the apple cart.
    It gets better over time, but you have to just find the strength to punch through.

    Seriously, it gets easier, and suddenly, they diminish to almost nothing.

    Just make sure you're not on some absurd crash diet and are following the MFP recommendations for 1 pound of weight loss per week. Good Luck!:flowerforyou:


    What he said!
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    I agree with most of what everyone is saying here... but, take it from a self proclaimed carbaholic... I get it. Over the last year, I have noticed if I eat things like cookies and cupcakes, it's like opening the devil's door. I get trained in on that "high" and have a hard time saying no.

    However, I have also found a few things to help with those cravings... first I build in a treat each day so I don't feel like I "CAN'T" have it... my new favorite is the Fiber One Brownies... they are only 90 calories, 3 fat grams and about 18 carbs. They are a perfect little afternoon snack that I can throw in my bag and go.

    Another thing I have done recently if I am REALLY craving that chocolate flavor is eating a whole wheat waffle with a tablespoon of Nutella... I sometimes include this with my breakfast with some type of fruit like strawberries or banana.

    I think part of the problem here is that you are telling yourself you are doing something bad by eating these things... but in reality what you should be doing is substituting something out of your regular meals to account for those extra carbs. It's not that you CAN'T have it... but it's what you are having and how much... Don't beat yourself up about it... just take it slow and it will all come together. Log everything in, be honest with yourself and things will get so much easier!
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 458 Member
    WOW.... thank you guys so much. I don't know why but honestly didn't expect this much feedback. I will definetly look back to this post often when I feel a craving coming on.

    One thing I should mention is that because I live with my parents I can't really control whats in the house... my sister makes a cake, my mom brings brownies home from work, we keep the extra chocolate from the fountain in the basement for the next party etc. This does make it a challenge because I need to ignore it arond the house, not just when I pass it in the superstore. But I will think of it as The Beast inside and I want it to disappear :) THANK YOU
  • neversettle
    neversettle Posts: 168 Member
    Don't tempt yourself!!! Get the crap out of the house. I can't have one bite of that kind of stuff or its all over. As long as I can resist the first bite, I can resist.

    and avoid those aisles in the grocery store!
  • Idabud
    Idabud Posts: 12 Member
    I really believe that if you stop eating the sugar your body with stop craving it. I can attest to it because it's worked for me. I absolutely LOVE ice cream and it's part of the reason I gained 12 pounds over the winter. I have started really watching what I eat and have basically stopped eating sweets, except for a piece of chocolate here and there. It's amazing but I'm not craving it anymore. Just try to be strong and remember the end result. It's so worth it!!
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    For some people this totally works and for others it is a complete disaster so it could go either way for you, but what works for me is having a cheat day. I LOVE JUNK FOOD. And I really like to eat a LOT of junk food at a time. I know it's bad for me, but still. the past what I have done is have one cheat day a week. Right now I'm not doing them...we had one on Super Bowl Sunday but that's been it so far, and I felt ill the next day. :D Maybe one every two weeks is better for some people. But that way you can maybe look forward to your next cheat day so much that you can handle the days in between. Like I said, this is definitely not for everyone but it works ok for me.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I can't seem to give up sweets either. But I've found I can have a skinny cow ice cream sandwich a couple times a week and a couple Dove chocolates here and there and not go over my calories.
    When I know I can have some ice cream or candy I'm less likely to just freak out and eat everything in sight! :smile:
  • Gemmageldmacher
    Gemmageldmacher Posts: 45 Member
    I am a chocoholic, and have the worst time particularly in the afternoons. Lately I have been eating berries (strawberries and blueberries for me, raspberries and blackberries I imagine might also work) during that time and have found my chocolate/sweet cravings have all but gone away! I'll eat them with a little bit of cottage cheese to add protein (which I know some people hate but it works for me). The other thing I will say is that it seems to me to get easier the more you resist since your body doesn't need it and gets used to not having it. Good luck and hope your thread gives you some good ideas!
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    I think we all go through highs and lows during this process. Sometimes I amaze myself with my ability to stay on track, and other times I'm embarrassed by how poorly i do!

    I read a book called, "But I deserve this chocolate!" and I found it really helpful. It's written by a psychologist, and there's lots of techniques in it to help with cravings.

    I personally am a very strong believer in moderation-everyone is different, but I think ultimately "banning" yourself from foods often leads to binging on them. I find it hard where there's lots of junk food or options around, but easier when i pre-plan the amount that i'm going to eat.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    your story is not uncommon. The problem is that folks don't know what it is or how to deal with it. I've been on this journey for a little over a year. There are times that I'm rock solid in the zone. Then, there are other times when some of those mental meanies get to me...whether they be complacency, nighttime munchies, fear, doubt, etc....those meanies exist to sabotage the good work we have done. I've learned that as rock solid as your will power can be...for most folks, it can come and go. The key is to find a way to get it back as quickly as possible, avoiding as much sabotage along the way as possible. How do you do that? by recalling those deep dark reasons you started the recalling those things you hated about being reflecting on those things you hate about your current lifestyle and the reasons you want to be healthy. If you want to improve your health bad enough, you will come up with potent enough reasons to help you get back on track. I came up with the activity in this blog based on what I have done...something that has worked for me. Whenever my will power is waning, I go back to the lists I created...spend additional time reflecting....and, essentially, re-find the "want it bad enough" that I had when I started the journey. It doesn't work over night. You are going to have to dig deep and spend some quality time reflecting. However, at some point, things will click. I was rock solid in the zone from the beginning of October until Dec. 23. I knew I was taking a "break" over the holiday, but I spent all of January dealing with various mental meanies. I finally kicked them out of my mind and am back in the zone this month. Its easier to walk away from nighttime munchies when you know why you still want it bad enough. Good luck to you :)
  • MoLove2025
    MoLove2025 Posts: 135 Member
    Your not the only one who cant keep there hands out the cookie jar........My suggestion and this is what has helped me....


    Its the only way ive been able to stay away from the sweets especially cookies....instead buy more fruit so you can still have that fix when you are craving sugar without busting your calories. Now at the check out line is going to have to be pure SELF CONTROL.
    You can do this believe me. just FOllow Rule #1

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • mznuluv
    Great advice! Thanks for sharing:smile:
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    you have received some great advice. i can't really add much to it. other than a ((HUGS))!!!!

    some things i will suggest, cuz i know they work for me. is to find an alternative that is acceptable to eat and satisfies the craving. so, like chocolate, i make a chocolate protein shake, i use chocolate shakeology for this purpose. it's thick like a milkshake and it totally takes care of my craving for chocolate. i will also eat a myoplex lite chocolate chocolate chip crunch bar. these are great for the protein and taking care of the chocolate craving!!! they are not cheap though. so, i use them when it's like "chocolate/ sugar or die!!!!"

    something like weight watchers might not be a bad idea, because from what i understand, you can work food like that into your daily intake......

    you could always up your exercise ( weight training) to make up for the indulging. one more thing, i worked with a personal trainer and this is what she told me. that high intensity cardio work outs will make your body crave carbs for recovery. they're the fastest way to get the sugar/ energy your body wants after working hard. so, if YOU are doing cardio work outs, it might help if you find a post work out recovery drink that will help curb that carb craving. again, this is something from HER, not me. i have no idea if that is all 100% fact or not.

    i do know, that when i use a recovery drink after a hard work out i don't crave carbs as much as i do if i DON"T drink one. i use the beach body results and recovery, one scoop in 12 oz of water. it's super sweet and fixes that sweet tooth and then i'm good to go :-)

    just some thoughts :-)

    and more ((HUGS))
  • emmaps55
    emmaps55 Posts: 54 Member
    I always have to watch my carb level. When it gets above 100 grams a day (on a 1300 calorie diet) I start craving more carbs -- and when I cut back on the carbs, the cravings go away.

    For me, I am finally looking at what is going to be most filling and highest in nutrients.... so I'll eat a "cutie" (seedless orange) when I want something sweet, not anything processed, whether it looks "healthy" or not. This is why I did not do well on the old Weight Watchers point system, which I think rewards you for eating cr*p -- I mean, one of their fudge bars, filled with chemicals, was only 1 point (out of my 24) but a tablespoon of olive oil -- a good fat which will fill me up and keep me on track, and which encourages me to eat salads because I like the dressing I make with it -- was 4 points!

    So I would say watch your carb level -- even try to cut way on carbs back for a couple of days to get rid of the cravings -- and then aim for nutrients nutrients nutrients in all your food choices. It is what is making the difference for me right now -- 10 lbs lost since Jan 5 -- and I think I can go on like this for ever, until I'm finally living life as a permanently thin person, after 46 years of struggle over my weight (I started dieting at age 10!) So go for it now and you'll be years ahead of me!
  • lemonblossom
    lemonblossom Posts: 17 Member
    I am new to My fitness pal and when I opened this thread I was AMAZED to see how much weight alot of you has lost.
    You are an inspiration to us "new people" Great advice as well. I hope I can stay focused and on track.
    Just wanted to say good job to you all, You are doing great! I hope I can do it too!
  • MrsSullivan08
    MrsSullivan08 Posts: 274 Member
    I am currently dealing with this myself...I have been for like 3 weeks now and can't seem to lose my 2 lbs a week I was losing in the beginning.
  • nessafly
    As far as the goodies go....... throw them out! That's all that works for me. I can't even have a bag of nuts in the house beacuse I will eat the WHOLE bag. If I have go get sweets for my BF I buy single serving otherwise I would eat it too! Hang in there!! :flowerforyou:
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I struggle with that too. I find motivation here. just added a bunch of really awesome and inspirational friends, and there's always room for more
  • wendyrn1
    wendyrn1 Posts: 28 Member
    Lots of good posts about making sure you are eating enough, so I won't repeat. Here's the question I had to answer for myself: If I "can't" control it, who can? To pig out on sweets and junk, I had to sort of turn off my brain and get into kind of a fog. I learned to stop and ask myself questions instead of going at it like a zombie--the most important quesiton is "Is that ____ really going to help me reach my goal? Or will it make my mouth happy for a few seconds and then I'll regret it?" If you must have a binge, try eating only stuff that's good for you. Have an entire bag of baby carrots, for example. Or really go wild and eat two or even three apples! Assuming you are logging everything you eat, you will also see how many calories you need to work off, and you can decide if the treat is worth the "cardio price tag." I got a doz gourmet chocolate-dipped strawberries for Val Day, and I decided each one is for sure worth 10 minutes of cardio; they are only available this one time a year here.

    Some thoughts that may help:
    It's not a treat if you do it all the time--a treat is a once in a while thing.
    I am my only obstacle, the rest is just excuses
    A year from now, what will I wish I had done differently today?
    If I'm gonna obsess over food and feel miserable, I might as well obsess in a positive way and feel successful.

    And a little trick I picked up from a book called "Taming the Feast Beast"--think of the craving and urge to stuff yourself as "IT" instead of "me." Your Beast exists only to get as big as it can, and it lives on high-calorie sweets and junk food. It will use any trick it can to get you to lift those things to your mouth, and it never, NEVER gets enough. Next time you start thinking "I want to eat a candy bar," change it to "IT wants me to eat a candy bar." Your goal is to starve it into submission, and eventually you can beat it down. It helps to get a picture in you mind of your Beast--mine is a nasty thing from those Mucinex commercials, the little Mucus guy, totally disgusting! It lives in my belly, as if I was wearing one of those bags strapped around my middle. This can be a very effective bit of mental trickery when deciding if I really want to feed that Beast and make it grow bigger.

    Good luck! add me if a friend if you want to, I'll be glad to help if I can.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    If I tell myself I CAN'T have something, that's guaranteed to be the thing I crave. So, I allow myself to use 20% of my calories as "discretionary" calories. I can have a sweet treat or whatever else I want in a reasonable portion.

    Feeling deprived is what drives me to food I shouldn't be eating. If I don't deprive myself, and the healthy foods I eat are only ones I truly enjoy then I don't feel deprived and it makes turning down junk that's right in front of my nose (sometimes literally, thanks husband!) super easy to do!

    For treats I love Skinny Cow ice cream bars, a tiny 7.5 oz. can of full sugar Coca Cola (my big weakness), fun size candy bars, regular fudgecicles with a small spoon of peanut butter (tastes kind of like a Reese's), dark chocolate, Butter Rum lifesavers, hot tea with real sugar and a couple cookies - etc. I save my treats for the end of the day most of the time and I look forward to them!