New girl in fitnessland.

I just revisited myfitnesspal and realized I had never been that invested in the first place, so here is my call for support and friends. I'm really interested in building a base of fun, cool people who are interested in getting healthy and fit... because right now everyone in my social circle is obsessed with either starving themselves skinny, or drinking until they pass out.

A little about me: I'm 23, I'm looking to lose 10-15 lbs. I'm a graphic designer/marketing person at work, and an incurable video game nerd at home. My favorite exercise is swimming, jump rope, and... sigh... Dance Dance Revolution on Extreme Mode.

Add me if you want some extra support, fun conversation, or just another number to add to your list!



  • Hey there how r u ! I would really love for us to b friends and motivate eachother I know I could use all the support I can get feel free to add me cheers
  • lyndsei
    lyndsei Posts: 153 Member
    Hello ladies!!! My name is lindsey :) I am here for support, motivation or even a friendly shoulder if you need it :) Feel free to add me!!
  • Bless! Add me :) I just joined and I looking forward to being a part of a community that is relaxed, down to earth and striving to be better for themselves (& not to adhere to certain standards of beauty)

  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Hi, I am Nicole. Feel free to add me! I am always willing to offer motivation and support! Good luck, you can do this!
  • had me at "video game nerd". haha. no seriously, feel free to add me. we can all use motivation and support along the way. we are all here for the same reasons.
  • johnnythrash
    johnnythrash Posts: 19 Member
    you can add me too, I have a cobalt flux pad sitting right next to me hooked up to a computer with stepmania and almost every mix of DDR ever!
  • LoriBarefoot
    LoriBarefoot Posts: 218 Member
    Hi! Everyone feel free to add me! I love learning about fun, exciting ways to be healthy...not to mention new healthy recipes! I'm 28 and have about 35 lbs to loose but I'm determined to be fit by 30!!
  • hey I am new and would love to add you
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Hi! I'm 25, a music teacher, and though I wouldn't describe myself as a video game nerd, I can get down with some Mario Kart....

    I definitely don't starve myself or drink to pass out (though I'm kind of obsessed with wine) and I'm new to running. Add me if you'd like!
  • eiramanna82
    eiramanna82 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi!!!!! Im also new to this and would love to add you as a friend so we can support and motivate each other!! :smile: