Breakfast before or after exercise?

Im sooo confused! I'm hoping to start running every morning. Starting at a mile then gradually working up to 2 miles. My question is, is it best to exercise before or after i have breakfast? I have heard so many different stories, i dont know what to believe as there is so much controversy over it on some websites! Some say its good to exercise before eating, as you are burning stored fat and others say you need to have breakfast first so you have some energy. Can anybody clear this up as i dont know what to believe?! Thanks :)


  • vrheineman
    vrheineman Posts: 1 Member
    What I have read on this topic says that 20 minutes or less of light to moderate exercise is fine before you eat. Most authorities on the subject agree that eating within 1 hour of waking is best for your body. So, taking these things into consideration, a morning routine of waking up, and going for a quick jog then eating would be fine.
    An intense workout without eating or skipping breakfast all together might look good on paper (in your calories left for the day) but it stresses the body and overall isn't good for a healthy lifestyle.
  • I have definitely heard the same as vrheineman and concur with her assessment. What I end up doing (so I can actually get moving for my workout), is eating a light breakfast when I wake up, waiting an hour so I can digest and don't get sick while exercising, work out, and then eat something when I finish exercising (like an apple) to help replenish the body! Also, I heard milk is really good right after a work out for the body.
  • 2012x
    2012x Posts: 149 Member
    personally for me i need eat breakfast before any workout.
  • My trainer has always told me to make sure I eat before working out. He said your body needs the fuel. He also said it's very important to eat some quick digesting protein within 20 minutes of completing an intense workout. I do a whey isolate protein shake.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I eat something very light before, either toast or a banana. I can't eat a full meal before a workout.
  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member
    I must eat well before my workout. On the days that I don't eat as well, I just don't have the stamina. It is a drastic difference.
  • JenniferInNY
    JenniferInNY Posts: 65 Member
    Personally, I don't eat before exercising because it makes me feel sick. I don't have a tons of time in the morning, so I try to work out, then eat something on the train to work. But actually, I find that exercising suppresses my appetite, at least temporarily. So I'll wait to eat till I actually get hungry. I don't tend to exercise as vigorusly as some of MFP, though.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    Im sooo confused! I'm hoping to start running every morning. Starting at a mile then gradually working up to 2 miles. My question is, is it best to exercise before or after i have breakfast? I have heard so many different stories, i dont know what to believe as there is so much controversy over it on some websites! Some say its good to exercise before eating, as you are burning stored fat and others say you need to have breakfast first so you have some energy. Can anybody clear this up as i dont know what to believe?! Thanks :)

    I've been at this thing off & on for like 7 years, now (hopefully this is the last time I will be at it to lose weight!). I have learned that with regard to my weight loss, it makes absolutely NO difference what time I eat. What does matter for me, though, is that I have eaten something small before a workout-- if not, the lower energy level is very apparent. Recently I've been eating those little "Breakfast On The Go" packs from Emerald (almonds, granola bits, raisins) before my morning workout, and then I'll have oatmeal or something afterward.
  • Salamah89
    Salamah89 Posts: 1 Member
    I found this study about eating before/after breakfast. Its suggests doing light exercise before breakfast, its worth noting that the sample size wasn't very large though..
  • Sullivanwilson
    Sullivanwilson Posts: 30 Member
    For me it's after exercise. If I eat something before hand it just doesn't sit well. After the workout I coast the-appetite-suppressant effect until I feel hungry, then I eat breakfast.
  • leahanes
    leahanes Posts: 10 Member
    I find that if I eat breakfast before I exercise, I have a lot more stamina and energy. If I skip the meal, I feel sluggish and ready to end the workout early without pushing myself. Everyone's different, but it's just like a car, you can't go anywhere without fuel! :)
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Personally I can't exercise (intense cardio or heavy lifting) on a full stomach, but for me time is more of an issue especially in the mornings. I have started keeping a box of protien bars in the car. I grab one on the way to the gym (about 20 minutes away), and I'm good to go. I count it as a snack rather than a meal, and I eat later.