"Medical Weight Loss"

Every other time I go to the gym, the guy that runs the place keeps trying to sell me on their clinic's Medical Weight Loss program.

It is a couple of shots a week with every B vitamin you can think of as well as HCG and some other stuff. It is seriously getting on my nerves.

Why is it that the more progress you make the right way, the more some people try to push this crap on you?


  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    Because they sense they're running out of time and you won't 'need' it much longer?
  • Stinalynn121
    Stinalynn121 Posts: 42 Member
    Not to mention, the FDA is in the process of putting and illegal ban on HCG so they are DEF running out of time to push it on people. :flowerforyou:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    We have a "Medical Weight Loss" program at our center too.

    It consists of:

    Pre and post fitness assessment
    23 personal training sessions
    4 1-hr consults w/dietitian
    4 1-hr sessions w/behavioral psychologist

    No drugs, no pills, no BS.
  • avonlady54555
    avonlady54555 Posts: 6 Member
    To downsizing hoss:

    I did the HCG diet. You lose lots of weight really fast but if you don't follow through with the maintenance plan, LOL me, you gain it back pretty fast. I am now choosing to do it the healthy way. Weight Watchers does work though and the program is designed for you and how much you weigh.

    I think my problem now is I just can't get motivated. Not even my 45th class reunion this summer is helping. Stick to what you are doing. It seems to be working.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    It sounds like just another money-making thing. Weight loss is a very lucrative area and everyone seems to want to get a piece of it. A lot of people will come up with another gimmick to get people to buy into.

    It's possible that if they see you there, being consistant, making the effort and getting the results they think you'll be more willing to buy into their crap?

    You're doing it the right way! Try to avoid the person pushing this on you?