P90X vs Jillian Michaels Body Revolution?

Has anyone tried both to compare?
My bf and I are going on vacation and we have been talking about doing P90X. He does the workouts now, and I run and mix in different videos. I have tried the P90X but I can't seem to stick to an hour focused on just my chest and back, or 90 minutes of down dog into plank. I like shorter videos that make me sweat! And then I feel like I still can fit in some extra cardio or a long jog without feeling drained.
Any feedback on both would be great so I can decide how I want to spend my 90 days before vacation. (I still have 6 months, so I plan to do Ripped in 30 again and my regular workouts until then)


  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    You could keep doing Jillian's workouts and throw in a few P90x to switch it up. CardioX is only about 45 mi urea and gets you moving. Core Synergistics is a total core work out and less than an hour. The moves are 30-90 seconds each so you are doing a lot of different stuff. KenpoX will get your heart rate up and is like kickboxing if you like that. Plyometrics will absolutely torch calories and kick your butt and he cycles through the moves quickly so the hour goes by pretty quickly. Just a few suggestions if you already have access to the p90x videos. Those are the ones I plan to keep doing after I've finished the 90 days. I sub out Ripped in 30 or Extreme shed and shred sometimes, because some of the p90x stuff (namely the yoga) is pretty brutal trying to get through the whole thing.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    You could keep doing Jillian's workouts and throw in a few P90x to switch it up. CardioX is only about 45 mi urea and gets you moving. Core Synergistics is a total core work out and less than an hour. The moves are 30-90 seconds each so you are doing a lot of different stuff. KenpoX will get your heart rate up and is like kickboxing if you like that. Plyometrics will absolutely torch calories and kick your butt and he cycles through the moves quickly so the hour goes by pretty quickly. Just a few suggestions if you already have access to the p90x videos. Those are the ones I plan to keep doing after I've finished the 90 days. I sub out Ripped in 30 or Extreme shed and shred sometimes, because some of the p90x stuff (namely the yoga) is pretty brutal trying to get through the whole thing.

    The new Jillian Body Revolution would already be switched up in itself, it comes with 15 dvds and gives you a schedule that has you never doing the same workout twice in a row, plus 1 day for rest. The new program is basically trying to *compete* with programs like p90x, that's why it comes with so much stuff and is $120 as far as I can tell. If I'm gonna spend $120 on something, I'm gonna use it exactly as directed! LOL Anyway I have not personally done either, though I'm very interested in both programs (but don't have that kind of cash to drop on them right now), I would think if you did whichever workout for the day and wanted more, you could go ahead and add in something else if you're just itching for more workout time. :-)
  • That's a good idea, I was thinking about just modifying and creating my own rotation of the ones I "like".
    Do you happen to know if its 1 week on each DVD? That's how I made it through Ripped in 30. Knowing I did 5-6 days and then moved on to a whole new thing made it way easier to finish as intended vs. 30 Day Shred where I felt 10 days of each level was just getting too stale. I still use it, but not in a 30 day straight run!
  • khickey573
    khickey573 Posts: 1 Member
    I've done the p90x and did feel it was too much chit chat from Tony h. It does work. I think mixing it up is your best bet. The 10 minute video from Tony horton is excellent as well for time management. Some days you can do three and other days one to two. I'm always sore the next day. Must be using different muscle groups.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I guess I should have googled it before I replied. I didn't realize she had a program like that. My bad!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I guess I should have googled it before I replied. I didn't realize she had a program like that. My bad!

    No problem, it's *brand new* just got released to the public very very recently. :-)
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    That's a good idea, I was thinking about just modifying and creating my own rotation of the ones I "like".
    Do you happen to know if its 1 week on each DVD? That's how I made it through Ripped in 30. Knowing I did 5-6 days and then moved on to a whole new thing made it way easier to finish as intended vs. 30 Day Shred where I felt 10 days of each level was just getting too stale. I still use it, but not in a 30 day straight run!

    There is a lot of discussion in this thread of people that are ordering it:


    And here is a post (from page 2 in that thread) where someone shared the schedule of the different dvds:
    I will keep you posted on things!

    This morning I did Cardio 1 for the first time. It was good! My heart was pounding and I was sweating!

    Cardio 1 has no warm up, you just get right to it. It has 1 circuit that has 8 cardio moves that you do for 1 minute each. You do the circuit 3 times for a total of about 24 minutes straight cardio. Then you do a cool down and stretch. The workout is about 27 minutes total.

    Also, for those of you wondering the layout of the Workouts. I've only done Workouts 1 and 2, but they were both set up like this:
    Warm Up
    Circuit 1 (4 moves, cardio burst, repeat the 4 moves)
    Circuit 2 (4 moves, cardio burst, repeat the 4 moves)
    Circuit 3 (4 moves, cardio burst, repeat the 4 moves)
    Circuit 4 (4 moves, cardio burst, repeat the 4 moves)
    Cool Down

    I have all of Jillian's workouts and love her and the videos. I've had great success with them. And I really like the layout for the workouts in Body Revolution.

    Also this is what the Body Revolution workout schedule is like. It's 12 weeks. You workout 6 days a week with Sunday off.
    Phase 1:
    Week 1: M: Workout 1 T: Workout 2 W: Cardio 1 Th: Workout 1 F: Workout 2 S: Cardio 1 S: REST
    Week 2: Same as Week 1.
    Week 3: M: Workout 3 T: Workout 4 W: Cardio 1 Th: Workout 3 F: Workout 4 S: Cadio 1 S: REST
    Week 4: Same as Week 3.
    Phase 2:
    Week 5: M: Workout 5 T: Workout 6 W: Cardio 2 Th: Workout 5 F: Workout 6 S: Cardio 2 S: REST
    Week 6: Same as Week 5.
    Week 7: M: Workout 7 T: Workout 8 W: Cardio 2 Th: Workout 7 F: Workout 8 S: Cadio 2 S: REST
    Week 8: Same as Week 7.
    Phase 3:
    Week 9: M: Workout 9 T: Workout 10 W: Cardio 3 Th: Workout 9 F: Workout 10 S: Cardio 3 S: REST
    Week 10: Same as Week 9.
    Week 11: M: Workout 11 T: Workout 12 W: Cardio 3 Th: Workout 11 F: Workout 12 S: Cadio 3 S: REST
    Week 12: Same as Week 11.

    The workouts will get progressively harder.

    Let me know if you have any questions and I will try to answer them.

    So it appears each cardio level gets used 2 times per week for a month (8 times total) and each individual 'workout' dvd gets used 4 times total before you move on. That should keep things feeling a little more 'fresh' than the workouts where she has you do the same thing 6-10 times in a row before moving on (like 30 day shred and ripped in 30). :-)
  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    I just ordered it myself and plan on toggling with some of the beachbody WOs. I plan on absolutely and totally confusing my body! LOL.
  • Thanks for the info! I think I might order it, I'm looking at that 10 minute one on beachbody.com too.
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    I HATED P90X it was so boring! For a female it's a lot of lifting which I find boring! Who wants to do an hour worth of push ups and pull ups? Not me! I think it's more aimed at men. On that note I am on my 2nd week of the Body Revolution and love it! It's 30 minutes a day or you can challenge yourself to a double workout for 60mins. I've been doing doubles and LOVE it!
  • I HATED P90X it was so boring! For a female it's a lot of lifting which I find boring! Who wants to do an hour worth of push ups and pull ups? Not me! I think it's more aimed at men. On that note I am on my 2nd week of the Body Revolution and love it! It's 30 minutes a day or you can challenge yourself to a double workout for 60mins. I've been doing doubles and LOVE it!

    That's how I felt about it! My boyfriend keeps telling me to try the legs and back (but I am loving Jillian's Killer Buns& Thighs for that...) or plyometrics before I knock it, but I just don't think I can add those chest and back days with all the pushups/pullups. I know you can get lean doing it, but I just don't think I'm feeling it.
    Since they are around the same price, I think I'm going to go for the Body Revolution. It seems like I'd be able to commit to that much more easily.
  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    I HATED P90X it was so boring! For a female it's a lot of lifting which I find boring! Who wants to do an hour worth of push ups and pull ups? Not me! I think it's more aimed at men. On that note I am on my 2nd week of the Body Revolution and love it! It's 30 minutes a day or you can challenge yourself to a double workout for 60mins. I've been doing doubles and LOVE it!

    Are you doubles back to back or split, just curious. I am currently doing doubles on my workouts right now so I would want to continue that when BRev comes in. Right now I am doing splits.
  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    I just started the P90X over, and I'm hoping to stick with it for the full 90 days, i just saw the infomercial for the body revolution though, and I am definitely going to order that to do after my P90X is done, it looks like a blast and 30 minute workouts are much more sustainable then the lengthy P90X dvd's.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I tried doing some of the P90X but hated it. I LOVED the cardio videos (Cardio X, Kenpo X, Plyometrics) but hated all the weight stuff. One being because there was too much equipment. And waay too long. Especially since each video ONLY focuses on one body area. I'm seriously not going to want to spend an hour working on my back. I can do an hour IF it's an all over workout.

    I don't have Body Revolution nor the funds to get it anytime soon but I definitely would prefer doing that from the looks of it and hope to someday soon have the available funds to get it.
  • What is the eating plan like on the Body Revolution? I would hate to order it and find the eating plan to be unrealistic or have ingredients that normal everyday people do not use or can find. Thoughts?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    I have never done any jillian videos but i love p90x2. I thinks is much more fun and challenging than p90x. Chalean extreme was very fun and short as well. I lost 6" and 3% body fat. Not bad for a 195 lb guy with only 5 more pounds and 4% more body fat to lose. I also hear wonderful things about turbo fire and slim in 6.
  • I agree. 30 minutes is doable. I am thinking of getting the body revolution. Her tapes work.
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    What is the eating plan like on the Body Revolution? I would hate to order it and find the eating plan to be unrealistic or have ingredients that normal everyday people do not use or can find. Thoughts?

    The meal plan is pretty realistic. The recipes are all from her Mastering Your Metabolism cookbook. Lots of salmon, poached chicken, veggies. Not a lot of carbs or dairy. The meals restrict your calories to about 1200/day.
  • sanifr
    sanifr Posts: 41 Member
  • pattigw
    pattigw Posts: 1
    P90x is definately more difficult and takes more time. I only got through 3 weeks because of the time commitment, but was seeing results. Now I'm trying Jillian Michaels - finished with 3 workouts..much easier, but still work up a sweat. You can make the moves more difficult by adding weights/faster reps, so that helps. I like thats its only 30 minutes. P90x is a better/tougher workout and always kicks my butt, whereas Body Revolution it a bit easier but fits better in my schedule and I still feel I've gotten a decent workout. P90x leaves me dripping with sweat, heart pounding, out of breath..killer workout. Jillian not as much, but we'll see what the results will be. I'm following the meal plan when I can, otherwise just eating healthy. Overall I am enjoying Jillian Michaels videos more, maybe because its something new and its not 60-90 minute. Thats its biggest draw..If P90x was only 30 minutes, I'd probably stick to it. I'm thinking I will eventually mix them up for some variety.