argh :(

the scale hasnt been moving for the past 2-3 weeks, despite eating great 95% of the time and killing it in the gym 5-6x a week.

my frustration just led me to eat about an extra 600 or so cals at an office luncheon (i ate big portions of good food- too much, and avoided everything bad except 4 small thin sugar cookies that I BAKED- ugh i made them so well that i couldnt resist lol), causing me to already be about 100 cals over where i typically end my day- and its only 1pm (ill be full till dinner and eat something healthy and small).

pissed at myself. ive been so proud (but frustrated) lately- and then i go and do this. argh


  • SFalconStorm
    SFalconStorm Posts: 77 Member
    Honestly, a binge day may help you move the scale, as long as you don't fall off the wagon and make every day from now on a binge day. It can shake your body up and get it to spend more energy than usual again. I hit a weight loss plateau and broke it by eating an extra 1k calories a day for a week and then going back down to normal weight loss.

    If you treat it right, today may turn out to be a good thing.
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    I wouldn't stress too much over the extra cals (especially if they are healthy cals!). Sometimes it helps to up your caloric intake. I know when I hit a plateau, I'll add an extra 400-500 cals every couple days (for about a week or so), and I end up breaking the plateau! Have you taken measurements?? You might see more results doing that. With your frequent gym workouts, you're burning fat and gaining muscle!

    Despite the scale not moving, it seems like you are living a very healthy lifestyle!! Stay being proud!! :flowerforyou:
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    thanks ladies. here's hoping!
    i ate too much of this amazing chicken salad (grilled chicken, very little mayo, made with grapes, toasted almonds, celery, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg- DELICIOUS), too much asian slaw (very light but very good), 6 mini sweet n sour meatballs, some fruit, and alas, the sugar cookies. i avoided allo f the other desserts and dips and chilis, etc. if i had smaller portions and avoided the cookies (or just had 1 small instead of 4 small) i would have been fine.