Reducing body fat percentage

How long does this take? I just had mine measured today - 31.7%. Blech! I'm doing cardio 6 days a week and was instructed to add in strength training 3 times a week. I was just wondering how quickly that number usually falls and what I should expect. I'd like to have a goal for when I get retested in a month, but I want it to be a realistic goal.


  • hofficoffi
    hofficoffi Posts: 88 Member
    Id like to know this too! xxx
  • sjackson1717
    sjackson1717 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm taking a bootcamp class 3x a week and I also go to the gym 6 days a week. I saw a decrease in body fat within two weeks. I went from 36% to 34.7%. Work hard and you will see results.
  • meags007
    It took my 13 weeks to drop my body fat from 29 - 22%. I did weight training 2 times/week, sometimes 3 and I did a one hour, very brisk walk 3 times/week. I probably eat about 1500 - 1600 Cals/day. I think the weight training was the key! And of course the calorie deficit. My trainer said that 2%/4weeks was a realistic goal.
  • PoochPottery
    As you lose weight your body fat % will go down. Just a suggestion but for every 10 pounds you lose have your body fat measured or have it measured every 4 months.
  • iwatts3519
    iwatts3519 Posts: 46 Member
    I would have thought about 2-4% in that time. Remember that strength training is more important than cardio in burning fat. Make sure you eat all your calories, get enough protein, especially after a strength workout, get enough sleep and drink enough water. If you need to reduce your cardio and increase your strength training.

    We are all different, so keep at it, and you will see gains over time.


  • BeckLowe12
    Depending on your weight it can happen fast. What has helped me is to incoporate cardio into my weight training, and I train with weights pretty hard. I do 1 rep then 60 seconds of mt climbers, one rep of weights then a set of box jumps, one rep of weights and push ups one rep and jumping jacks or jump rope. I never step foot on a tredmill and I lost all of my after baby weight (60lbs) and got down to 18% body fat and trying hard to get to 15%. You can do it, and it can happen fast. The key though is eating, eating eating! Always be mixing up your workouts otherwise you will see a plateau.
  • AMessina82
    Hi! 9 weeks ago, I started working with a personal trainer 3 x a week, and doing a minimum of 3 hours of cardio per week (divided up any way that fits my schedule). I started out at 26.7% body fat, and at week 8 was down to 22.8%. My trainer says this is "normal loss" this type of workout and diet regimen (1500 calories a day). He says the key is slow but steady loss!! Strength training is crucial. Good luck!
  • 2012x
    2012x Posts: 149 Member
    ive lost 0.7% in 40 days with 2 bad weeks in that though.
  • swilk627
    swilk627 Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input! I would love to be under 30%, which from the sounds of things is doable with lots of hard work.