GAINED 7 pounds in ONE week. *throws fit*



  • denalc
    Becoming frustrated and angry with ourselves for one bad week is how we utlimately never achieve our weightloss goals. Don't give into the guilt, we all have times when it's necessary to rest and not participate in our diet routines like we would like to. Today is a new day go forward from today with the attitude that you will lose the weight and exercise and don't worry about yesterday. Best of luck to you.
  • cepark137
    why would you skip working out just because its TOM?

    I usually skip my 2-3 heaviest days and they're uncomfortable, and quite frankly, messy. I know, TMI, but the question was asked.

  • iSpeakLife
    iSpeakLife Posts: 104 Member
    Girl, TRUST TOM will throw your whole body off!! Just don't weigh in for that week at ALL (I typically do the week after TOM to make sure all my water is GONE - lol)

    Don't stop working out, but instead of doing intense cardio, try walking around the track or outside. Still get some type of physical activity in, maybe yoga or pilates but do not stop.

    Lastly, your "mini" victory is not "mini" - it's huge! 50 pounds is A LOT OF weight!! Don't just watch the number of calories, watch what TYPE of calories you're eating as well. A huge salad is STILL better than a double cheeseburger (like i typically do, lol i love those things!) but your body will respond differently to better food.

    Stay encouraged - you can do it!
  • cepark137
    Thanks for the comfort and advice, folks!

    My husband was convinced it was water retention, too.

    I'm gonna save weighing in for doctor visit's only, I think. The scale can make you crazy!

    And I agree that I should at least WALK when I'm otherwise unable to do a rigorous workout. I'll be doing that from now on.

    I know, I should've been counting calories, but I guess between TOM, Valentine's Day (chocolate!) and generally feeling icky I gave in to feeling sorry for myself.

    I gotta let these feelings HAPPEN -- acknowledge them and then get back to business, I guess. Easier said than done!
  • tsartwork
    tsartwork Posts: 2 Member
    The key is to not get defeated when you have a set back and always keep moving forward. That was my problem for many years, I would get frustrated punish myself and give up. I finally got to the weight I wanted to this year because every set back made me that much more deteremined to move forward. Weight loss does not come over night, it comes off over time and could take 6 months to a year. If we have realistic goals in our heads and stop thinking we will be skinny in a couple of months, continue to eat healthy, we become a success stories.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I gained 5 lbs in a weekend once.

    Rick James was wrong, cheap beer in college is a helluva drug.

    Pick yourself up! Everyone stutters from time to time, can't be avoided.
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I lost 3lbs during my TOM week!

    Chug 100oz of water a day, watch your food and reweigh in a few days, I bed it goes back down some!

    Hope you get to feeling better!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    unless you have over eaten every single day by a TON, then the gain is down to something else. instead of the scales, pay more attention to how your clothes fit! scales only tell a small part of the story. stick at it!
  • Cntewell
    Happens to me every month I gain between 5 to 7 pounds. You should let your clothes be your guide more than a number on a scale. That being said, the doctor said no strenous activity. It is my opinion that a walk after work or during lunch would not be considered strenous and it would get you moving.

    WATER WATER WATER is also need to flush the system.

    Hope that helps.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Your situation with the doctor visit definitely threw a wrench in things, but I am also curious as to why you don't work out when you have your period. Unless you have such horrible cramps you can't get out of bed or a tampon/pad combo isn't enough to plug up the faucet, you can absolutely still exercise.
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    Ugh, I just wanna start cutting the fat off with a machete.

    :laugh: I promise I'm laughing WITH and not AT you.
    I joke with a friend of mine regularly to get the gardening shears/hedge trimmers, vacuum, and duct tape. Cut, suck, stitch. We could do it. Right?!

    Anyway, more seriously. Stay positive. Keep your chin up. I agree with the many who say most is probably water weight. I've been eating around 1250 cal for nearly three weeks and haven't noticed a drop at all. But I keep my head up knowing that I'm healthier than I was a month ago. And that in time, it will all pay off and I will be exactly the girl I want to be.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    why would you skip working out just because its TOM?

    Anyway. Don't beat yourself up about it. It happens . Pick yourself up tomorrows a new day!

    I don't workout during my period. When I do, I have some serious bleeding issues. Nothing is wrong with me (been checked out) - I've just been told to not do it.

    A lot of women have horrible cramps or as with my daughter is severely nauseated while on her period. And some women just aren't comfortable working out during their period. Their body. Their choice.
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    Keep in mind that this is just a minor setback & not a failure! My hubby "gained" 8 lbs on our last weekend break from counting but within 2 days of clean eating, no sweets, and a LOT of water, it was all gone. Sodium water retention is a beast. :devil:
  • Clarimusic00
    Clarimusic00 Posts: 96 Member
    I understand to an extent how you feel. I actually thought I weighed 5 pounds less than I do. Then I bought a new and accurate scale and I was so angry when it registered 5 pounds more than I thought! I just had to put myself in the mind set that I can do it and I will loose the weight!
  • momonwilson
    It happens I swear that I gained 3 pounds from eating two steak tacos and 1 burrito last sat. Pick your self up and start over...
  • dragynyss
    You need to drink LOTS of water. The nurse practitioner I'm working with during my weigh-ins told me that if I'm not drinking enough (and 8 cups/day is MINIMUM) then I will retain water and it won't look like I'm losing, even though the analyzer says I'm losing fat. I carry a water bottle with me constantly and yes, I have to pee a lot, but I just look at my frequent runs to the restroom as additional calories burned. I can always tell a difference the weeks I drink a lot and the weeks I drink less.

    You'll lose it as soon as you are back to working out, I'm sure. You can do it! :-)
  • Twyla123
    Twyla123 Posts: 47 Member
    one of my friends actually gains up to 9 lbs the week of TOM so I bet it is water retention. All you can do is look forward and do your best today!
  • princessaurora
    like everyone is sayin its probably water weight. i dont think you would gain a solid seven lbs unless you ate decadent food all day long. since you are here that is more than likely not the case. here is my advice. try to consume less salt if bought bread contains quite a bit of salt. then try to split up your meals. so instead of having 3 good size meals you have 5-6 much smaller meals. i have been doing this for the last wk or so with little to no exercise due to everyone in my household having colds and I still lost 1.5lbs. I hope this helps.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    If you had surgery (even out patient) they likely pumped you full of fluids during the procedure. If I were you, I would up my water intake to flush your system. The likelihood you've gained 7lbs in a week is pretty darn slim - even without working out and counting every single calorie. You'd have to consume a HUGE quantity of food in order to gain that kind of weight.
  • Churble
    Churble Posts: 85 Member
    This same thing happened to me. I gained 6 pounds in a week, I was so upset that I spent two days eating pretty much anything I wanted (this included a small wheel of brie and 3/4 of a bottle of wine). At the end of those two days I started back up, weighed after one day of being back on my healthy routine, and I'd dropped all but one of those extra pounds.

    Don't let a weird weight gain get you down. Just keep off the scale for a little while and odds are next time you step back on, you'll be back on track.