The Excuses



  • aprilshowers262
    aprilshowers262 Posts: 96 Member
    I take the bus to work. More and more do I notice the number of overweight people outweighing (pun intended) the thin people. So many times do I encounter one *kitten* taking up two seats. My mind always ventures to the movie ‘Wall-E’ and I can’t help but feel that we’re on our way to hover chairs and pureed meals in a cup. The world is getting fatter and the excuses need to stop and the healthy living needs to start. The excuse of ‘crap food is cheaper’ is just that: CRAP. In the long run, I can guarantee you the price is much higher.

    OMG! I think that movie was a huge motivator for me. That is so depressing to think that we are coming to that as a race of intelligent species!

    Just want to say how impressed I am with your weight loss. Inspiring!
  • one of my fav quotes............Excuses are only good for those that make them!!!!
  • If you really want to do something you will find a way. If will find an excuse.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Loved this - even the butter-cramming impulse, lol. (But like you, no actual ill-will toward those skinny-no-efforters, just a mild amount of envy that they get to enjoy a good-looking body, whether they're more healthy than me or not).

    This makes me think of the people who ask me how I've lost the weight or what my trick is, only to complete disregard it as soon as I mention making better food choices or being more active. I know they're looking for a pill or a secret trick or a shake to drop the weight with no effort, because they lose all interest the second I mention something that involves effort or changes of any kind.

    Like someone else said, it's pretty easy to tell who is actually ready and at that point of making a change and who isn't.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I take the bus to work. More and more do I notice the number of overweight people outweighing (pun intended) the thin people. So many times do I encounter one *kitten* taking up two seats. My mind always ventures to the movie ‘Wall-E’ and I can’t help but feel that we’re on our way to hover chairs and pureed meals in a cup. The world is getting fatter and the excuses need to stop and the healthy living needs to start. The excuse of ‘crap food is cheaper’ is just that: CRAP. In the long run, I can guarantee you the price is much higher.

    OMG! I think that movie was a huge motivator for me. That is so depressing to think that we are coming to that as a race of intelligent species!

    Just want to say how impressed I am with your weight loss. Inspiring!

    Thank you! I have more to go, but I am definitely beginning to feel comfortable in this skin.
  • carolww
    carolww Posts: 143 Member
    The other thing that pisses me off are those constantly fit people that eat anything all the time and don't workout. Ever. I just wanna cram butter down their throat while screaming "YOU SHOULD HAVE TO WORK FOR THAT BODY TOO, YOU F***KER!!!"

    Hilarious! I totally agree
  • all overweight people have a thyroid problem. you must know this.

    So did I, but luckily it has resolved itself. Just another excuse.

    Sure, these things make it HARDER, but they don't stop you from being successful.

    i was joking haha... that's just the excuse i hear SO MUCH.
    and PCOS...
    it's still possible to lose weight with these things.

    I was also diagnosed with PCOS back in 2009 but see I was able to conquer my body despite my condition. Not to mention that I'm also type 2 diabetic.
  • flobeedoodle
    flobeedoodle Posts: 176 Member
    Judgement, criticism, and shaming tactics are seldom effective in motivating people. In fact, they often make people defensive, prompting them to feel the need to make excuses. So, when you see someone making excuses for something you honestly believe they could control, perhaps you could try having a little compassion. You could nod, shrug noncommittally, and just feel bad that this person feels so persecuted they are defending themselves proactively when you haven't yet said anything harsh or judgmental (I'm sure you haven't said anything harsh or judgmental.)
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Judgement, criticism, and shaming tactics are seldom effective in motivating people. In fact, they often make people defensive, prompting them to feel the need to make excuses. So, when you see someone making excuses for something you honestly believe they could control, perhaps you could try having a little compassion. You could nod, shrug noncommittally, and just feel bad that this person feels so persecuted they are defending themselves proactively when you haven't yet said anything harsh or judgmental (I'm sure you haven't said anything harsh or judgmental.)

    Because being a "Yes man" has helped these people so far.

    People need differing opinions. And sometimes they need someone to light a fire under their *kitten*.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I have a bone disease. I've used this all my life as an excuse. I'm not sure what happened, but I just stopped using it as an excuse. I'm amazed at what my body can do when I let it.
  • yep and I love it when they come to you for advise/help, at first I'm stoked and willing to work a schedule out with them for going to gym, grocery shopping...etc. Their gung ho and then never come through. Whatever I get it, but I hate it when they still come to you with a bunch of excuses and wanting more help. YOU HAVE TO DO IT YOURSELF! I CANT DO IT FOR YOU SO STOP CRYING TO ME. ugh then the same people will argue with you to eat the cake and pizza at the party and give you a guilt trip for doing what they want to do themselves. LAME
  • bobthesmogs
    bobthesmogs Posts: 58 Member
    Very true words!