New Member Looking for Motivation from Others =)

Hello Everyone, I just joined this site yesterday and im loving it. Looking for people who can motivate me and vice versa to make this weightloss journey easy and fun. Please feel free to message me or add me as a friend. Good Luck to Everyone on your journey!!



  • mb913gf
    Welcome! you will gets lots of support here, just remember to make it fun :)
  • melenasa
    Thank you im looking forward to it =)
  • jackyd74
    I'm in the same boat. Just joined and need to find friends to help motivate me!
  • melenasa
    Hello Jacky nice to meet you. Lets all work towards our goals and i have no doubt in mind that we can achieve them together =)
  • laurenhopper
    Hey everyone! I just joined too! I'm not looking to lose any more weight, but I really need the accountability for the foods I eat. I think that tracking them will make me more aware and help me judge if I'm overeating or not. I'm a good motivator if you want to add me as a friend! :)
  • NicoleG12291
    New too! Just started logging in my foods today, looking to get motivated to work out...I got sick in November and fell off the wagon! Good luck to all of you and wish the best!