Healthy eating out at restaurants?

Hi! How are people choosing healthy restaurants or healthy foods at restaurants (not the chain kind...they seem to have their healthy choices labeled so easy to find).
We live in a rural area with lots of family-type, non-chain restaurants and taverns to eat at. I like going out once or twice a week, but also want to continue on my weight loss journey. Thoughts?


  • lynnsf
    lynnsf Posts: 20 Member
    I found the point value of many restaurants in Myfittnesspal. Sometimes you can goggle the restaurant and get nutritional information on all of the food. Dottie's Weight Loss Zone also has lists of restaurants.

    If you can't find the restaurant - I would order food that can easily be counted.

    If I think we are going to go out to eat, I save a little back from breakfast and lunch. Even with a 1200 calorie diet, we have gone to Olive Garden, Applebees and Free Birds. We even got a pizza.

    At Olive Garden, we asked them not to bring the bread. I also had reviewed the menu before going to the restaurants where I could scrutinize the calories and determine the calories beforehand.

    I think it is important to be able to go out and eat and have a life. Myfittnesspal doesn't allow for this, and with 1200 calories it is a problem, but with larger calorie diets, you may be able to save a little every day to use over the weekend as in Weight Watcthers. For example save back 50 calories a day so you have 250 more to use over the weekend.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I generally don't eat at chain restaurants because their food isn't as good as other places I frequent, so I am often left flying blind in the calories department. I just try and look for something similar in the MFP database or Google around and find something similar. I also try to estimate conservatively. You'll never be precise when you eat out, so it is the best you can do.
  • applequeen
    Thanks for your thoughtful, honest feedback! I am hoping that with all of the attention that healthy eating is getting these days, that restaurants...not just the chain restaurants, but also the little mom-and-pop places, start paying attention and put some healthier food choices on their menu.
    My husband and I went to a little restaurant after church today, and the choices were so disappointing. I finally settled on just an english muffin with a side order of PB, and they brought it to me dripping in butter! I unfortunately forgot to ask that it not be buttered. Therefore, skipped the PB, put a small amount of jelly on each, and that was my 'brunch' (hey, I was a cheap date!) :smile:
    I'm proud of myself...I spent the past 2 weeks taking care of my daughter who was in a snowmobile accident. I was at her bedside and then helping her at her home. I just got home and when I weighed myself this morning, was surprised to see my weight was actually 1/2 lb less than when I left! I wasn't able to go to my regular workout classes while away, so was a bit worried about what my weight was going to do while gone. It was nice to see the scale deliver some good news for once!
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    There are a lot of things to do at a Mom and Pop restaurant to make it work.

    Rye, whole wheat or whole grain breads, ordered dry.
    Unbreaded, grilled or baked lean meats. Pork chops can be a great option.
    Sauce on the Side/Serve it Dry please.
    Fresh or steamed veggies, have a double rather than potatos.
    If fries, go for sweet potato, skip the ketchup and added salt, try Malt Vinegar!
    PORTION CONTROL - just because they serve it does not mean you have to eat it!! If you need to, bring your own 1/2 cup measure to size your portions.

    These are just a few ideas.

    My story from today: Went out for breakfast with our son and his fiance. Ordered whole grain pancakes, turkey sausage, egg whites and fruit. They were out of turkey sausage and substituted regular sausages without asking, had poured honey and granola on the pancakes even though I had asked for sugar free syrup,. the honey had run all into my eggs. Honey eggs? Really.

    I asked for new eggs without honey. Checked the sausages that seemed lean enough and figured that with traveling we would only have two meals so they were OK. Stack of two pancakes, the bottom one did not have the honey and I only wanted 1 anyway, so put the dry pancake and the sausages on the plate with the dry eggs, gave the rest back and has more than happy.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    1. Only order meat/fish grilled or baked dry
    2. Avoid cream-based soups
    3. Beware of portion distortion; ask for a to-go container as soon as you get your food and take half home.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Only eat at steak houses.

    Order steak & either double vegetable or a potato plain and vegetables. Skip the butter if you don't need the fat macros for the day.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I ask for "no mayo/sauce" on my burgers/sandwiches, guacamole and mustard is the only thing I put on them.

    I usually will get a salad (instead of a high sodium soup) and ask for dressing on the side. Dip my fork into the dressing, and take a bit of salad, i get flavor, but my greens aren't swimming in it.

    Also remember, most places now serve you such huge portions, I either ask for a box right away or split up the meal and put half of it on the side of my plate so I don't overeat. Plus, I get another meal out of it for the next day.

    When I know I'm going to go out, I also 'save' my calories during the day.