Just finishing the 24 day Advocare challenge

I am just finishing the Advocare challenge. During the challenge I wasn't allowed to drink soda, coffee, or any type of juice just spark and water. I wasn't allowed to eat any breads, cereal, dairy, or pastas. I had to limit my carb intake to only 100 a day. I just joined MFP but had a different food log, my problem is I can NOT meet my calories no matter how hard I try. I can verily reach 1000 calories and I know your suppose to eat at least 1200-1500 calories a day. I don't really want to make myself eat when I'm not hungry. I also am on week 3 on couch to 5K three times a week and the other 2-3 days I walk 3.33 miles. Any advise on how to up my calories?


  • I have just started the challenge this week. Almost meeting the calories but I haven't added exercise yet. I would slowly introduce whole grains back into your diet to get more calories. Curious since you were not meeting the calories needed, were you successful at loosing weight during the challenge?
  • tdegie
    tdegie Posts: 14
    I lost 11.5 pounds and have two days left to go. Today I ate a thin bagel with my turkey burger. I totally gave up pop and coffee. I will maybe eventually add coffee back in but not for the time being. I haven't eaten red meats for the last month and fine with that too. I eat a lot of chicken, fish, and turkey. I didn't start exercising til week two. I really try and get my calories in but get too full.
  • Congratulations that's a great accomplishment. I'm glad to hear you lost it even though you couldn't get the calories in, I get full pretty quick too. My difficult time is in the afternoon I get really hungry and today I forgot the energy drink... it's all good though just keep looking toward my goal and the lifestyle changes I will keep when the challenge is complete.
  • tdegie
    tdegie Posts: 14
    Yea the spark really helps in the afternoon and lots and lots of water!!! Good luck and keep me posted on your sucess.
  • Well yesterday was my last day on the challenge I lost exactly 8 lbs. I was down 7 at the 10 day mark. I did lose several inches too. I feel great and am looking forward to continuing the weight loss. I think my downfalls were not exercising, not getting up to 1200 calories a day and not drinking enough water. I am going to work on those goals in the next few weeks and see where it takes me.
  • yepitsjen
    yepitsjen Posts: 79 Member
    I am on day four and am not really having trouble hitting the 1200 calories. I have supplemented in the afternoon with almonds and cashews which is the right amount of fat/protein and will help you hit your calorie goal. I also find that I'm not even remotely hungry a lot of the time, but I miss "crunchy" food, so the nuts are perfect.

    I am drinking a gallon of water a day (!) and am down six pounds already- and I'm PMSing (TMI) so should be in the other direction.

    I feel better than I have in months.