Feeling down

I started my mfp journey on February 2nd. I have lost 5 pounds. On Sunday I triped down my bottom 3 stairs and rolled my right ankle. It is in a brace and I am not allowed to try and bear any weight on it until next Sunday. I am feeling bummed because the doctors want me to wear the brace for at least 2-3 months. Since I can't exercise, should I eat less calories to compensate in order to continue losing weight?


  • lcstratt
    Are you allowed to swim? I know it's winter (except for here in AZ where it's 80 degrees! lol), but alot of gyms have heated pools and instructor led classes. I've also seen alot of "chair excersise" videos that you can do sitting down and focus mostly on upper body strength/core/etc. Don't cut your calories down too low or your body will go into starvation mode and halt weight loss. I feel your pain - I have a bad back which limits what/how much excercsing I can do, but it's all about finding what's right for you :) Don't get discouraged!! :)
  • TexasGirl_Amie
    Swimming is a good option if you have a heated pool nearby. Also, you could maybe work on arms, abs, back exercises a few times a week. Don't eat under 1200 calories, but if you currently eat quite a bit, you could maybe trim it down a bit. Also, make sure you are drinking plenty of water and limiting your sodium as that will help you not retain as much water. Best of luck!
  • lucentabella
    lucentabella Posts: 114 Member
    Can you do sit ups, crunches, or seated weight lifting?
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    Sorry to hear that. I would eat a bit less calories but you can also try some upper body workouts. Punching (the air) type routines can really get your heart rate up, also lifting weights. Hope that helps.
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    yes. I love exercise and would feel, as you do, super disappointed to be taken away from it, however temporarily. But you don't need exercise to lose weight. you need to consume less than you expend. just eat less.
  • ls_66
    ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
    It's tough.... was doing great til I injured my ankle during a spin class.. I know what you are feeling.... we stop moving then we start overeating (at least I'm), pool could be an option
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    There are still lots of things you can do. At the gym you still have a lot of options for machines, all arm and back and abdomin. Do not let this give you an excuse to just sit!
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I agree with the swimming and other exercises mentioned. But if you stay within your calorie range you can still lose weight without exercising.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Oh man, what a bummer! I soooooo feel your pain. The last time I tripped on 3 stairs, I broke my ankle in 3 places.
    Take it easy this week. Maybe just some upper body weights at most. Cut down your calories just a bit. Not too far or you may hinder your recovery!
    Ask about getting physical therapy, if you can get it, it's so worth the pain to get your strength back in the joint.
    Rest, recover and heal for now. Worry about the diet later!
  • rednblack84
    Don't lose hope! You can work on your diet and making better choices about foods during this time. Make sure you get at least 1200 calories a day or your body will feel that you are starving it. This will result in food storage instead of proper usage.

    Also, if swimming isn't an option, you could do the seated weights for upper body and ab work. You could also look into pilates. From what I remember, there are several pilates moves that target legs without standing or bearing weight.

    I hope you make a swift recovery. And remember that good things don't come without trials. :)
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I'm sorry that this has happened to you! I remember breaking my arm pretty badly and being in a cast for 3 months. I could only walk at a moderate pace so as not to jostle the break, but I still gained weight. BUT, I didn't know much about caloric intake and such then!

    That being said, if you can do arm exercises, then that would be great! However, (not that I am boasting, because I think exercise is avery important part of health) I have lost 13 pounds in 5 weeks pretty much from diet alone. MFP has the deficit built in for you, so I have been following that, and making sure to eat healthy, wholesome foods, limit the sugar intakes and processed foods, and I am eating healthy fats, fruits and wholegrains.

    Sorry for this little stumbling block (no pun intended!) that you have come upon, but you can do it!!!!
  • KayLaul
    I did the same thing recently- dropped a dumbell on my toe and fractured it, so I feel your pain, as it were!

    I reduced my calories down, and carried on doing as much weight lifting as I comfortably could sitting down (though considering how I fractured it in the first place, this may have not been the best idea!). The air punching thing one of the above posters mentioned quickly became a favourite :)

    I really missed doing a proper cardio workout, but the thing is it is so easy when it comes to feet & ankles to make a bad situation worse when it comes to healing; personally, I really would try & stay off the foot as long as you can. Swimming might be a good way to go, since the water will cushion the ankle - but be SUPER careful about getting in and out the pool!

    Don't get to discouraged - there is still plenty you can do - I still managed to lose weight despite the fracture. It just takes a bit of perseverance :)
  • tlrmy2friends
    Thank you for your support! I have to say this has made me even more determined to eat healthier. I was doing a good job before, but now I'm even more so. I tend to stay pretty darn close to the 1200 calorie goal. I guess I hadn't thought about abs or arm exercises. I don't know why. I live in Utah and it is to cold for swimming. I can not afford a gym membership so I usually use my treadmill at home. I do have a 5 and 8 pound dumb bell I can use and doing crunches would be great. My tummy would sure love it after having 4 kids in 5 years!