A new Breastfeeding mom counting calories...

Hello, I'm new here and I have found some friends in the "twins" post. I'm interested to find friends whom are breast feeding, I thought we could give each other pointers, compare results, etc.

If any moms out there would like to friend me, feel free to do so...

Height: 5'2"
SW: 167
CW: 163
GW: 125 or 135, but would be happy with 140, LOL!!


  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    Hi mama, I have a lot of weight to lose and am still Bfing my 10mo old DD (well I exclusively pump) and I would love to be your friend! I need more friends on here to also BF :)
  • mlv1028
    Hello!! Good to hear we have that in common! I exclusively pump as well! My baby and I never got the hang of latching...
  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    Yeah, my DD had some tongue tie that the doctors didn't want to touch and she was also a bit too impatient waiting for a let-down! Not to go off-topic, but there is an exclusively pumping group on FB you should join too :)
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    hi, not breast feeding and more, my youngest is now 2 and a half, hav spent a better part of the last 12 years pregnant or breast feeding! if you google calories burnt while breast feeding you can work out about how many you burn. I used to add them as a workout because you do need extra while feeding. also make sure your cals all come from really nutritious food, lots of protein if you exercising as well. my last bit of advice - don't let this journey be the b all and end all....yr baby will b at school before you know it, then uni...enjoy him, play with him, eat healthy, think positive, you'll get there!
  • Tdepp80
    I just joined today. I have a four month old son and I am having a tough time dropping the thirty lbs I gained with pregnancy. I have turned into a food scavenger.the breast feeding makes me so hungry, and I am always picking the fastest,not best food.
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member

    My sons is now 1yrs old. But, I was breast feeding & trying to workout & eat right. Although know I am just trying to balance my crazy life & fit in my workouts.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I sent you a friend request. I'm currently breastfeeding my 4 1/2 month old and chasing after my 22 month old. I'm below my prepregnancy from my second pregnancy, looking to get down to pre pregnancy weight from the first as well.
  • mlv1028
    Yeah, my DD had some tongue tie that the doctors didn't want to touch and she was also a bit too impatient waiting for a let-down! Not to go off-topic, but there is an exclusively pumping group on FB you should join too :)

    I'll do that! Thanks!
  • mlv1028

    My sons is now 1yrs old. But, I was breast feeding & trying to workout & eat right. Although know I am just trying to balance my crazy life & fit in my workouts.


    Yeah, I know what you mean, my baby is almost 6 moths old and I still dont feel like I have control of things...for example: my house desperately needs to be cleaned!!
  • mlv1028
    I sent you a friend request. I'm currently breastfeeding my 4 1/2 month old and chasing after my 22 month old. I'm below my prepregnancy from my second pregnancy, looking to get down to pre pregnancy weight from the first as well.

    Thanks! I accepted. Together we can loose the weight! Congrats on attaining your pre pregnancy weight from pregnancy #2!!

    I lost weight while pregnant...somehow, and when I gave birth, I weighted the same as the day I found out I was pregnant! Although, I started overweight to begin with. After birth, I was at 153 or so, and I am now back to 167 like when I gave birth!! Ugh! So I decided to do something about it. = )
  • iamthevieve
    Hi there! I have a 4 month old baby girl and I'm exclusively breastfeeding her. I started at 181 pounds 6 weeks after she was born and I'm down to 175. I'm 5'6". I would've lost more in that time, but I stopped counting calories and ate whatever crap I had a craving for for a couple weeks. I;m back on track and hoping to lose another 25-30
  • iamthevieve
    I just joined today. I have a four month old son and I am having a tough time dropping the thirty lbs I gained with pregnancy. I have turned into a food scavenger.the breast feeding makes me so hungry, and I am always picking the fastest,not best food.

    I have the exact same problem. I've been trying to find a breastfeeding-safe appetite suppressant so I can keep myself from WAY overeating :-/
  • sistergoddess
    EBF my 6month old daughter, we are the same height,same current weight and have the same goal wt! Love to be added as a friend!
  • bgmomof3boys
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    I am a mother of 4 and breastfeeding my 2 and a half month old. I did not nurse my oldest but my second and third I did but I don't remember breastfeeding making me so hungry all the time. I think this is why I am struggling at the moment.
  • bgmomof3boys
    something to try is green tea and oolong tea. both work well to help suppress appetite and the oolong helps with metabolism and processing carbs. they are also caffeine free.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    just a quick hello and well done all you BFing mums!
    I fed my youngest (now 2 and 2 months) till 17 months. Hard going balancing cals and feeding so good luck to you all.
  • bgmomof3boys
    I'm currently breastfeeding twin 2 year old boys. I also breastfed my first child until he was 16 months old. with the twins I pumped for 3 months before they learned how to nurse at the breast (they were 6 weeks premature) Good for you giving your baby the very best you can! friend me if you like or have any questions!
  • aimeeworsham
    aimeeworsham Posts: 15 Member
    I am also breastfeeding(12 week old) and counting my calories...if you dont eat enough(it will slow down your supply...or it did for me anyway)...but i researched it and basically figured out for each ounce pumped you burn 20cal. so i enter that in under exercise so i make sure i eat enough to keep my supply up. this is working much better for me(with the 2nd child) with the 1st I thought I couldnt diet and keep my supply up. but i am doing this and have lost 10lbs in 2weeks! so excited to be able to do both! best of luck...
  • Motivated_Mama
    I too am breastfeeding a 12 week old baby. She is my fourth. My CW is 182 and my goal weight is 130. I've been giving myself 300 extra calories a day for breastfeeding and have my calories set around 1600 (so 1900 total). I'm running 3 days a week (5K currently each day) and doing Power 90 - 3 days cardio and 3 days strength each week. I'm not sure if my supply is suffering yet since I don't pump. She is doing well weight-wise, but I've only been at it for a few weeks. She has a cold right now, which adds yet another variable. Feel free to add me - I need all the support I can muster!