Am I eating enough...



  • you need to know exactly how many calories you eat a day and aim for a500-1000 calorie deficit keep tract of what you eat every thing.a bite here or there will mess you up.and be aware of drinking your calories they add up quick. what i do is make sure i eat what im supposed to fruits veg's protein and healthy (carbs never after 2 pm an only healthy complex carbs )and im so full i don't want junk you lose weight you will have to lower your calories lots of weight training muscle builds metabolism .and keep up the cardio 30 to 60 min at least 3 times a week i do six days a week but Ive been exercising for two in a half years now. .i hope you've.been checked out by a Dr. before starting a program.congratulations on the weight loss.keep it up. and drink lots of water.
  • rsmithy89
    rsmithy89 Posts: 174 Member
    Listen to my post. I have researched this to death. At your weight it is fine. Unless you are feeling lethargic and weak of course...

    Keep calories as they are and enjoy the faster weight loss.

    You can cut down on the exercise for now and enjoy the weight loss with less cardio. Trust me I have done my research. Once you get to a more normal weight, what the other posters are saying is correct. However, YOU CAN stay on your current calories right now.

    When you get closer to 200lbs, listen to this advice.

    As for protein: Go for lean meats, chicken, fish. Dairy has a lot of protein as well. You can also supplement with a shake if you are having trouble hitting protein macros. This is not essential however.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Well done on making such positive changes in your life. As you're still a big guy you can probably get away with a bigger calorie deficit than someone who is smaller, but a net of 500 seems very low to me.
    MFP is a generic tool, you might be better having a chat to your doctor to get recommendations that are specifically suited to your weight and any other health issues.
    Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • Bullstone08
    Bullstone08 Posts: 16 Member
    Well 500-700 net might have been a bit drastic, but on some days it's been in that range. For example today, I'll probably end up eating about 1200-1300 calories for the day, but after I go to the gym, I will be down to about 8-900 net. So it's a little bit better than 5-700, but not much
  • otiswallymom4
    otiswallymom4 Posts: 3 Member
    I found this definition on another website, I think its helpful.
    Whole foods are foods that are unprocessed and unrefined, or processed and refined as little as possible before being consumed. Whole foods typically do not contain added ingredients, such as sugar, salt, or fat.
    All raw fruits and vegetables are whole foods. Since most of us are not following a raw-foods diet, lets look as some other common foods. Take potatoes for starters. A baked potato is closer to its original form as it was uprooted on the farm than a potato chip. A kettle chip is simply sliced and dropped into a deep fat fryer, and possibly coated with various flavors. A baked potato would be considered a whole food: a potato chip would not.

    Things can get a little gray from here, as many of the foods that we do not consider as junk-foods may still not be considered as whole foods. Milk is a perfect example. Pasteurization and homogenization strip milk of nutrients and enzymes that are normally contained in raw milk. Add to that the practice of reducing fats, fortifying with vitamins and mineral , and in some cases, adding artificial flavors such as strawberry and it becomes more clear that the milk you get in the grocery (unless you live in California) is no longer a whole food. It does not matter if you use that milk to make fermented foods such as yogurt or kefir – it is no longer a whole food. Raw milk cheese would be a different story.

    Whole food does not imply organic, kosher, or gluten-free. Those are completely separate and distinct classifications that have their own definitions. Whole foods can be from plant sources or animal sources.
    Whole Foods Not Whole Foods
    Steel cut Oats All purpose flour
    T-bone steak Chicken-fried steak
    Spaghetti squash Egg noodles
    Hard boiled eggs Egg-white omelet
    Dry-roasted nuts Whey protein powder
    Sun-dried raisins Sweetened, dried cranberries
    Sea salt Table salt
    Bone broth Frosted Mini-Wheats

    Some of this is obvious, but others are not so. If you have questions about something in your kitchen, start by looking at the ingredients label and measure it against our definition above
    Try to find foods that you like that don't require a lot of preparation or than can be eaten raw. For example, oatmeal, eggs, all fresh fruits & vegetables, lean protein sources like white meat turkey and chicken breast, pork tenderloin, beef tenderloin, fish, shrimp and tuna. It's ok to add a little salt or sugar to make things palatable.
  • rsmithy89
    rsmithy89 Posts: 174 Member
    Eat 2500 calories. Do less cardio. Lift heavy weights at the gym 3-4x a week. Profit.

  • maru84
    maru84 Posts: 128
    It sounds like a lot but it'll decrease as you lose, and (at least for me) my goal is less than I used to eat!
  • jmp1031
    jmp1031 Posts: 95 Member
    I flipped through a few days of your food log and notice you're not eating breakfast. A good healthy breakfast will get your metabolism going 1st thing in the morning and will also help you get closer to your recommended daily calories.
  • Bullstone08
    Bullstone08 Posts: 16 Member
    Yeah, I know...I don't eat breakfast lol. I haven't since 8th grade. Never woke up in time for it. Still don't and I'm 24 lol. I go to sleep around 3 and get up at 10:45 to have brunch if you will before I go to work.
  • rsmithy89
    rsmithy89 Posts: 174 Member
    Breakfast is non essential. Meal timing is not essential.

    Macronutrient sufficiency and caloric intake is essential.

    Eat when you want and what suits your daily activity. I eat a big breakfast, skip lunch and have a big dinner. Research Itermittent Fasting. Heaps of people do it with excellent results.
  • no no, a man of his size should not be eating that low a calorie intake, keep it where you are and your exercise gives you credit as far a calories go, so if you eat 2500 cals a day and workout and burn 500 cals, then MFP will give that back to you in calories!
  • You're not eating enough.

    The amount MFP gives you is your net. Meaning if you work out you have to eat more. Netting that few calories is going to stall your metabolism for the long term and you won't be able to continue losing. Plus, it's just not healthy!

    Def eat up! Plan ahead, track ahead, just make sure it happens :)

    ETA: Can't believe I forgot to congratulate you on your great progress. What an inspiration! You have a lot to be proud of :D
  • i agree with this advise! do not cut your calories anymore than it is... as you lose weight, you need to recalculate your calorie needs! you are seeing results and progress, congratulations big guy!
  • Breakfast is non essential. Meal timing is not essential.

    Macronutrient sufficiency and caloric intake is essential.

    Eat when you want and what suits your daily activity. I eat a big breakfast, skip lunch and have a big dinner. Research Itermittent Fasting. Heaps of people do it with excellent results.
  • sorry... breakfast is essential, meals at certain intervals are essential! eating breakfast 20 minutes upon waking, kickstarts your metabolism, eating every three to four hours, keeps you from getting to hungry and keeps your blood sugar levels stable, so you dont crash midday. im talking small meals, divide your calories for the day by 6 and keep your meals within that, and make then healthy!
  • Forgive my dietary ignorance, but what foods exactly would those be for example?
  • your meals should consist of protein and carbs at every meal, good protein sources are, eggs, chicken and turkey breast, cottage cheese, dare leafy greens, like spinach... go to the Eat Clean Diet, Tosca Reno, very informative!
  • Scott_P
    Scott_P Posts: 95 Member
    sorry... breakfast is essential, meals at certain intervals are essential! eating breakfast 20 minutes upon waking, kickstarts your metabolism, eating every three to four hours, keeps you from getting to hungry and keeps your blood sugar levels stable, so you dont crash midday. im talking small meals, divide your calories for the day by 6 and keep your meals within that, and make then healthy!

    This is how i lost my weight.
  • To give you some insight with me...... My MFP is set up to lose 1 lb. a week so my BMR after the 500 calorie deficit MFP takes out is 2420 calories... That is what I need to eat just to sustain life if I did absolutely nothing but sit on my *kitten* all day..... Of course I do not sit all day I exercise (split train) 6 days a week with 1 day of rest... I do strength training 3 days a week (Tues, Thurs, and Sat) and Cardio 6 days a week... I burn 1200-2000 calories most days ( I wear a Polar FT60 HRM only during cardio, I don't track calories burned during weight training) So 32 months into my journey I eat 3200-3400 calories a day (I eat 85% of my exercise calories back and leave 15% for error in calories burned and logging food) and I am still losing a pound week..... I did the whole why eat back calories thing months ago and it caused me weeks of plateau's and stalled weightloss but now my metabolism is going strong, I feel strong and have plenty of energy for my workouts..... This is just my own experience, I am not saying it is a one size fits all but it works for me and I have lost some weight doing it...... Good Luck to you on your Journey.......
  • great advice from someone who knows... congrats on the weightloss by the way, keep up the great work, you are very inspiring!