Help - I need a kick up the butt

Hi all,

Im starting to struggle and loose motivation in exercising.

I've lost 10kg so far and want to loose another 25-30kg, my problem is, I have 3 young children (eldest is 5) and my husband travels a lot with work (home for 6 weeks/away for 6weeks).

Im starting to find it really hard find the time and energy to exercise, I generally get up at about 5.30am (I cant see myself getting up any earlier than this to exercise), by the time Ive worked all day, cooked dinner, tidied the house and put the kids to bed the last thing i can be bothered doing is going for a run/walk.

Ive tried zumba (but I'm too uncoordinated), have tried the 30DS but found it boring.

Can anyone suggest some exercise that is fun, quick (ie 30ish min) and effective?

Thanks heaps


  • loufelleE
    loufelleE Posts: 72 Member
    how about Tae Bo?
  • c501
    c501 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey, I feel for you. I totally understand what you are going through. I just started to track my food on this site and I love it cause it gives me some concrete ways to see progress and what i am actually putting in my mouth.
    I hired a personal trainer 2x's a week and do water aerobics twice a week and try to get in one more bike riding on another day. So far its a great combination. Also, I would suggest to find a friend to do water aerobics with. I love it.
    Good Luck tomorrow. I will be thinking of you. I also have kids but my hubby is home which at this point I dont know what is worse. lol
  • Amazingday
    Amazingday Posts: 682 Member
    That is tricky.....for me walking was great when my kids were small, everybody usually fell asleep while we were out. I know you don't necessarily want to invest money but I love my wii fit. I do alot of boxing and hula hoop. And I don't get up early to work out, I do it at night before bed. Because once the kids are in bed I am not interupted and can focus on the task at hand. My husband worked nights and slept all morning so it was like he was gone all the time. What about jumping rope? Awesome cardio! Well I gave it a shot and if you need encouragement feel free to friend me. I am 65 down 40 to go and on everyday.

    Good luck, K.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I completely understand the stress of a long day! I suggest starting a simple lower calorie diet for now. Just a 500 calorie deficit in food alone will cause a pound a week loss.

    Plus, while you may think 30DS is boring, I suggest you stick with it. You will see results and is 30 minutes of "boring" really that bad. I agree that doing the same workout everyday is boring and thats why I rotate her dvds and do a different one each day of the week.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Have you tried working out with the kids? Riding bikes, playing the park, even just a spirited game of follow the leader around the house can burn some calories. These might not be enough for 'super burn' but replace a few of your 'can't workout on this day' with 'play physical games with the kids'. Even twenty minutes of playing horsey would be great.
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    P90x is not fun but I do like the kenpo day, so maybe some sort of kickboxing or tae-bo sort of video? I totally relate because all my boys are small too and it's so hard to find the time. I always try to do it during the day though because there is NO WAY I'll be motivated enough after they're in bed at night. Are you completely anti-television/movies for your kids? Because there were times last summer when my husband and I would do an exercise video about three times a week and we'd let that be the boys' movie time upstairs. It's not completely ideal but it worked ok. We just keep telling ourselves that we have to try the best we can now and then in about three years things will be so much easier to figure out. Because we won't have to constantly wonder if someone has their arm stuck in the toilet or is shaving the cat or something...
  • i work out on the wii fit. I like the program because you can always change the routine of it. I can work out for about 30 min and burn 150 cal to 220 cals depending on what i do for the day. i have fun with it.
  • caderowansmom
    caderowansmom Posts: 3 Member
    I was having similar husband works away, I own a business and work 4 days a week, I have a 5 and 6 old. It's hard to find the time. I am lucky enough to have an elliptical and I also bought a few of the Biggest Loser DVDs (my favorites are Jillian's No More Trouble Zones and Bob's Weight Loss Yoga). I work out at night after I've put the kids to bed...usually 8:30-9:30. I know it's not ideal but it works and there is the double bonus...I used to sit and watch tv and snack at night. Now after my workout I don't feel like snacking. Good luck!!
  • Have you tried working out with the kids? Riding bikes, playing the park, even just a spirited game of follow the leader around the house can burn some calories. These might not be enough for 'super burn' but replace a few of your 'can't workout on this day' with 'play physical games with the kids'. Even twenty minutes of playing horsey would be great.

    ^^^ this is a great idea.
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    It IS a great idea. My husband goes out and plays soccer with the boys often and they tend to wear him out after a good 40 minutes!
  • Biggest Loser Jump Start DVD has many different 10 minute workouts; arms, legs, cardio, abs, etc. This is nice because you would have a variety of workouts to choose from and you'd get to target 3 areas per day! You can find this DVD for a little over $5 on

    You should also check out Piloxing (it is a longer workout tape), its a combination of kickboxing and pilates. I like it because you bust your butt doing cardio then as soon as you start to get worn out, you do a pilates section that works muscles so you never feel absolutely exhausted at any point in the DVD. Below is a link to where to get the Piloxing DVD (you also wear hand weights)!

    Good luck!
  • lyndall5311
    lyndall5311 Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks everyone.

    Tried Tae Bo tonight, and liked it so will definitely be giving it another go. Really appreciate all your suggestions.
