Cheat Days/ Cheat Meals

Some refer to this as cheat, others as free days or free meals. Dr Oz's topic for tomorrow's show is actually going to encourage folks who are on a weight loss plan to have cheat days/ free days etc. How do you feel about this? all week long I did really good and stayed under my calorie goal. I started this new lifestyle change 7 days ago and I am down 3 lbs, but my cheat meal today will it mess me up? I did feel deprived this week but this cheat meal was really something to look foward to. I did not blow the whole day, just one meal but I ended up about 1000 cals over normal but I feel great and I am ready to get back to work tomorrow. How do you feel about cheat/free meals? (fyi I did a search in the topics but there were no answers to the specific questions i asked)


  • **duplicate deleted**
  • I haven't had a "cheat day" in over 5 weeks. I don't feel a need to. I eat what I would like if it fits into my macros and have my calories set to above 1200 and eat plenty so I am not hungry. No reason to if you don't want to, but some like it to keep their sanity. Personally I am doing fine without
  • If you have cheat days you should exercise harder than normal on those days to allow yourself extra calories. I don't deprive myself of what I want to eat and often with some 'naughty meals' you can make a healthier version which makes you feel better about eating them.
  • I think it's fine mentally, emotionally and physically, I've always used this rule. Over time my "what ever the hell I want day" has evolved to better choices. Making the lifestyle change to eat nourish my body has changed the way I think about food.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Some refer to this as cheat, others as free days or free meals. Dr Oz's topic for tomorrow's show is actually going to encourage folks who are on a weight loss plan to have cheat days/ free days etc. How do you feel about this? all week long I did really good and stayed under my calorie goal. I started this new lifestyle change 7 days ago and I am down 3 lbs, but my cheat meal today will it mess me up? I did feel deprived this week but this cheat meal was really something to look foward to. I did not blow the whole day, just one meal but I ended up about 1000 cals over normal but I feel great and I am ready to get back to work tomorrow. How do you feel about cheat/free meals? (fyi I did a search in the topics but there were no answers to the specific questions i asked)
    A sound nutrition plan should include the option to eat whatever you want. The problem using the word cheat, assumes that what you are eating is bad or that you should be guilty. The act of restriction leads to the wanting, wanting leads to craving, craving leads to binging, binging leads to you not completing your fitness goals for 2012.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I have always been an advocate of a free day. But now that Dr. Oz is getting behind the idea, I'm torn. So far, from what I've read on this board, everything Dr. Oz promotes is nonsense. I really hate to be in agreement with her.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I tried atkins but, I like carbs too much so that didn't last. I would try paleo but, too many restrictions for me.I like having cheat days once a week indulging without over indulging. Look into the spike diet. I've done it and It's what works for me. Everybody has their own preference and no one way is right for everybody. Play around until you find what you like and works for you.
  • Some refer to this as cheat, others as free days or free meals. Dr Oz's topic for tomorrow's show is actually going to encourage folks who are on a weight loss plan to have cheat days/ free days etc. How do you feel about this? all week long I did really good and stayed under my calorie goal. I started this new lifestyle change 7 days ago and I am down 3 lbs, but my cheat meal today will it mess me up? I did feel deprived this week but this cheat meal was really something to look foward to. I did not blow the whole day, just one meal but I ended up about 1000 cals over normal but I feel great and I am ready to get back to work tomorrow. How do you feel about cheat/free meals? (fyi I did a search in the topics but there were no answers to the specific questions i asked)
    A sound nutrition plan should include the option to eat whatever you want. The problem using the word cheat, assumes that what your eating is bad or that you should be guilty. The act of restriction leads to the wanting, wanting leads to craving, craving leads to binging, binging leads to you not completing your fitness goals for 2012.

    I agree you are right about that.
  • I tried atkins but, I like carbs too much so that didn't last. I would try paleo but, too many restrictions for me.I like having cheat days once a week indulging without over indulging. Look into the spike diet. I've done it and It's what works for me. Everybody has their own preference and no one way is right for everybody. Play around until you find what you like and works for you.

    I have never heard of it but I will be checking it out! Thanks
  • I have always been an advocate of a free day. But now that Dr. Oz is getting behind the idea, I'm torn. So far, from what I've read on this board, everything Dr. Oz promotes is nonsense. I really hate to be in agreement with her.

    Dr. Oz the male doctor on tv ;)
  • I always have a "cheat day" once a week now. While I was really trying to lose a lot of weight I would limit myself to a cheat meal once per week. You have to have that because it keeps your metabolism high, makes sure your body is not catabolizing itself, and it keeps you sane!
  • clairebear117
    clairebear117 Posts: 1 Member
    I really don't believe in dieting which means not avoiding the things that you like. I try to eat the best I can at home and most of the time so that when I'm with friends, out, or celebrating special occasion I can enjoy what is offered and not feel bad about it. I read an online book about losing weight without dieting and it relates how we should eat to how animals eat. Animals eat when they're hungry and drink when they're thirsty. The point here is making sure you are actually hungry, they suggest waiting 7 minutes or drinking some water. Also the book suggests we stop treating our bodies like garbage cans; stop eating when we're satisfied or full. For example, going into McDonalds, get what you want, but if you're full before you're finished, throw the rest out, if you eat what you would normally toss, you are treating your body like a garbage can. I find that if I deny myself from all of the things that I like, I fall off course and binge or just quit.
  • I always have a "cheat day" once a week now. While I was really trying to lose a lot of weight I would limit myself to a cheat meal once per week. You have to have that because it keeps your metabolism high, makes sure your body is not catabolizing itself, and it keeps you sane!

    Its good to hear about those who do have free meals or days and are successful with their goals
  • I really don't believe in dieting which means not avoiding the things that you like. I try to eat the best I can at home and most of the time so that when I'm with friends, out, or celebrating special occasion I can enjoy what is offered and not feel bad about it. I read an online book about losing weight without dieting and it relates how we should eat to how animals eat. Animals eat when they're hungry and drink when they're thirsty. The point here is making sure you are actually hungry, they suggest waiting 7 minutes or drinking some water. Also the book suggests we stop treating our bodies like garbage cans; stop eating when we're satisfied or full. For example, going into McDonalds, get what you want, but if you're full before you're finished, throw the rest out, if you eat what you would normally toss, you are treating your body like a garbage can. I find that if I deny myself from all of the things that I like, I fall off course and binge or just quit.

    Do u remember what the name was? I'd love to read it also. Thx for sharing
  • carts1179
    carts1179 Posts: 15 Member
    i use a cheat meal to spike my calorie intake once a week. i believe in it. it raises your metabolism to burn the calories and future calories.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    i use a cheat meal to spike my calorie intake once a week. i believe in it. it raises your metabolism to burn the calories and future calories.

    Now the boosting of leptin is a different story.
  • Gioooo
    Gioooo Posts: 301 Member

    A sound nutrition plan should include the option to eat whatever you want. The problem using the word cheat, assumes that what your eating is bad or that you should be guilty. The act of restriction leads to the wanting, wanting leads to craving, craving leads to binging, binging leads to you not completing your fitness goals for 2012.

  • Personally, I love knowing that I have a cheat meal on the horizon. It helps me stay on track. I'll take one every few weeks. I think a whole cheat day is a little overboard though.