Venting - HUGE losses in short time



  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Why are you comparing yourself? That may be a bigger problem than the fact you aren't dropping weight faster.

    Biggest way to piss yourself off is to compare yourself with others... life is too short. Just say NO to keeping up with the Joneses, and concentrate on what you are doing for you. Besides... they are probably either losing more muscle than fat and/or they have a lot more fat on them than you.
  • peptoblue
    peptoblue Posts: 6 Member
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Why are you comparing yourself? That may be a bigger problem than the fact you aren't dropping weight faster.

    Biggest way to piss yourself off is to compare yourself with others... life is too short. Just say NO to keeping up with the Joneses, and concentrate on what you are doing for you. Besides... they are probably either losing more muscle than fat and/or they have a lot more fat on them than you.
    this agree 100%
  • jadedjade24
    I see people like that, and everyone knows my opinion about it that I know in my life off of MFP. I don't concern myself with what they are doing, other than tell them about MFP and share my successes and how I've been keeping it off. I try and encourage people to do it the right way instead of falling prey to the "fad" quick loss diet programs out there.

    But if they truly want to do it their way, I leave them to it. In the end, it ends up coming back on and they end up in the same position. Hopefully a lesson learned.

    I think the most trouble people have once they lose the weight is they think that since it is gone they can go back to the way they were before. Weight is gone, why bother doing anymore work? And, I diet and exercise, but I also take a dietary supplement and a multi-vitamin. Not because I am looking for a quick way to lose weight, but because it helps with water retention, stress, and my moods. It really helps balance me out!
  • supersourbubble
    i am set-up to lose 1.5lbs a week, but i often lose anywhere from 2-3lbs a week. I think this is due to a lot of things:

    1.i have worked out, very hard, for anywhere from 30-90 mins EVERY day for the past 40 days, and with 5lb weights. i have found out that i love it, and i feel incomplete if i dont get 30 mins of my heart beating out of my chest. i do this at home, i dont go to a gym.

    2.tracking has changed my life. being so aware of my food choices makes me pick better options. i have taught myself to cook, and i only eat at subway on the rare occasion i dont just cook for myself. i bring my lunch to work too.

    3. i promised myself i would not be fat at 30. i just turned 29 on 12/29 and ever since then i have been on fire with motivation. i was sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    overall, it's myself that keeps me going. i'm doing this alone, but no one can stop me. i also think working out and eating right has turned my metabolism on. i really feel different inside and out.

    i also realize that this isn't a race, but a war...and i'm gonna fight for my life. :bigsmile:
  • greenblood55252
    Some good reading in this thread

    I started Jan 6th at 256 Pounds with low expectations.....but took advice from these pages...reduced my alcohol intake....switched my mix from Pop to flavored water....I walk everyday....occasionally ride my exercise bike and do light weight training....although Ive increased the weights substantially in the month and a half Ive been here

    Today is my 51st Birthday.....Im stronger....I feel fantastic....and Im 229 lbs

    Its a numbers game....I eat whatever I want moderation....and I didnt quit drinking.....I just use the guidelines of the program and try my best to stay under all of the nutritional aspects Im monitoring

    If Ive had too many drinks....or if I want a few more....its back to the bike to burn calories to allow it

    I WILL NOT FAIL!!!!!
  • Finally22
    Finally22 Posts: 305 Member
    You shouldn't get hung up on what other people are losing, you'll drive yourself crazy!!
    Just remember that anything you lose, however small, is a brilliant achievement :wink:

    Exactly!!! You're doing great - keep it up!
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I've lost 60 pounds since I've started back in August. Most of that has been since October though, giving me about 4 months for losing almost 50 pounds. I was big, but did not weigh close to 400 to start with. I am still doing this the completely healthy way: exercising, eating balanced foods, not depriving myself of some treats that I want, no pills, no starving, no purging (I used to be bulimic, but not for several years now), etc. I can't help that I am still losing weight fairly quickly. It doesn't mean I am unhealthy and am going to gain it all back because my lifestyle is sustainable.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Some good reading in this thread

    I started Jan 6th at 256 Pounds with low expectations.....but took advice from these pages...reduced my alcohol intake....switched my mix from Pop to flavored water....I walk everyday....occasionally ride my exercise bike and do light weight training....although Ive increased the weights substantially in the month and a half Ive been here

    Today is my 51st Birthday.....Im stronger....I feel fantastic....and Im 229 lbs

    Its a numbers game....I eat whatever I want moderation....and I didnt quit drinking.....I just use the guidelines of the program and try my best to stay under all of the nutritional aspects Im monitoring

    If Ive had too many drinks....or if I want a few more....its back to the bike to burn calories to allow it

    I WILL NOT FAIL!!!!!

    Now THAT is one heck of a good birthday! Happy Birthday and congrats!
  • jodymcadam
    So, the poeple on the biggest loser aren't doing it the healthy way?
  • milkandtea
    milkandtea Posts: 116 Member
    I think it's a bit unfair to assume that what they're doing is unhealthy because they're losing quicker. Everyone loses at their own pace - some faster than others depending on where they start. Instead of trying to knock others success, we should be supporting each other and using it as motivation.
  • lizgriffiths82
    You know, at this point in time all i want to do is lose this weight, quiet frankly i dont really care if its healthy or not - I know that sounds harsh but that's how I feel and although I wouldnt jump on any weightloss bandwagon I had been at a point where anything goes just as long as it takes the fat off! I havent lost a single pound since janaury on my healthy lifestyle quest - go figure!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I felt frustrated when I see ads about people 'I lost 5 stone in 6 months' etc or whatever... and its taken me from last June (8 months) to get down by 2 and a half stone. some weeks I don't lose any now and have only been losing a few pounds a month and most of that is the week after my monthlies end.

    I do have an under active thyroid though and seeing others on here with struggling to lose it remind me that I'm lucky really to have managed to lose that considering I also have mobility difficulties so the strength training, high impact cardio etc are out as I'm sat in wheelchair most of the day.

    I have tried some of these fad diets and pills but they never seem to work the same for me though they claiming 4-6lbs a week and I lost nothing, 10 day fast diet pills and I gained, I don't know if its the ingredients mixing with the thyroid meds that causing the opposite effect but they just didn't work for me!

    My biggest loss in one week was the first week I dropped all processed carbs and lost 7lbs, second 4lbs then it went to 2-3 for a few weeks but after first two months with 18lb total it stopped coming off the same, I guess my body got used to it and once I've got to 10st I'm within my healthy range for my height but trying to dead into middle of my range to around 9st 7!
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    I am one of those people who goes through periods of weeks where I can lose as much as 3 pounds overnight and .5 a day steadily. I am not doing anything unhealthy or different. I eat very balanced, also have to keep my carbs pretty high for health reasons. Cals between 1200-1500. I will also go through period of complete stand-still. Everyone is different, you can't assume. I envy people who can reliably drop weight in a steady fashion- you'll get there an that's all that matters!
  • sopherella
    The Biggest Loser is just unrealistic. Most people don't have dieticians giving meal plans to chefs and work out 6 hours a day. I'm sure anyone could melt the pounds off if they were in that situation (so long as they were actually following the program).
  • 1546mel
    1546mel Posts: 191
    When i started weight watchers i lost about 20 pounds in 5 weeks, this is going at like 5 pounds the first week, 4 pounds the next, et cetera. THat being said, it slowed down over time and now i lose maybe 1/2 to 1 a week, but i do not do weight watchers, so it is possible to lose a ton to begin with, but it slows down. I was 265 at 6 ft for reference.
  • roguex_1979
    roguex_1979 Posts: 247 Member
    I'm sure this has been said already, but I haven't read all the responses, but I wanted to get my two-cents in too:

    I think it's ridiculous how people can say that losing a lot of weight in a short time is dangerous. It's NOT dangerous. Why would it be? The only problem with losing the weight quickly means three things:

    1. Your skin doesn't have time to adjust/tighten and people will be left with excess skin. This is in the case of gastric bypasses where you lose the weight quickly because you CAN'T eat very much. This means your deficit is huge and therefore you lose weight more quickly. (This also brings into question the whole 'starvation mode' thing. People who have Gastric bypass surgery have no choice but to eat minimum amounts of food, unless you're having high protein shakes etc to cover the calorie deficit, and not one of the doctors performing the surgery will bring this it can't be dangerous.)

    2. You can get addicted to the weight loss, although this is true for anyone no matter how quickly you lose it, but losing the weight quickly means your mind hasn't adjusted and you might still think you're fat even after you reach your goal, and therefore your weight loss can go in the opposite direction and you might lose too much and become unhealthy in the opposite direction. If you jog down a hill rather than run at full speed, it's easier to stop at the bottom.

    3. The only reason people who lose the weight quickly often regain 'quicker' is because they haven't learned the value of their food and think once they've lost it, they can go back to eating how they want. It doesn't matter if you take a month or a year to lose 20lbs, if you then go back to eating in excess of 3500 cals a week, you will put ON a pound a week. Just because you've lost the weight over a longer period of time doesn't mean if you go back to eating unhealthily that it will take longer to put it all back on. That is utter rubbish and people who believe this are delusional. People who work HARD over a lnoger period of time to lose the weight realise that eating the way they used to is what made them fat and unhealthy and are therefore more unlikely to fll back to their old regime.

    That is all. Sorry. Rant on my part over.
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    I always error on the cautious side. Losing a lot of weight fast at first is great. It gets you motivated. One thing that keeps me tempered is the realization that this is a life long journey and should be conducted as such. It's not just losing weight it's about changing the way you think and your behavior. That takes time. Probably longer than the time it takes to lose weight.