Hi everyone!

Hello Everyone! My name is Julianne and I just joined 4 days ago. WOW is all I have to say! I have done so well with my calorie intake and I have learned SO much from reading the message boards! I have asked a couple of questions and so many of you have helped me with things involving my calories and excersize. I am very impressed with MPF! I had joined the beachbody team previously but wasn't very interested in that and my coach wouldn't even write me back! It is very comforting to come and log on to this website and read about people struggling with the same exact issues that I have been for years. I am 26 a stay at home mother/housewife who is also watching 2 other children along with my 4 year old! I am 5'4 and 200lbs (i have NEVER in my life said that out loud to anyone not even my husband!! LOL) I just started turbo jam about 4 weeks ago and now that i am getting the hang of that i need to get ahold of my diet and calorie intake. Sooo please feel free to add me as a friend!!! I have never stuck to a workout program in my life so I am def. going to be on here a lot to stay on track and keep motivated! Thanks everyone!!!


  • moopachoo
    moopachoo Posts: 69 Member
    Adding you! I LOVE Turbo Jam, it is such a blast :) I started at 200lbs too - it's so easy to lose once you get the hang of it!

    Good luck and I hope we can support each other :D
  • I am so excited to hear that you have lost weight to Turbo Jam...So far I really like it! What are you favorite workouts to do?
  • moopachoo
    moopachoo Posts: 69 Member
    I looove Ab Jam, it always feels like I'm accomplishing something! Cardio Party Remix is one of my favourites as far as all the moves go, I really like the taekwondo punches :D And then the Fat Blaster just makes me feel like a total badass if I can finish the whole thing! What about you?
  • HI! Feel free to add me too - our stats sound the same, except I'm older :sad: (but I tell everyone I'm 27, so it's all good). I just joined too - good luck!!
  • :bigsmile:
    Hi and welcome to MFP!
    If you need a friend you are welcome to add me also. I've been on here for about a month now and it's slowing coming off. You can do this! Good luck
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Welcome to the friendliest, most supportive & helpful place i've ever been apart of :)
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    on the exercise there has been only a few times I have been able to stick to an exercise regime for a good length of time one was when I joined a fitness club that had a creche and a really friendly group of women who became my buddies. We would meet a few mornings during the week after the school run and pop the kids into the creche and do an exercise class then we would all go for coffee and chat. I did this for 3 years and loved it exercise was my adult time fun and interesting so I never felt it was a chore. We would go for walks as well with the kids in the strollers or if we could time and the Dads were home go for runs.

    Then I moved away and gyms were not the same.........in fact I hate them I think there is something wrong having to go to same place in the same room where your only company is a room full of machinery.
    I find I start off okay my last gym stint lasted 3 month and then I have to force myself to go I dont think it should be like that so now I swim and walk.
    As a kid I loved swimming I used to do swim club. I forgot how to swim correctly and joined the local pool took me a week to find my stroke and now Im slowly trying to build my lap count up.
    Swimming is great if you have kida friends of mine put their kids in swim class then swim laps or go as a family to the pool and take it in turns with their partners to mind the kids whilst the other swims.
    There are alternatives to the gym that can be just as beneficial or social be adventurous and try a few things out.

    oops forgot to say welcome to the most supportive environment you'll find outside your family to succeed. Well Done you for making a start to a better lifestyle :)
  • megggsss
    megggsss Posts: 72 Member
    Hey I just joined a couple days ago. Our stats are VERY similar! I have added you as a friend!
    We can definitely help each other reach our goals!!!
  • I love cardio party mix too!! I just ordered the other set with fat blaster in it i'm waiting on it to get here. oh and i love the booty and ab jam!