Has anyone upped their calories from 1200 cals?



  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I'm on 1200 calories for 6 days a week and my relax day I eat what I want within reason I have lost 15lbs in two months. Have you thought about zigzagging your calories?
  • dida0721
    dida0721 Posts: 107 Member
    Up your calories by eating back your exercise calories (at least some of them). This should spike your metabolism.
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    Everytime I have had a plateau, I have UPPED my calories and increased my cardio exercise while continuing to lift weights and do strength training. It has always worked for me.
  • maryjay51
    ive lost 80 lbs all together and i eat way more than that. this year i lost 16lbs..i set my calorie goals at 1200 but usually eat anywhere from 1200-1400 easily. i work out a lot too but i just cant seem to get myself to eat all the calories this sight suggests.. if im hungry i eat more but typically just 1200-1400 seems to work for me
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    I started at 1200 as I am sedentary during the day. I lost weight the first week and then nothing for 2. I tried upping it to 1500...didn't seem to help so I did 1250 on non-workout days and on days I work out I eat 50-90% of my calories back. That was the perfect #'s for me! I have lost 15 pounds in the last 5 weeks. So I eat between 1250-1800 depending on my workouts. I feel great!, have so much energy and if I truly get hungry I will eat more. I use the 20 minute rule. 20 minutes After eating if I am still hungry I will have a little more. If my stomach is growling and I have been drinking my fluids like I am suppose to, I will eat a snack.

    Just experiment with it till you find the scale moving again.
  • tammy1005
    I am so happy to see this thread! I have been at 1200 for a month and I workout everday and I have a very good diet and lost nothing! I got sick for about 3 weeks and gained 4lbs and struggling to lose it. I am 5.2" and 133 now. Can't get back downt to by comfy 129! I am going to up my calories and see if that helps. I do rememeber when I first joined my Dr. told me 1500 calories and I did get down to127 at one point. so frustrating. Maybe she was right!!

    please feel free to add me, would love to see how everyone does uping their calories!
  • Rruni1
    I'm no doctor, but can speak from personal experience. In order to get off of a plateua, you need to up your calorie intake a little bit. Get your metabolism going again. If you feel tired like that, then you aren't getting enough to eat, and therefore probably not enough nutrition. (I'm currently recovering from EDNOS, which is basically anorexia and/or bulemia before you reach the 13% BMI criteria, and I know what not eating enough can do to your body. I suggest using the BMR calculator in the "Tools" section and eating by that.) If you exersize, the fat WILL come off. I don't say weight, because muscle weighs more than fat.
  • GreenEyedGrl86
    Mine is at 1670....and that is my setting to lose 1.5 pounds a week according to MFP. I've lost 15 pounds in 40 days...sooo guess it's working for me?
  • Betsiz17
    Betsiz17 Posts: 95 Member
    I asked the same question last week. I started on 1200 calories and was really struggling. Everyone advised to bump it up so I upped to 1300. That extra 100 makes a difference (at least mentally). I do eat my exercise calories back most of the time, too. I am 5'3' - have lost 14lbs since January 1st. Best wishes.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    If you know your Big 3 you can adjust your body weight in either direction.
    The Big 3:

    TDEE aka maintenance.

    BMR the absolute lowest calories for your vital organs to have proper nutrients to fully function WHILE IN A COMA OR BEDRIDDEN. Note: As soon as you are not in a coma or bedridden you MUST EAT MORE FOOD!

    Body Fat % The ratio of fat to lean mass.

    My suggestion to anyone eating 1200 calories is to go to Fat to Fit Radio and do the Military Body Fat calc then BMR tool.

    The BMR tool will give you the EXACT amount of calories to eat daily depending on your current activity level.

    If you add 20% to those calories youll get your TDEE.

    The Fat to Fit BMR tool is like the scene in Matrix where Neo discovers hes been living in a computer!
  • JennyZD
    JennyZD Posts: 176 Member
    I started with 1200 calories too but after reading a lot about it I finally understood I was putting my body through a lot of stress and HUNGER! You should never STARVE your body, that's counterproductive for your exercise. I upped mine to 1400 and when I exercise I eat them all back (usually). So some days I will eat more than 2000 calories and I'm still losing steadily! I started losing more when I upped my calories, so don't be scared to do it yourself!
  • GreenEyedGrl86
    A friend of mine is a biochemist.. she is a book of knowledge and I pick her brain all the time. I was on 1200 cals for a long time and lost nothing. She recommended a good rule of thumb.. eat your weight + 0 (so for me, I'm in the 160's weight wise, so I eat 160+0 = 1,600 calories a day. So if you're 170... 1,700 calories would be good, and yes, this is to LOSE weight. Also, she recommended eating 60-80% calories if you do strenous workouts like lifting weights, running, Spin class, etc... in turn, don't document every little thing you do throughout the day like cleaning the kitchen, making dinner, grocery shopping LOL (lots of people log this as exercise but it's just daily living activities).. only gym time should be factored into those calories you "eat back"

    Since I've made this switch I've lost almost 10 pounds since 1/1/12.

    Really? I'm 230lbs....2300 cals seems like a lot to me. Hmm...
  • rrrbecca11
    Since you are vegetarian, the lack of energy and dark circles could be a nutrient deficiency. Do you take a good multivitamin or supplement of any kind? Are you getting enough B12, for instance? I am vegetarian and I monitor my nutrient intake as closely as I do my food intake. I am not trying to lose, just maintain my weight, and I have my calorie goal set @ 2k (plus my exercise calories per day), but I rarely make that...usually within 100-300 though. 1200 isn't very much but IF YOU ARE EATING RIGHT, you shouldn't feel the lethargy etc. that you describe...in my opinion, anyway.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Since you are vegetarian, the lack of energy and dark circles could be a nutrient deficiency. Do you take a good multivitamin or supplement of any kind? Are you getting enough B12, for instance? I am vegetarian and I monitor my nutrient intake as closely as I do my food intake. I am not trying to lose, just maintain my weight, and I have my calorie goal set @ 2k (plus my exercise calories per day), but I rarely make that...usually within 100-300 though. 1200 isn't very much but IF YOU ARE EATING RIGHT, you shouldn't feel the lethargy etc. that you describe...in my opinion, anyway.

    Excellent point! I upped my calories to 1250, and MOST days I feel good and--for the most part--not hungry. I think some of this is due to the high fiber content of my diet, which is typically around 50 grams. That's a lot of volume eating!

    But, I take vitamin B12 and vitamin D, along with iron and calcium. I think they help.
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    Yes, and I'm so frustrated! I upped my calories to 1340 cals./day and I've gained 1.2 in a week! I exercise every day, and I've been burning an average of 2000 cals./week. I'm about to throw in the towel, but I'm going to keep on keepin' on. I typically can't eat my exercise calories, so I believe that's the problem. I try, but I'm truly not hungry. Help!
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I am in the same boat (4'11 and chose to lose 2 pounds a week even though it says overall will be 1.2) and lost only 7 lbs since January 3, 2012. I have zig zaged my calories, cut sodium, work out 7 days, sometimes 6 days a week and the scale wont budge. I am afraid to up my calories, but I think I will have to do it for a trial and error. But gaining or not losing is a scary trial and error.:cry:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    A friend of mine is a biochemist.. she is a book of knowledge and I pick her brain all the time. I was on 1200 cals for a long time and lost nothing. She recommended a good rule of thumb.. eat your weight + 0 (so for me, I'm in the 160's weight wise, so I eat 160+0 = 1,600 calories a day. So if you're 170... 1,700 calories would be good, and yes, this is to LOSE weight. Also, she recommended eating 60-80% calories if you do strenous workouts like lifting weights, running, Spin class, etc... in turn, don't document every little thing you do throughout the day like cleaning the kitchen, making dinner, grocery shopping LOL (lots of people log this as exercise but it's just daily living activities).. only gym time should be factored into those calories you "eat back"

    Since I've made this switch I've lost almost 10 pounds since 1/1/12.

    Really? I'm 230lbs....2300 cals seems like a lot to me. Hmm...

    If you work out 3-5 times a week it isnt.
    And you have an advantage over most people right now!
    You can, if you lift heavy 3x a week, build muscle while at a caloric deficit!

    Something fun you can do to get yourself started....pick a room in the house you visit frequently.
    Every time you go in that room do 12 proper push ups.
    A proper push up is when you start out in a plank with your core completely tense and you PULL the ground to your body.

    I bet in 1 week you can bang out 60-80 pushups and your arms, chest, abs, back, glutes will feel a lot stronger!
    whats next? Google Pavel Pistol!
    Now you dont need a gym! You can just do push ups and pistols and look AMAZING!!!!

  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    They use a formula to decide how many calories you should eat if you want to lose weight. some that don't have to lose as much will be at a higher calorie count per day. I'm also at 1200. 5'1 194 and want to be down at around 130. So I'm in the same boat as you! However, I've stuck to the 1200 and I've lost 22 lbs since November. I don't recommend just adding an extra 300 calories to your diet. 1500 -2000 is a maintain if you are a sedentary so you likely won't lose weight Here's what I recommend.

    1. Exercise. - If you exercise you earn more calories. If you burn 600 you get another 600 to eat.

    2. It's what you eat - it's not actually the calories that matter as much as what you eat. If you are eating a lot of proteins and carbs you will use up your quota for the day very quickly. If you try to eat lots of veggies you can almost eat them endlessly. I've been trying to eat veggies with every single meal That way you can eat more for less calories.

    3. Fiber - I can't stress this enough. The higher the fibre content the slower it digests. This means your body is getting more nutrients out of the food you eat which will give you energy. It will also keep you fuller for longer. An apple for breakfast will keep you going until your snack at coffee break. Whole Grain Toast will make you fuller longer than white bread. It actually has more calories but the fibre offsets the insulin production so you actually store less fat!

    So I would stick to the 1200 calories and try to adjust what you eat.

    As a strict vegetarian (no meat, no dairy, no eggs, no fish) my diet is so healthy already I eat oatbran and soya milk for breakfast or some wholegrain toast, plain soya yoghurt and fruit for snacks, and a veg stir fry with tofu, or some roast vegetables for dinner. I use sweetener instead of sugar. I hear what your're saying - and I am so glad it has worked for you on 1200. I was doing the same as you - having 1200, doing exercise, sometimes eating back exercise cals, sometimes not. But the weight is just not moving!
  • GreenEyedGrl86
    A friend of mine is a biochemist.. she is a book of knowledge and I pick her brain all the time. I was on 1200 cals for a long time and lost nothing. She recommended a good rule of thumb.. eat your weight + 0 (so for me, I'm in the 160's weight wise, so I eat 160+0 = 1,600 calories a day. So if you're 170... 1,700 calories would be good, and yes, this is to LOSE weight. Also, she recommended eating 60-80% calories if you do strenous workouts like lifting weights, running, Spin class, etc... in turn, don't document every little thing you do throughout the day like cleaning the kitchen, making dinner, grocery shopping LOL (lots of people log this as exercise but it's just daily living activities).. only gym time should be factored into those calories you "eat back"

    Since I've made this switch I've lost almost 10 pounds since 1/1/12.

    Really? I'm 230lbs....2300 cals seems like a lot to me. Hmm...

    If you work out 3-5 times a week it isnt.
    And you have an advantage over most people right now!
    You can, if you lift heavy 3x a week, build muscle while at a caloric deficit!

    Something fun you can do to get yourself started....pick a room in the house you visit frequently.
    Every time you go in that room do 12 proper push ups.
    A proper push up is when you start out in a plank with your core completely tense and you PULL the ground to your body.

    I bet in 1 week you can bang out 60-80 pushups and your arms, chest, abs, back, glutes will feel a lot stronger!
    whats next? Google Pavel Pistol!
    Now you dont need a gym! You can just do push ups and pistols and look AMAZING!!!!


    Hmm...interesting. Still scared to eat that much...but I might try the pushups, lol. When I start trying to figure out all the extra stuff I just get confused.
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Yes, and I'm so frustrated! I upped my calories to 1340 cals./day and I've gained 1.2 in a week! I exercise every day, and I've been burning an average of 2000 cals./week. I'm about to throw in the towel, but I'm going to keep on keepin' on. I typically can't eat my exercise calories, so I believe that's the problem. I try, but I'm truly not hungry. Help!

    Don't give up! Perhaps after the initial gain, you might see a steady loss. I am dreading the possibility of gaining, but I have to try something, because at the the moment nothing seems to be happening!