Any Stay At Home moms??



  • ceb1920
    I get it :)
  • Jenbg
    Jenbg Posts: 3 Member
    I've been a stay at home mom since the little ones came along, so about 10 years now.
    I've just joined this site and started my LAST weight loss journey EVER..(this is going to work!) I have 100+ pounds to lose.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
    I have been a stay at home mom with my first little girl since last December! She is wonderful, my husband works days and i love it!
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    Ive been a stay at home Mom for 6 years to my beautiful little girl. I do go to college, but its mostly online classes. I would love to join you on this journey!
  • katkrak
    Hi!! I'm a new stay at home mom! I had my first baby at the end of December, and am trying to lose the rest of my baby weight, plus, tone up, and then maintain. Feel free to add me. We can help support each other.
  • Danhra
    Danhra Posts: 77
    I am sort of a SAHM. I have been staying home with my youngest for the past 2 years, but also taking in a couple other children to balance the budget. I love being home with my boy, but since I have been home I have gained about 20 lbs. It would be great to do this with some other moms.
  • roadworthy
    I am also a stay at home mom. I have a boy 15, girl 11 and two boys both age 9. I sometimes feel like I have less time on my hands than those who work full time! I have been comitted to changing my lifestyle as well this past month. I have been including my children in more activities with me as well.

    When I was first pregant I was 118 lbs. I had eclampsia and weighed in at 242lbs when I went in to labour. Lost all but 20 lbs and had my second child, again weighing 240 lbs. I have been up and down some since then and now sit around 218lbs. It's taken so long and I have no one to blame but myself. I need to learn to put me first sometimes and take the time to work out. Feel free to add me as a friend:) We can support each other!
  • BorderMommy
    I've been home with my kids for 6.5 years now. I have an almost eight year old boy in a four year old girl. No end in sight because of my husbands job, and the way our schools release schedule.

    I'm at the point of concentrating on myself first for a bit. I joined a gym with a nursery and am really enjoying it. No better reason to go to the gym than a bit of "alone" time. :wink: