Shretch Marks? :(

I'm 22 and because of my quick 30lb expansion I now have stretch marks on my muffin top and the top of my hip area. While they are not horrific they horrify me. I'm losing weight and being very excited about it however, I was wondering if there was anything that anyone uses to minimize the color of them or perhaps to make them disappear? I'm sure they can never go away but making them as close to invisible as possible would be delightful!


PS: sorry about spelling the topic wrong! lol STRETCH!


  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I found that as I lost weight mine faded to white. They're still there, just less noticable. It does help, however, that I am casper white and never go out in the sun. I'm sure they'd be a little more noticible now if I had a nice tan going on.
  • vabrewer33
    I am a nurse in a women's clinic and we get this question all the time from our post pregnancy patients. There really is no "cure" or magic cream to make stretch marks dissapear. Over the counter creams can sometimes help but i'm sorry to inform you that they will probably always be there...I know that is not what you wanted to hear
  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 262 Member
    I found that as I lost weight mine faded to white. They're still there, just less noticable. It does help, however, that I am casper white and never go out in the sun. I'm sure they'd be a little more noticible now if I had a nice tan going on.

    I find when Im tanned, they dont show as much! :S

    Im using Bio-Oil, but have not been using it long enough to see a difference.
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    I use a stretch mark cream from Avon, it doesn't get rid of them but it fades them and smooths them out.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    They never actually go away, but over time they become less noticeable. Also, if you get a tan at all (NOT advocating for laying in a tanning bed or anything--no skin cancer!) it kinda masks them a bit, I can see them more in the winter than I can in the summer time (this also depends on what your skin tone is). The Mederma stretch marks cream helps to minimize the appearance a little, but it doesn't actually make them go away. I've kinda learned to deal with mine (mine are from having a baby), I don't so much notice them anymore!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Mine have faded with weight loss. I use the Nivea good bye cellulite cream-gel and it actually has helped make the stretch marks less noticeable. Didn't do much for the cellulite sadly... But hey, I'll take it!
  • BrandyontheRun
    BrandyontheRun Posts: 204 Member
    I had horrid stretch marks but they've faded immensely. Now the only ones you can see are on my inner thighs, and even they have faded a fair bit.. due to time or weight loss I am not sure (lol) but either way, I have come to accept them.
  • vcorbin01
    vcorbin01 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm 22 and because of my quick 30lb expansion I now have stretch marks on my muffin top and the top of my hip area. While they are not horrific they horrify me. I'm losing weight and being very excited about it however, I was wondering if there was anything that anyone uses to minimize the color of them or perhaps to make them disappear? I'm sure they can never go away but making them as close to invisible as possible would be delightful!


    PS: sorry about spelling the topic wrong! lol STRETCH!

    EC Research!! I don't have them very bad but when I used this it worked fabulous and they are barely noticable! Google it. It's a little pricey but sometimes moneys worth the beauty =)
  • lilyjay_
    I have the same worries :(
  • rhiasmith
    I was really really skinny as a young teenager but once I went onto the pill I went from a size 6 (UK) to a size 16, I have them all over my tummy and hips,

    I LOVE BIO-OIL! <3
  • sfh0wrd
    Im using Bio-Oil, but have not been using it long enough to see a difference.

    I've used Bio-Oil to some success on scars. As far as my stretch marks (on my hips, on my, ahem, boobs).... I don't worry about them. I consider them a beauty mark of being a woman and battle scar of being a weight loss success.
  • CharlottetheHarlot
    Sorry, it's genetic! Drink plenty of water to hydrate your skin and use moisturing lotions such as vitamin e, shea butters, etc. They will fade but never go away (take it from a Mom!) Best of luck in your weight loss journey and hey, don't worry about the small stuff!
  • Mama_CAEI
    Stretch marks start out red/pink but over time fade to silver/white. There is nothing you can do to make them go away, sadly. Most of mine were gifts from my children. :laugh:
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Once upon a time I had some pretty bad stretch marks from gaining a lot of weight in a very short period of time. They kind of took care of themselves as I lost weight, though. They're hardly noticeable any more.
  • agibson0430
    agibson0430 Posts: 27 Member
    I have yet to try it, but I've heard that vitamin E oil will help lighten the appearance of stretch marks.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I found that as I lost weight mine faded to white. They're still there, just less noticable. It does help, however, that I am casper white and never go out in the sun. I'm sure they'd be a little more noticible now if I had a nice tan going on.

    I find when Im tanned, they dont show as much! :S

    Im using Bio-Oil, but have not been using it long enough to see a difference.

    Bio-Oil works, I swear by that stuff.
  • Kabula
    Kabula Posts: 97 Member
    Use Mederma! I haven't tried it! but most reviews that I have read on this product is the only cream that helps you fade away stretch marks! It's kind of pricey but it wouldn't hurt to try! Again really good reviews! I'm too gonna give it a try one of these days. Go to and get it; it might be a tiny bit cheaper there! Good luck!
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    stretch marks suck! they do. i have them on my belly and my inner thighs. my fiance does not care, in fact i bet if i complained about them he would say "what stretch marks?" just bc he is clueless and sweet about my weight and stretch marks. whats worked for me in fading them is tanning lotion and being tan from the summer. they don't show up as much. i use jergens tanning lotion and I just apply it myself.

    i am 24 so i understand how you feel. this summer will be the first one where i will probably actually be comfortable in a bikini and i know those stretch marks will make me a little self conscious.

    but at the same time, stretch marks are proof you lost weight and bettered yourself. and if someone has a problem with them they are not worth being in your life. plus, if anyone makes a comment i'll punch them in the nose and say "my stretch marks are proof i lost almost 60 pounds. what have you done to better your life?"
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I popped out a 8lb8oz baby and then 3 years later a 10lb5oz baby and I have stretch marks up to my boobs almost. They are always gonna be there but they will become less noticeable over time. Tanning does help (not advocating tanning either).
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    they wont ever go away cause they are like scars, but i know that Bio Oil (about $15 CDN) works wonders on the color, have used it twice and the second time around with my baby girl i only go 3 new ones lol so i know it helps while stretching and shrinking, also the price might seem like a lot but it takes forever to run out cause you only need a little maybe a dab the size of a nickel lol