Stationary Cycling

So I cycle on a stationary bike for an hour a day and it tells me I cycle 19mph in that time. Thing is, I don't feel like I exert myself especially hard in that hour. I sweat and find myself out of breath but not tremendously so and I know I don't push myself as hard as I could (when I only do twenty minutes I keep it around 21-22mph). I do cycle 5-6 days a week and have worked up to that speed and resistance but online internet sources say I burn on average 600 calories (female, 18, 112lbs, 5"4), however I find this had to believe and so log it under moderate exercise in mfp as around 350 calories. Have I been denying myself yummy calories all this time, or is mfp right? My machine says I burn 650 calories give or take, but I just figured halving it would be more accurate because I've heard exercise equipment doesn't always give a reliable response, especially those which don't ask for height and weight. Any insight is welcome!


  • Hi! I cycle on my stationary bike for an hour as well with some weight loss program it has and my bike says I burn a total of 300 calories. I do think I go slower than you though..
  • tokens101
    tokens101 Posts: 23 Member
    Well I originally did it for weight loss but on a lower resistance and have trained myself to do it on a higher resistance. I thought 300 was pretty reasonable too but was told today by my gymaholic father that he would have thought I burned about 500 calories minimum. It's amazing for your legs though! My muscles are very defined but not bulky, cycling's my favourite cardio I think!
  • 19mph is fast. You need to build your resistance up over shorter time periods to get your body into the 'fat burning' zone. I usually cycle approx 12-14mph at the gym but my resistance is the element I aim to work on, for example I up the level every few weeks so I feel it benefits me and I get sweaty!
    I cycle outside as well, and can feel more of a benefit doing hilly mountain biking for 12-15 miles than road cycling with gradual rolling hills for 20 miles. I think it's more about pushing the resistance rather than just duration when it comes to fat burning. Hope that helps
  • tokens101
    tokens101 Posts: 23 Member
    Yeah it does thanks, though now i do it more for fitness than weight loss as I'm at a pretty low weight already and I'm happy where I am. The resistance I'm at now I couldn't of done before I started training at all which makes me quite proud :) I want to cycle outside, but I'm waiting for it to get a little bit warmer first! Just wondering though, if I'm not in the 'fat burning' range am I still burning the same amount of calories?
  • tokens101
    tokens101 Posts: 23 Member
    *cheeky bump*