Insanity - Thoughts?



  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    It doesn't matter if you can finish the workout. It doesn't matter if you can do even half of what they do. It doesn't matter if you have to skip some stuff and take a 5 minute break while the video is still going.

    What matters is that you push play every day. It will get better each and every day. Rep by rep you will start to improve.

    This workout is not meant for you to keep up with them. You go at your own pace which is why this workout will never be too easy for anyone.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Is the fit test hard? When I saw that day one consists of a test, I feel like that's a waste of a day lol

    Yes its hard, but that's the point to see how much you can do. Don't skip it, you'll like having those numbers to compare later on. Also take your measurements and take pictures. The scale may not be your friend in this program but you will look better!
  • lovetms
    lovetms Posts: 14 Member
    I started Insanity 3 weeks ago. There are definitely times during the workout where I feel like I'm going to die, but when I push myself and get through it I feel like a bad *kitten*. I'm trying to get the last 10 pounds off. I haven't weighed myself yet, but I can definitely tell that I'm getting stronger.
  • ShellBelle6
    ShellBelle6 Posts: 105 Member
    I haven't tried them yet.
    Shaun T (the guy from Insanity) was on Dr. Oz yesterday, and this was his 15 minute miracle workout:

    I thought I was going to die.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    My fiance is in the Navy and left me with his Insanity Workout DVD's. I am going to Navy Boot Camp on July 10, 2012 and he tells me to do these workouts - though to be honest, I am intimidated.

    I have done Jillian Michael's DVD's for the past 3 years, and yeah, I get a little slimmed down but nothing too amazing. However, I know Insanity will be a rude wakeup call. Anyway, I guess my question is what were your reactions to this workout?

    Was it worth it? Will it be good for a pre-bootcamp workout? I need to lose at least another 10lbs before bootcamp, though my ultimate goal is about 28 lbs from now.


    I've done Insanity and Insanity the Asylum. Both are very intensive programs for people who are already physically fit...and they will STILL kick your butt! I enjoyed the programs very much (more when they were over, :bigsmile: ) and have incorporated them into hybrids with P90X.

    Be forewarned that Insanity is HIGH impact all jumping all the time pretty much. It's not a begginer program by any means.
    Let me know if you have any specific questions I'd be happy to help.
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    You would be more fit than others at boot camp. Boot Camp will be a breeze for you.. Just sayin'. :) I think you should listen to Austin..He's been there and knows. :) Good luck Courtney.. I know you can do this, and I know how bad you are trying to get into the Navy.. This will be just another advantage of getting stronger. What have you got to lose?? Gradually work into it. Don't push yourself to complete each session if it's too hard.

    Thank you :) I am just trying to figure out what workout combo would work best. 30DS only took a few inches off of me, not too much weight wise.
  • ashleynicoleh04
    ashleynicoleh04 Posts: 195 Member
    I am on my 2nd month and I love it!!! Seriously it is pretty tough but it is such a great workout. Before Insanity I did Jillian Michaels workout DVDs and and would run once in a while but was never in super great shape. But seriously I highly recommend doing it!
  • I have on insanity dvd its HARD. I thought i was in shape and stuff until i tryed that dvd. It is hard! I could not keep up but just went my level and i was SO SORE the next day. I do think it is better to do them with someone so you dont give up as easy when it gets really hard. I plan to start the dvd over on monday.
  • tbloor
    tbloor Posts: 56 Member
    Tomorrow is the last day of week 4 for me. I struggled early this week, but upped my calorie intake and today I'm feeling great! I am only 10 pounds away from my goal weight, and often people say they are the hardest 10. Insanity has helped me consistently lose between 0.5-2 pounds per week, as well as half an inch off my waist each week!

    I can tell that my strength and endurance has improved, which is great because I am running my first half marathon at the end of April! Great for core strength as well.

    Do it! Don't be intimidated. Don't try to keep up with Shaun T or the others on the video. Take a break for a few seconds and get back into it.

    Add me as a friend if you like!
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Do it!!! They are tough but very rewarding. If you can't do Insanity or quit because it's too hard, maybe the Navy isn't right for you. I can assure you by July you will be in shape and ready for boot camp. Just think how you will breeze through boot camp. I don't know for sure about the Navy training but can't see them pushing you any harder than what Shaun T will do. Good luck!

    I was 264 when I started and completely out of shape so yes, even FAT people can do Insanity. No excuses!!!!
  • I did the full 60-day Insantiy program for the first time about two years ago. I credit them for getting me in the best shape of my life. For the first few weeks I almost puked/fainted in each workout and had to take lots of breaks (and I was in pretty good shape - I thought - when I started them!). I still use the DVDs today, mixing them up into my weekly routine for cardio/interval training. They are *definitely* worth trying. But I agree with other comments, it's not a beginner program. But it you try them, don't give up if they seem killer. It's supposed to be tough! Just modify to your ability and take breaks. Sometimes we don't know how much we're capable of until we try. Good luck!
  • I LOVE Zumba! But I haven't tried it with a DVD or video game program. I have been going to the classes for the last two weeks & I am excited about going every time!
    Did you try it on your own? That might be the difference...I can't ever seem to get through a workout & push as hard when I'm by myself...the classes are worth the little bit of extra $$!
  • 2012x
    2012x Posts: 149 Member
    Flippin' mental.

    I much prefer turbofire though.
  • salsera_barbie
    salsera_barbie Posts: 270 Member
    Boot Camp is alot of cardio, so Insanity will definitely help you with that. I totally understand about being intimiated. The first few time I did P90X Plyometrics I felt the same way, but once your done you will feel so damn good.

    Go for it!
  • I just finished my 60 days!! It was pretty amazing. My cardio has improved, I can run a mile under 9 mins... I was at an 11 min mile. The only thing I don't like about it, it is hard to find a workout that will have the same affects when you have completed. I enjoyed sweating and feeling like tired after those workouts, now I can't seem to get that same physical satisfaction.
    I would suggest, rest your knees as much as you can. We did see a lot of knee and back injuries because it is a workout where you push YOUR body to a whole new limit. Know your own limits.


    My 1.5 mile run time also improved quite a bit after just a couple weeks of insanity. Consistency is key, though. I am confident if you stick to this (and do correct form) you will be ready for Navy bootcamp, no problem! I wish I had insanity before I joined the USAF. It seemed like we were always running.

    Bottom line: No pain, no gain baby! Insanity is GREAT- just listen to your body and you'll know when to take a rest/pause. If you're unsure about your limits, the best indicator is your form...when it suffers, REST.
  • That's a good idea, however I live in a 911 sq. ft 2nd floor apartment, my neighbors may not appreciate an "Insanity Party" haha!

    We were known to use a laptop at the park, too. :) The sound isn't great, but you can see what they are doing and follow along just fine. After a couple of weeks, you know what's coming anyway! Turn on your own music and follow along!
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    The only thing I don't like about it, it is hard to find a workout that will have the same affects when you have completed. I enjoyed sweating and feeling like tired after those workouts, now I can't seem to get that same physical satisfaction.

    Me too!!!!! We did it twice back to back, but then I was bored of the same thing over and over. We tried a few different workouts, but none of them left me feeling like I actually worked out. I have now started turbo fire and although its is nowhere near as satisfying as Insanity. I think when I finish this program I am gonna do another round. :)
  • It's tough!! the first two weeks are the hardest, because YOU WILL BE SORE!!! but it you push yourself and stay with the program, you will see amazing results, and your Fit Test results will show you your progress. (along with the puddles of sweat and loose clothes)

    I was amazed when a friend told me they do the insanity workouts at the Police Academy as part of their training!!!

    If you need a break, take it, but push yourself and you'll do fine. Good Luck!!
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    I forgot to mention...when I started Insanity I was pretty much a beginner at working out. What helped me out was the 3 friends that came over every day to do it with me. We pushed eachother to do our hardest workout each day. I promise that each day gets easier. Just keep pushing play. Good luck!
  • It doesn't matter if you can finish the workout. It doesn't matter if you can do even half of what they do. It doesn't matter if you have to skip some stuff and take a 5 minute break while the video is still going.

    What matters is that you push play every day. It will get better each and every day. Rep by rep you will start to improve.

    This workout is not meant for you to keep up with them. You go at your own pace which is why this workout will never be too easy for anyone.

    Agreed! My sister's quote was "You can only give 100% of what you have each day - that could be more, or less, than the people around you!" Just do your best at the'll see improvements in what you can do SO quickly, it's motivating. But don't feel bad if day one kills you - 3 out of 4 of us puked on our first insanity workout. :) The motto was, "go, puke, and get back in here!" I don't advocate pushing yourself so hard you puke, but the tapes are hard. :) You'll feel CRAZY accomplished after every one though!