Phentermine 37.5 mg

Went to the doc yesterday for dieting help. He put me on a low carb diet and Phentermine 37.5 mg. I still havn't started the med because I'm really nervous about the side effects. I've read so many sucess stories with this med and also some not so good. Would like to have the same success just nervous at the same time. Has anyone taken it before?


  • KumariM
    I don't mean to be rude but can I ask you what your BMI is? Have you tried diet and exercise already?
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Been there done that, so has my mother in law and sister in law. Basically its supreses the appitite. For me... I took it and lost 20 pounds in just under 3 months, although, I didnt exercise normally, I was tired and never wanted to eat. I tried it 3 more times after I gained 30 of the 20 lost because when I stopped taking it, I finally wanted to eat. The downfall I found was I truly didnt know how much I was eating, calories and the importance of exercise and this didnt "teach" me how to keep the weight off for life, to me a quick fix, with quick weight back on. I now count calories, exercise and I might not see the scale fall in numbers, but inches are gone, I have energy, and more toned then if I was just cutting calories with no exercise. :bigsmile:
  • redhotbeads
    redhotbeads Posts: 62 Member
    I tried it years ago, but it honestly did nothing for me. At that time, though, I wasn't exercising. My health insurance also wouldn't cover it, so that was a bummer. I have heard lots of people have success with it, though. I didn't have any side effects when I took it. My appetite was slightly reduced, but still present and accounted for, LOL. Best of luck to you!
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    Taken it twice with success both times, biggest problem for me was when I stopped taking it I had not learned how to control my eating and went right back to over indulging. Needless to say I put the weight back on quickly. I also had HORRIBLE headaches the 2nd time around. IMO, old fashioned "dieting and exercise" basically what this site teaches you, works so much better and is so much healthier for you.
  • destiny364us
    destiny364us Posts: 50 Member
    I tried it before. Had no great weight loss. It made me feel shaky all the time. I've had friends who have lost weight on it, but once they stopped taking it they gained their weight back.
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    I tried it at 3 different worked great for about 3 days and then would do nothing. Granted I wasn't doing much to TRY to lose weight at that time.....was still looking for the miracle cure.
  • takingnameskickingbutt
    I had horrible problems (and I only took it for four days). Acne, anxiety and sleepless nights! It was a long time ago, but yuck!
  • emilyhawarah
    I took it in college and it worked really well if your main goal is to lose weight insanely fast. It did make me extremely emotional the entire time I was on it, though. And, once I stopped taking it, I gained the weight right back, plus some. As tempting as it is to consider taking it again for super quick weight loss, I know that it isn't worth it. I'm sticking to diet and exercise and feeling a lot better about it this time around.
  • laurenkoszola
    laurenkoszola Posts: 101 Member
    It definitely helps you lose weight quickly, but the place I went to get mine (this was a while back) had a meal regimen that showed you what you could eat and so on. It was meant to help along the path of healthy eating but I'm not sure it is so healthy to take the pills. Like everyone else who took them, I gained the weight back just as fast. I would be careful. This time I am just doing good ole fashioned work out and eat healthy routine!
  • Miss♥Ivi
    Here you go!

    To add to my post on there, is there a reason why he is starting you on the highest dose? Not bashing, just wondering if you really need it.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I used to be on it also. I'd start on 1/2 a pill for a week or two, and then ease up your dosage... it gave me terrible diarhea, as my dr said was a side Effect. But at 1/2 a pill it wasn't so bad.... And that's just until your body gets used to it. It's used for people who don't process sugars well.

    I'm not diabetic, but he still thought that I could use it bc of my PCOS.

    Even though I've lost 45 lbs the natural way, I've thought about going back on it, just to give a little boost to what's already working.
  • pinkandstars09
    I am on it was jittery the first day but after that nothing. I have energy. This isnt a miracle drug obviously if you go back to eating how you were before you got on it > and keep eating the things that got you fat of course you would gain weight. this is suppose to suppress your appetite but dsnt give you brains on what to eat. I say go for it. it will help you learn portion control as well so when you get off you will be already use to it. I mean i am on it and i am eating healthy but i bet if i got off and didnt continue my eating healthy and watching my calories i would gain weight. I think its a positive thing.
  • Karmynzahringer
    Karmynzahringer Posts: 192 Member
    Here you go!

    To add to my post on there, is there a reason why he is starting you on the highest dose? Not bashing, just wondering if you really need it.

    Thats actually not the highest dose, my doctor had me taking 37.5 the first month, although I started with half a pill the first week then moved up to one pill, and after the first month I only lost 5 lbs, so she moved me up to 56.25 per day. I know that she stressed that while on it I needed to work on making a lifestyle change, and that if I did not, I would gain the weight back. People who use it expecting to lose a ton of weight and then be able to go back to how things were before are highly dilusional! Its just a good jumpstart to your new life. If you are sensitive to caffeine or anything that stimulates, I would definitely start out with a half a pill then work your way up. It does help control appetite, if your problem is overeating, just make sure to work on learning a permanent solution in the meantime and committing yourself to it!!
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I know that she stressed that while on it I needed to work on making a lifestyle change, and that if I did not, I would gain the weight back. People who use it expecting to lose a ton of weight and then be able to go back to how things were before are highly dilusional! Its just a good jumpstart to your new life.

    It does help control appetite, if your problem is overeating, just make sure to work on learning a permanent solution in the meantime and committing yourself to it!!

    this! 100%!!!
  • rcwible83
    I don't mean to be rude but can I ask you what your BMI is? Have you tried diet and exercise already?

    My BMI is 31.3. I have lost 50 lbs when i met my husband then gained it all back and some. also 10 lbs here, 20 there, 30 there and gained it back too. up and down like a yoyo. I only plan to use it as a tool to help while i learn to eat right. my doc gave me a eating plan to help learn propper eating habits. still unsure if i'm going to use it at all. think i might just try the eating plan first.
  • rcwible83
    Here you go!

    To add to my post on there, is there a reason why he is starting you on the highest dose? Not bashing, just wondering if you really need it.

    I'm not sure why such a high dose but i called him this morning and told him i wasnt comfortable with it. he told he to cut it in half or thirds and see how i feel with that.
  • HoosierMomma1
    HoosierMomma1 Posts: 76 Member
    Be careful with this. The first time I took this I lost 15 pounds in a month or so. It is basically speed (in the words of the doc who prescribed it) and of curse gave me tons of jittery energy and I would forget to eat. I tried it again and t didn't work as good.
  • ginacs6
    ginacs6 Posts: 22 Member
    The most important things to know about yourself is you have a normal blood pressure range and basically is your heart healthy. I have both and have taken phentermine with great success. I first tried it many years ago and the side effects were more severe. really bad cotton mouth and couldnt sleep well. but recently i took it for a few months again...lost a lovely amount of weight and DID learn to retrain my eating habits. (so far), but I took the weekends off from taking it.
    Best of luck!
  • MrsRomero98
    I took it several years ago...lost 50 lbs, then gained it all back and then some I'm sure. My friend took it last year, lost 75 lbs before her wedding. Stopped taking it and in less than a year has gained all 75 lbs back. It's honestly like a bandaid for something that only diet, exercise and confidence can heal. I hate to discourage anyone, but I would urge you to bypass the meds and do the old fashioned way. Not to mention it messes with a lot of the ways your body responds to food, etc and it takes quite awhile to get it back on track. Good luck whatever you decide!
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