First Time 5K Runner

My goal for this spring/summer is to run a 5K for the first time. While at the gym I usually do a run/walk combination on the treadmill for about 45 minutes or so. I have gotten up to running 1.6 miles @ 5.8 mph without stopping. If I sign up now for a 5K in May/June, will that be too soon, since I am am only running 1.6 miles at a time now?

Thanks for any suggestions you may have!! :)


  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    My goal for this spring/summer is to run a 5K for the first time. While at the gym I usually do a run/walk combination on the treadmill for about 45 minutes or so. I have gotten up to running 1.6 miles @ 5.8 mph without stopping. If I sign up now for a 5K in May/June, will that be too soon, since I am am only running 1.6 miles at a time now?

    Thanks for any suggestions you may have!! :)

    Assuming you already have some cardiovascular conditioning, May/June is perfect. In late January, I registered for a St. Patrick's Day 7k without running at ALL (I had tried running 5 consecutive minutes but that's it). Now I'm at 3.5 miles and I think I'll do a full 7k this weekend.

    You only need to double what you've already got, and you can work on getting in the distance at a slower pace until you've got it, then work on speed. Perfectly manageable in my opinion.

    Good luck! You can do it!
  • jmaffett
    Do the Couch to 5k program. It's been successfully used by millions of pepole. You work at your own pace and best of all - it's free!!

    There is also a good message board with help from runners.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    you are doing really well, i wouldnt be surprised if you can run 10k by june!!

    the C25k is good if you like more structured training, or you can just carry on running a little longer each time. Try running slower (say 5mph), and you will get a lot further. Its easier to add more on once you get going longer too - at first when you can only run a few minutes, added another minute is a huge increase, but when you can already do say 15-20 minutes, another 1 is nothing so you can add 5 more, the distance soon mounts up! Once you can do the distance, then work on improving your speed on day, and another day stick at the lower speed and keep increasing distance.

    I got from zero running to 5k in a-3round 2 months, and thats going from 'im going to die after 10 seconds' to 'i can actually do this'!!!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    What is your goal for the 5K?

    Run it as competitively as possible, or to complete in a reasonable time?

    Although I train regularly, I only added running Jan 1 this year. In 6 weeks I have gone from over 45 min to finish 3K (jog/walk) to 25 min to complete 4K (jog/walk). My goal is to do a 5K Spartan Race June 10th.

    I would say that you will have no problem at all doing a 5K in the May/June time frame.

    Although I am a newb at running. I have one small piece of advice. Try and run out side 1x per week if possible. I found that there is a HUGE difference between running on the treadmill to actually running outside.

    The treadmill is great for getting a decent calorie burn but running outside puts different demands on your body and is much tougher. I would imagine that if you train only on the treadmill, your 5K outside would be an unpleasant experience.

    Best of luck and have fun!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Last year I coached a learn to run program (same idea as coach to 5k) and our goal 5k race was in May. We are doing the same thing this year and the program hasn't started yet so I say yes, you have tons of time. We had a good portion of people successfully run the race after training in that time frame.

    I would recommend the C25k program as well. I would also recommend running at least part of the training outside. Many people find it more difficult than the treadmill.

    Good luck and have fun.
  • tinattinat
    tinattinat Posts: 56 Member
    What is your goal for the 5K?

    Run it as competitively as possible, or to complete in a reasonable time?

    Although I train regularly, I only added running Jan 1 this year. In 6 weeks I have gone from over 45 min to finish 3K (jog/walk) to 25 min to complete 4K (jog/walk). My goal is to do a 5K Spartan Race June 10th.

    I would say that you will have no problem at all doing a 5K in the May/June time frame.

    Although I am a newb at running. I have one small piece of advice. Try and run out side 1x per week if possible. I found that there is a HUGE difference between running on the treadmill to actually running outside.

    The treadmill is great for getting a decent calorie burn but running outside puts different demands on your body and is much tougher. I would imagine that if you train only on the treadmill, your 5K outside would be an unpleasant experience.

    Best of luck and have fun!

    I somewhat agree. If you can run outside some, do that. I am forced to mainly run on a treadmill as I have a young daughter and elderly parents to care for, so I have to get in my training at the gym (where I have childcare!)
    That being said, yes, running outside will definitely feel harder. But it more than likely won't be unpleasant. You'll be excited about being there and finishing! I've done 2 5ks and just did my first 10k this past weekend and probably have only had the chance to run outside about 6 or 7 times since November! haha. I actually end up running faster than normal in the races! A couple times a week when I'm doing a slow, steady run, I will put the treadmill at a *slight* incline. That may help with the transition to running outside. (The ground doesn't move for you like the treadmill belt! ) By slight, I'm talking about 1 -2% incline, tops.
  • kgarman
    kgarman Posts: 61 Member
    You have more than enough time. Now quite reading this message board and start running!

    Seriously though, you'll be fine. Just set a goal and accomplish it.
  • reserge
    reserge Posts: 17 Member
    You will definately do it! Enter the thing, and you will make sure you are ready!!

    I recommend C25K too. I was not a runner at all. When I started C25K I made a goal to enter a certain 5km race and stuck to it. This was amazing motivation - I ran it on Jan 22nd about 11 weeks after starting C25k.

    You will find on race day the adrenalin and excitement of running a race with other people will push you and you will run better and faster than you ever have before. I was doing 5km in about 35 mins, but in the race I did it in 29 mins!

    Good luck!!