oh no my scale says i havent lost weigh

I'm going to put this out there. Right here, right now. What annoying me right now is scales. This is why we quit to often. You don't see results and you walk away from your goals. Just stop. Put the scale away. Get in the gym, eat right and everything will fall in place. Do your best and the world will give back.


  • jaabee11
    jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member
    This is true,very true but I'm addicted to weighing every day, working on it but not going to happen any time soon.
    It's frustrating seeing numbers going up and down on a regular basis so I agree with you, wish I could chuck them.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    yerp. i was a daily weigher all last year and sometimes it drove me nuts. my new years "resolution" was to only weigh in on the 1st of jan and not look again until feb1. i almost did it, i think i looked twice, but in the end i lost 1.5 lbs/week and lots of inches. so im doing the same thing again.. i think it might just be my deal from now on. never thought id get away from weighing every day
  • cdnclovr
    cdnclovr Posts: 65 Member
    I have an OCD when it comes to the scale... Every single day. It's kind of like a soap opera! ;)
  • lroutt65
    lroutt65 Posts: 16 Member
    I have ruined many scales by weighing myself every day. I would kick, stomp and throw my scales if it didn't show I was losing weight especially after working so hard. Now, if I get on the scale I don't worry because I feel good about myself at any weight. I am doing all the right things as far as eating right and exercising and that is all I can do. My body will respond in its own time.