Gained 7 pounds and it's getting to me really bad.. :'(

it took me a while to lose 15 pounds. I reached my goal, but after going to las vegas for the weekend, all the food that I ate.. cookies, junk, icecream, burgers.. yeah... pretty much stayed there for 5 days and I haven't had a vacay in a while so thought I would "wild out" with my cousins.. turns out I come back and i'm 7 pounds heavier.. someone help me get my motivation back :( my jeans feel tighter and ugh this feeling just SUCKS bad. can anyone help me on what I can do to get back on track? another note is.. I bruised my ankle the last day there so no gym or cardio for me for the week.. I need tips and help on what I can eat to shed these 7 pounds off


  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Start eating better.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    What tips do you want? Just go back to doing what you were doing to lose the 15 pounds. A lot of that 7 pounds is probably water retention from a lot of sodium. Just get back on track and it will be gone before you know it.
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    I think for 5ft 6 you are too thin already, really?
  • you don't need any know what to have done this before
    you got this !! :)
  • Texas_Nana
    Texas_Nana Posts: 92 Member
    Forgive yourself then move on by doing better with the next meal. :smile:
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    well, now you know you can't do that, no one can eat like that and expect to NOT gain weight.........just get your head right again, that's in the past, start eating right and working out........look forward..........
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    What tips do you want? Just go back to doing what you were doing to lose the 15 pounds. A lot of that 7 pounds is probably water retention from a lot of sodium. Just get back on track and it will be gone before you know it.

    ^^^^THIS^^^^ You know what to do! As for motivation if the 7 pounds aren't doing that we sure can't!!!!
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    Based on your profile (EDIT: which I notice you just changed to remove your goals) you're aiming for an underweight BMI. So here's my tip: accept the 7lb gain as your body moving back to where it's supposed to be. Then get back to eating healthy, at maintenance calories or higher.
  • mmoyer1978
    mmoyer1978 Posts: 124 Member
    I gained back 25 of the 76lbs I lost and I am constantly down on myself about it, which causes the vicious cycle of stress eating and feeling sorry for myself and eating some more which is how I got so huge in the first place. But every day is a new day. Some days are better than others. It's when you completely given up that you truly fail. Don't beat yourself up. Don't stop trying and soon you won't need to try because you'll have succeeded. I feel for you. I'm right there with you. You've got this. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • LeahLexis
    LeahLexis Posts: 11 Member
    Forgive yourself then move on by doing better with the next meal. :smile:

    ^^^this :)
  • Based on your profile (EDIT: which I notice you just changed to remove your goals) you're aiming for an underweight BMI. So here's my tip: accept the 7lb gain as your body moving back to where it's supposed to be. Then get back to eating healthy, at maintenance calories or higher.

    I noticed the sudden edit after someone pointed it out too. hrrm.
  • PrettyLydie
    PrettyLydie Posts: 54 Member
    If you like "crap food" ease into eating healthy again by tweaking your favorite recipes. Like I use vegan boca burgers and eat them on whole grain sandwich thins, or if I neeeed pizza (which is often), I get a lean cuisine one. I substitute guacamole for cheese on most of my sandwiches, stuff like that. And I know you bruised your ankle, but what about walking? I had surgery and couldn't do cardio either, so I made it a point to walk for 2 hours everyday, even if it was just pacing my living room watching my favorite tv shows. It's okay to gain 7 pounds in Vegas...I think any person in their right mind So chin up, get back on track, and instead of feeling guilty, think about the fun that you had, and simply move forward :)
  • kitkat4141
    kitkat4141 Posts: 379 Member
    Same thing happened to me last year after a week's vacation in Maine. Came back and was up 6 pounds after having lost 25. That was the first time I gained and wanted to just quit. With help and encouragement from others, I got back on the program. No one is perfect and you'll probably have other setbacks. The difference will be how you handle them mentally. The key is to get back up, don't punish yourself for the gain, and get through it. Some of that weight is probably water retention from high sodium intake. Drink lots of water, minimize salt, and flush your system out. Hope this helps.
  • Well start eating right again, and when you want to wild out do good for every meal and kinda bad for dinner so that the calories don't build all day. Also if you go to a restaurant get something not too bad along with your big time splurge. Also when going out try drinking try vodka tonic with a twist of lime or a diet version of a mixer like diet cranberry or something its low on calories versus beer or fruity drinks.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    Based on your profile (EDIT: which I notice you just changed to remove your goals) you're aiming for an underweight BMI. So here's my tip: accept the 7lb gain as your body moving back to where it's supposed to be. Then get back to eating healthy, at maintenance calories or higher.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    What tips do you want? Just go back to doing what you were doing to lose the 15 pounds. A lot of that 7 pounds is probably water retention from a lot of sodium. Just get back on track and it will be gone before you know it.

    ^^^^ this
    You can do it.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    doesn't sound like you need motivation at all, just to get back into your healthy routine.

    We all need a little wake up call once in a while
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    its sucks I know when this happens but I found that if you set some deadlines for things to happen to get you back on track and plan out what you need to do (write it down and put it up on the fridge bathroom mirror) it should help.
    I lost 13lbs was at the stage where I was running on the treadmill going to the gym then for certain events in my life I fell off the rails......for a year! I didnt put all the weight back on and my habits werent as bad as before but Ive realised by what Ive learnt here on MFP that I dont have an option I have to stop putting crap into my body and start exercising for the sake of my health and wellbeing.
    So give yourself a deadline of a day for beating yourself up over making a mistake you made then forgive yourself.
    Plan how you are going to make those jeans feel more comfortable again (keep wearing them though regardless of the discomfit dont go into bigger size)
    Prepare for the reentry chuck out any rubbish in your cupboards and fridge and go buy good food to have in the house.
    As for exercise while your ankle is bad you need water based exercise you can work aerobically without putting weight on your ankle. Even if you cant swim dog paddling will still work you aerobically and keep you toned.

    The weekend vacation wasnt a complete waste you obviously had fun and relaxed so that is a bonus okay you messed up the eating part which sucks but now if you want to correct the damage you just have to get over it and get on with it.

    Good Luck
  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    go back to eating like you were when you lost the 15 lbs and drink water to flush your body. Stay with it, it's just a set back
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    If you're aiming for an underweight BMI why the hell are you worried about 7 pounds?
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    Hey I forgot to mention time is irrelevant this is and should be a lifestyle shift there is no beginning or end its just a shift in attitude and action. So try to not to see events as time based meaning dont get hung up on how many days/weeks/months its going to take you to lose the weight again its irrelevant to the bigger picture. :)
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    If we assume a VERY modest maintenance figure of 1500 calories, you would have had to have eaten 32,000 calories over those 5 days to have been anywhere NEAR close to "gaining" 7lb.

    It's fluid. Maybe a pound of gain, max.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    It is IMPOSSIBLE to put on 5lb in 5 days. Impossible. Unless you managed circa 26,000 calories(3500 for fat each day and say 1800 each day maintenance) in that time period. Clean your diet back up and you'll have dropped the water by this time next week.

    When I cut for comp's I sometimes have crazy cheat meals and I'll put in 10-14lb in a day and then drop it plus 2lb the week after. Its water retention from carbs and salt.

    Simple human biology peeps
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member're trying to get down to like 104 pounds? That doesn't sound like a very healthy weight for someone your height.
  • Wait, What? I'm confused.

    I know you're hard on yourself about gaining 7lbs in 5 days, but you're aiming for an even smaller underweight goal? One word of advice, take your weight for how it is. I would understand this post if you were overweight or within the weight range for you height, but to aim for a underweight goal, is something I wont support; especially since I'm an 5'7 and your 5'6.

  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member're trying to get down to like 104 pounds? That doesn't sound like a very healthy weight for someone your height.
    IIRC, the goal weight she listed on her profile said 110, but in another post she made after this one she said she weighs 111...
  •'re trying to get down to like 104 pounds? That doesn't sound like a very healthy weight for someone your height.
    IIRC, the goal weight she listed on her profile said 110, but in another post she made after this one she said she weighs 111...

    Something smells trolley.
  • You already know the answer. You've done it. You lost 15 pounds, didn't you? So just go back to what you did before. Only this time, think of it as a lifestyle change. Which means, no binges, or exceptions. You can have a vacation without binging. Really, you can.