In five weeks, I will break through the 200 lb barrier.

MyFitnessPal promises me that in five weeks, I’ll weigh 199.5 lbs. That would be a 7.5 pound loss. But more than that, it would be the first time I’ve seen a 1 at the beginning of my weight since college, fifteen years ago. I can do this! Typing this out helps me articulate what it is I have to do to get there.

My heaviest was last March, at 226 pounds. Started working out with a personal trainer and half-heartedly paid attention to my diet. Joined MyFitnessPal in October, at 215 pounds. I got down to 206.5 before the holidays, became complacent, gained 2 pounds, and it’s taken me the last three weeks to lose 1.5 of those pounds. Why haven’t I lost more than that? Why haven’t I lost MFP’s promised pound a week? I have a couple of theories.

First, I drink too much. I’m by no means an alcoholic, but the sugars (and alcohol) in those two 4 oz glasses of wine or two 1.5 oz bourbons are not doing me in any favors right now. And drinking three times a week is just too much, for what I’m trying to accomplish. Starting yesterday, I’m committing to a month without alcohol, to jump start things again. And this evening I’m hosting a happy hour at a new cocktail lounge. Ha!

Second, my sore muscles are likely retaining a little water. I started a vigorous boot-camp style workout routine two weeks ago, three days a week, 45-60 minutes each session, and I’ve been consistently sore ever since (I'm logging less than 45-60 minutes because MFP seems to over-estimate burned calories). Dumb bells, barbells, lunges, pull ups, squats, medicine balls, kettle balls, rowing, jump rope, running, sit ups, Burpees. Oh my! I am committed to continuing this routine for at least the next five weeks. After that, I may scale back the boot camp routines when lake kayaking season starts.

My overall approach to diet is now “Eat real food, mostly plants, not too much.” With the exception of Diet Dr. Pepper (the only thing that seems to satisfy my sweet tooth), I try to avoid processed and highly refined foods. I limit grains, and I mostly stick to whole grains when I do have them. I adore vegetables. Love fruit a little too much; have to watch that sugar intake. Enjoy roasted chicken and broiled or pan-seared fish. Use a digital scale to measure portions. In other words, I think my diet is on track to achieve this goal.

At 5’10” and 207 pounds, I’m a hair’s breath under the BMI Obese line, in the Overweight category. I’m not aiming for the BMI Normal category, I’m just looking to reduce my fat percentage and comfortably fit in size 12, again something I haven’t done since college. At 226 pounds, I wore size 18 Tall. Today, most of the size 16 Talls in my closet are obviously large on me, but I can only fit into a few size 14 Talls. I carry a lot of muscle on my frame; I’m of strong Scandinavian peasant stock. :)

So this is my rambling way of stating that in five weeks, I will break the 200 barrier!


  • MalinaRana
    You can do it! For the soreness, I recommend a nice walk on the days you aren't working out hard and a hot bath. I personally take ibuprofen if the pain is really bad. Make sure you are getting enough protein and water to help rebuild the muscles you've been working really hard. Good luck on going sans-alcohol. That's the way I live my life all the time, but like anything that is a habit or part of your routine, it'll be hard to change it. Once you change your routine, it'll be easier to say no to things you need to say no to, and you'll get used to choosing the healthier alternative. I'll cheer with you when you reach your goal. :)
  • PompousClock
    Thanks for the support! Now that it's staying lighter a bit longer in the evenings, I can work in a short walk on the non-exercise days. Of course, I'll have my toddler with me, which means I'll be carrying 33 pounds after a couple of blocks. :)