Feeling...bad about myself.

I went to get some new dress pants today because mine are too big for me now.
I want to stress that I know I'm not obese and I'm not under the delusion that I haven't made good progress in my journey, but in the dressing room the lighting or whatever it was pointed out ALL of my flaws. All of them.

I felt so awful when I left.
I just feel like I've worked hard and there's still so much I have to lose. I see those images of the toned women on magazines and on here sometimes, and I want that too. And I'm willing to work for it, i just feel like I can't get there.

Ugh. Bad day, I guess. :(


  • Amyoct
    Amyoct Posts: 11
    I know the feeling. I hate trying on clothes for that reason and I've got a lot more weight to lose :S

    Hang in there.
  • julie781
    julie781 Posts: 221 Member
    All dressing rooms are awful! Honestly... those fluorescent lights paired with the clinical walls of the dressing room and I won't even start with those 3 way mirrors. Its a wonder that they think we'll buy anything. I have so many articles of clothing i hate because I refused to go into dressing rooms.
    Don't let it get you down. They give false illusions of flaws that aren't.
  • wassalla
    wassalla Posts: 16 Member
    i agree with all of the above...and remember...theres not a celeb in the world who is perfect!! thats what airbrushing is for.....and they ALL hate something about themselves too!!! x
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    You are fabulous (Yes I just used that word) because you are, You're amazing! Look at what you've achieved, I always smile when I see you on my newsfeed because it's always a big update that you've done something really positive and proactive :smile: and I am so inspired by you!!! You've worked your backside off and you've got some amazing results so far! Hang in there :heart: because we're counting on you to light the way for us with that great positive and infectious can-do attitude that you share with us :flowerforyou:
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    Dressing rooms suck!!! Keep in mind you went there because of your awesome progress and your old pants were too big which is awesome!!! All those people on the magazines are airbrushed anyways, no one, not even the person in the picture, actually looks like that :flowerforyou:
  • tmoyer1209
    tmoyer1209 Posts: 215 Member
    Dressing rooms are the reason I hate clothes shopping. Don't let it get to you, it's just the lighting and the small space in there.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    i agree with all of the above...and remember...theres not a celeb in the world who is perfect!! thats what airbrushing is for.....and they ALL hate something about themselves too!!! x

    I agree. It's not about looking like that hottie on your friends list or the girl on the magazine, it's about being the best you that you can be. I personally know I'm never going to get to a size 2. I have no desire to be that small, and I'm too damn lazy to work that hard. For those who are that small, good job; but it's not for me. I don't go by the standards of fashion or society, but what makes me feel good. And it is different for everybody.
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    i've had shopping excursions that ended in tears. but, i always have to take a step back and remind myself what i like about myself. negative self talk is my worst enemy. so keep your chin up!!!
  • hbkanumalla
    hbkanumalla Posts: 61 Member
    Sorry you didn't feel at your best today.

    I totally agree, the angle and type of the lights paired with the color of the walls is far from flattering. There are days I can go in and try on clothes and feel great about how I look, and then days I don't feel like I'm at my best and just don't like how anything looks on me, even if it fits and looks decent. I know it can be disappointing, especially after all of the progress you've been making (21 lbs lost, you rockstar!). Just remember that you are on a journey to a better you. The weight didn't creep up on you overnight, so it will take time for the weight to come off. Just try to keep a positive head through it all.

  • rayleansout
    You are always your own worst critic, if someone else was looking at you they probably would havesaid wow nice butt, nice chest, nice legs, nice face, - nobody will ever be harder on yourself than you. Love your *kitten* and keep moving it!!
  • jencelli
    you need to remember that the girls that are modeling the clothes in magazines are not what you think they are. sure they are usually really pretty, but imagine what they have to go though to live that lifestyle. how much crap they get for gaining 3 pounds. i couldnt imagine being sooo stressed out. they smile on the cover of the mag but are they smiling in real life?? also, no matter how much you lose, you get to your weight goal, there is still going to be something that you wont like about yourself. i will never be truely satisfied with myself, there will always be something that i hate. and im sure that has something to do with us being GIRLS. lol. keep your chin up and dont focus on the things you want to change, focus on the things that are changing. much love. :flowerforyou:
  • jencelli
    love your reply rayleansout!!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Was it Kohl's? Their dressing rooms are the WORST.
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    Prime example - beautiful in both pictures but the air-brush version makes everything tighter and tanner and more perfect

  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Thanks everyone.. I mean it.
    I'll try better to keep my head up and push on! I'm stronger than my insecurities... I just have to try and remember that.

    You guys are right - the journey takes time... I will get there. I just have to keep pushing!
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Was it Kohl's? Their dressing rooms are the WORST.

    Wal Mart D:
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Thanks everyone.. I mean it.
    I'll try better to keep my head up and push on! I'm stronger than my insecurities... I just have to try and remember that.

    You guys are right - the journey takes time... I will get there. I just have to keep pushing!

    That's great! And, you have to think, you're a lot farther than you were 21 lbs ago! You're making progress, and it may take a little while, but you will be proud of yourself when it's all said and done!
  • ShiloughCoy
    I have two words to say to you...THANK YOU! Seeing the things we all think about ourselves clearly written down enlightens me as to my own inner dialogue. How many times have I stood in a dressing room, ready to just cry because all I can see are my "saggy" breasts and belly, or my "dimply" butt. LOTS!! And now, how many times have I taken the time to be grateful for my "healthy" body, heart, and cholesterol levels? Geez - NOT MANY. Losing weight takes a shift of priorities, time, AND mind set. No matter how much weight I might ever lose, it's all worth nothing if I refuse to see the beautiful woman I really am in that mirror. :) Keep your head up and remember that you deserve better than to be so harshly criticized! You're beautiful!
  • Miranda_the_Phoenix
    I will never enjoy buying clothes for this very reason....
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    me too. I'm putting off trying on bathing suits for my beach vacation next week. need to buy one though, but i think they all look awful on me still. :cry: