You know you're on a diet when...



  • bas1955
    bas1955 Posts: 29 Member
    Prospective meals get converted to hours on the treadmill......
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
    When you end up not talking to your Hubby on Valentine's night because he bought you a
    wait for it...........Box of Chocolates...........!!!!!!
  • BarbMay4
    BarbMay4 Posts: 8 Member
    I keep the iPad on the kitchen counter during dinner so I can add anything extra I put on my plate. My family knows I'm serious!!!
  • when you use your camera on your phone to scan in everything that you will put into your lunch bucket and then check your macros in order to make sure you are in the daily limits. if you're not you then remove the offending item and replace it with something more suitable.
  • captawesome
    captawesome Posts: 121 Member
    You know you're on a diet when (some double ups here, but this is my list :smile: )

    * you spend more time on MFP than you do on facebook
    * you baggie up portion sizes to stop from over eating a portion
    * you log EVERYTHING you put in your mouth!
    * you feel flat (and sometimes fat) when you don't exercise
    * you push yourself harder than you ever have before, and than you ever thought possible
    * you spend FOREVER ordering when eating out because you're working out the calories in each meal
    * you spend FOREVER food shopping because you read EVERY SINGLE label and end up putting more than half of it back on the shelf
    * most of your food shopping is done in the fruit and veggie section
    and the best thing of all (drumroll please)

    * you feel happier, healthier and can see and feel the changes all of the above have made!! :happy:
  • cc32676
    cc32676 Posts: 29 Member start sharing calorie info with everyone around you. And you don't have to look it up!
  • amehime
    amehime Posts: 49 Member
    when you find yourself under calories so you decide to reward yourself with chocolate or something...and there isn't a single dessert-like thing to be found in your entire house.
  • inchestopinch
    inchestopinch Posts: 67 Member
    You know you're on a diet when (some double ups here, but this is my list :smile: )

    * you spend more time on MFP than you do on facebook
    * you baggie up portion sizes to stop from over eating a portion
    * you log EVERYTHING you put in your mouth!
    * you feel flat (and sometimes fat) when you don't exercise
    * you push yourself harder than you ever have before, and than you ever thought possible
    * you spend FOREVER ordering when eating out because you're working out the calories in each meal
    * you spend FOREVER food shopping because you read EVERY SINGLE label and end up putting more than half of it back on the shelf
    * most of your food shopping is done in the fruit and veggie section
    and the best thing of all (drumroll please)

    * you feel happier, healthier and can see and feel the changes all of the above have made!! :happy:

    All of the above!!! So veryyyy true.
  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member plan your entire day's worth of food so you know how many calories might be left for dessert. Then, you make sure you get in enough exercise so you CAN safely eat dessert and not stress the enitre day.

    LMAO...not that I'VE done that. I've heard other do that sort of thing:laugh:

    I def do this lol!
  • Emellon
    Emellon Posts: 36 Member
    .... you consider murdering a co-worker who offers you a box of donuts you have to turn down.
    Who's with me?? Anyone??
  • carlos1989
    carlos1989 Posts: 74 Member
    when you deny yourself the food you used to eat on a daily basis... for me it was 2 Double cheeseburgers and a large fry for a meal from mcdonalds everyday along with not eating your favorite candy that only comes out once a year ... REESE'S PEANUT BUTTER EGGS.... the other day I was at right aid to buy milk and there i saw them in their yellow package valued at 88 cents and I DID NOT BUY EM AT ALL.... NOW I KNOW I'M ON A DIET
  • When you are at a restaurant with your family or friends and you are the only one that orders all the small, healthy side dishes and a tall drink of water and the rest of the table is num num numming on greasy food that you'd given up many eons ago.
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 479 Member
    When I realized Im on MFP more than Im on Facebook! And when I bought the counter top food scale. And when it took me double the time to shop cus I compare every label of everything I buy! I when I started noticing the sodium I eat and not just the cals! I will not let water weight sabatoge weigh in day again!!! lol
  • This is so silly, but whenever I go grocery shopping I always stop to "chat" with the treats. Like in the refrigerated aisle right in front of the milk there is a Krispy Kreme doughnut display. I also stop and tell the treats that I don't need them them and that they are just unhealthy. This isn't out loud, of course!

    Sometimes I'll read the nutritional label for good measure and mutter to myself about how only fat people eat those and I'm not a fat person. Sometimes being negative works better than being positive.
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    when you bring a measuring spoon, your own coffee creamer and your spray butter to brunch.

    And when you have a food scale at home and one at work.
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    You know you're on a diet when you buy an extra set of measuring spoons, remove the Tbsp one and carry it with you at all times so that you can measure your half & half when you get coffee... and yes, I actually do that! :)

    That is so me! I have 3 sets of measuring cups and spoons as well as a digital scale and I keep a few at work as well. Nothing goes in my mouth unmeasured!

    Size 16 to 6. 2 Years maintaining!
  • You know you're on a diet when (some double ups here, but this is my list :smile: )

    * you spend more time on MFP than you do on facebook
    * you baggie up portion sizes to stop from over eating a portion
    * you log EVERYTHING you put in your mouth!
    * you feel flat (and sometimes fat) when you don't exercise
    * you push yourself harder than you ever have before, and than you ever thought possible
    * you spend FOREVER ordering when eating out because you're working out the calories in each meal
    * you spend FOREVER food shopping because you read EVERY SINGLE label and end up putting more than half of it back on the shelf
    * most of your food shopping is done in the fruit and veggie section
    and the best thing of all (drumroll please)

    * you feel happier, healthier and can see and feel the changes all of the above have made!! :happy:

    Agree with all of the above, fab post!!!!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    when you find yourself under calories so you decide to reward yourself with chocolate or something...and there isn't a single dessert-like thing to be found in your entire house.
    this so frustrating lol
  • This is so silly, but whenever I go grocery shopping I always stop to "chat" with the treats. Like in the refrigerated aisle right in front of the milk there is a Krispy Kreme doughnut display. I also stop and tell the treats that I don't need them them and that they are just unhealthy. This isn't out loud, of course!

    Sometimes I'll read the nutritional label for good measure and mutter to myself about how only fat people eat those and I'm not a fat person. Sometimes being negative works better than being positive.

    I'm glad it's not out loud, you'd get some very odd looks lol
  • when you find yourself under calories so you decide to reward yourself with chocolate or something...and there isn't a single dessert-like thing to be found in your entire house.
    this so frustrating lol

    Agreed, but as I live alone I never have sweet things in the house, so have to pre plan these types of treats haha